- using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
- using ReactiveUI;
- using Shadowsocks.Controller;
- using System.Reactive;
- namespace Shadowsocks.ViewModels
- {
- public class VersionUpdatePromptViewModel : ReactiveObject
- {
- public VersionUpdatePromptViewModel(JToken releaseObject)
- {
- _updateChecker = Program.MenuController.updateChecker;
- _releaseObject = releaseObject;
- ReleaseNotes = string.Concat(
- $"# {((bool)_releaseObject["prerelease"] ? "⚠ Pre-release" : "ℹ Release")} {(string)_releaseObject["tag_name"] ?? "Failed to get tag name"}\r\n",
- (string)_releaseObject["body"] ?? "Failed to get release notes");
- Update = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(_updateChecker.DoUpdate);
- SkipVersion = ReactiveCommand.Create(_updateChecker.SkipUpdate);
- NotNow = ReactiveCommand.Create(_updateChecker.CloseVersionUpdatePromptWindow);
- }
- private readonly UpdateChecker _updateChecker;
- private readonly JToken _releaseObject;
- public string ReleaseNotes { get; }
- public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Update { get; }
- public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> SkipVersion { get; }
- public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> NotNow { get; }
- }
- }