- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- namespace Shadowsocks.Model
- {
- // Simple processed records for a short period of time
- public class StatisticsRecord
- {
- public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
- public string ServerIdentifier { get; set; }
- // in ping-only records, these fields would be null
- public int? AverageLatency;
- public int? MinLatency;
- public int? MaxLatency;
- private bool EmptyLatencyData => (AverageLatency == null) && (MinLatency == null) && (MaxLatency == null);
- public int? AverageInboundSpeed;
- public int? MinInboundSpeed;
- public int? MaxInboundSpeed;
- private bool EmptyInboundSpeedData
- => (AverageInboundSpeed == null) && (MinInboundSpeed == null) && (MaxInboundSpeed == null);
- public int? AverageOutboundSpeed;
- public int? MinOutboundSpeed;
- public int? MaxOutboundSpeed;
- private bool EmptyOutboundSpeedData
- => (AverageOutboundSpeed == null) && (MinOutboundSpeed == null) && (MaxOutboundSpeed == null);
- // if user disabled ping test, response would be null
- public int? AverageResponse;
- public int? MinResponse;
- public int? MaxResponse;
- public float? PackageLoss;
- private bool EmptyResponseData
- => (AverageResponse == null) && (MinResponse == null) && (MaxResponse == null) && (PackageLoss == null);
- public bool IsEmptyData() {
- return EmptyInboundSpeedData && EmptyOutboundSpeedData && EmptyResponseData && EmptyLatencyData;
- }
- public StatisticsRecord()
- {
- }
- public StatisticsRecord(string identifier, ICollection<int> inboundSpeedRecords, ICollection<int> outboundSpeedRecords, ICollection<int> latencyRecords)
- {
- ServerIdentifier = identifier;
- var inbound = inboundSpeedRecords?.Where(s => s > 0).ToList();
- if (inbound != null && inbound.Any())
- {
- AverageInboundSpeed = (int) inbound.Average();
- MinInboundSpeed = inbound.Min();
- MaxInboundSpeed = inbound.Max();
- }
- var outbound = outboundSpeedRecords?.Where(s => s > 0).ToList();
- if (outbound!= null && outbound.Any())
- {
- AverageOutboundSpeed = (int) outbound.Average();
- MinOutboundSpeed = outbound.Min();
- MaxOutboundSpeed = outbound.Max();
- }
- var latency = latencyRecords?.Where(s => s > 0).ToList();
- if (latency!= null && latency.Any())
- {
- AverageLatency = (int) latency.Average();
- MinLatency = latency.Min();
- MaxLatency = latency.Max();
- }
- }
- public StatisticsRecord(string identifier, ICollection<int?> responseRecords)
- {
- ServerIdentifier = identifier;
- SetResponse(responseRecords);
- }
- public void SetResponse(ICollection<int?> responseRecords)
- {
- if (responseRecords == null) return;
- var records = responseRecords.Where(response => response != null).Select(response => response.Value).ToList();
- if (!records.Any()) return;
- AverageResponse = (int?) records.Average();
- MinResponse = records.Min();
- MaxResponse = records.Max();
- PackageLoss = responseRecords.Count(response => response != null)/(float) responseRecords.Count;
- }
- }
- }