- using Splat;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Text;
- namespace Shadowsocks.Net.Crypto.Stream
- {
- public abstract class StreamCrypto : CryptoBase, IEnableLogger
- {
- // shared by TCP decrypt UDP encrypt and decrypt
- protected static byte[] sharedBuffer = new byte[65536];
- // Is first packet
- protected bool ivReady;
- protected CipherFamily cipherFamily;
- protected CipherInfo CipherInfo;
- // long-time master key
- protected static byte[] key = Array.Empty<byte>();
- protected byte[] iv = Array.Empty<byte>();
- protected int keyLen;
- protected int ivLen;
- public StreamCrypto(string method, string password)
- : base(method, password)
- {
- CipherInfo = GetCiphers()[method.ToLower()];
- cipherFamily = CipherInfo.Type;
- StreamCipherParameter parameter = (StreamCipherParameter)CipherInfo.CipherParameter;
- keyLen = parameter.KeySize;
- ivLen = parameter.IvSize;
- InitKey(password);
- this.Log().Debug($"key {instanceId} {key} {keyLen}");
- }
- protected abstract Dictionary<string, CipherInfo> GetCiphers();
- private void InitKey(string password)
- {
- byte[] passbuf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
- key ??= new byte[keyLen];
- if (key.Length != keyLen)
- {
- Array.Resize(ref key, keyLen);
- }
- LegacyDeriveKey(passbuf, key, keyLen);
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void LegacyDeriveKey(byte[] password, byte[] key, int keylen)
- {
- byte[] result = new byte[password.Length + MD5Length];
- int i = 0;
- byte[] md5sum = Array.Empty<byte>();
- while (i < keylen)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- md5sum = CryptoUtils.MD5(password);
- }
- else
- {
- Array.Copy(md5sum, 0, result, 0, MD5Length);
- Array.Copy(password, 0, result, MD5Length, password.Length);
- md5sum = CryptoUtils.MD5(result);
- }
- Array.Copy(md5sum, 0, key, i, Math.Min(MD5Length, keylen - i));
- i += MD5Length;
- }
- }
- protected virtual void InitCipher(byte[] iv, bool isEncrypt)
- {
- if (ivLen == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- this.iv = new byte[ivLen];
- Array.Copy(iv, this.iv, ivLen);
- }
- protected abstract int CipherEncrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher);
- protected abstract int CipherDecrypt(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher);
- #region TCP
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher)
- {
- int cipherOffset = 0;
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} encrypt TCP, generate iv: {!ivReady}");
- if (!ivReady)
- {
- // Generate IV
- byte[] ivBytes = RNG.GetBytes(ivLen);
- InitCipher(ivBytes, true);
- ivBytes.CopyTo(cipher);
- cipherOffset = ivLen;
- cipher = cipher.Slice(cipherOffset);
- ivReady = true;
- }
- int clen = CipherEncrypt(plain, cipher);
- this.Log().Debug($"plain {instanceId} {Convert.ToBase64String(plain)}");
- this.Log().Debug($"cipher {instanceId} {Convert.ToBase64String(cipher.Slice(0, clen))}");
- this.Log().Debug($"iv {instanceId} {iv} {ivLen}");
- return clen + cipherOffset;
- }
- private int recieveCtr = 0;
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int Decrypt(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher)
- {
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} decrypt TCP, read iv: {!ivReady}");
- int cipherOffset = 0;
- // is first packet, need read iv
- if (!ivReady)
- {
- // push to buffer in case of not enough data
- cipher.CopyTo(sharedBuffer.AsSpan(recieveCtr));
- recieveCtr += cipher.Length;
- // not enough data for read iv, return 0 byte data
- if (recieveCtr <= ivLen)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- // start decryption
- ivReady = true;
- if (ivLen > 0)
- {
- // read iv
- byte[] iv = sharedBuffer.AsSpan(0, ivLen).ToArray();
- InitCipher(iv, false);
- }
- else
- {
- InitCipher(Array.Empty<byte>(), false);
- }
- cipherOffset += ivLen;
- }
- // read all data from buffer
- int len = CipherDecrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(cipherOffset));
- this.Log().Debug($"cipher {instanceId} {Convert.ToBase64String(cipher.Slice(cipherOffset))}");
- this.Log().Debug($"plain {instanceId} {Convert.ToBase64String(plain.Slice(0, len))}");
- this.Log().Debug($"iv {instanceId} {iv} {ivLen}");
- return len;
- }
- #endregion
- #region UDP
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int EncryptUDP(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher)
- {
- byte[] iv = RNG.GetBytes(ivLen);
- iv.CopyTo(cipher);
- InitCipher(iv, true);
- return ivLen + CipherEncrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(ivLen));
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int DecryptUDP(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher)
- {
- InitCipher(cipher.Slice(0, ivLen).ToArray(), false);
- return CipherDecrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(ivLen));
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }