- using Shadowsocks.Net.Crypto.Exception;
- using Shadowsocks.Net.Crypto.Stream;
- using Splat;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Text;
- namespace Shadowsocks.Net.Crypto.AEAD
- {
- public abstract class AEADCrypto : CryptoBase, IEnableLogger
- {
- // We are using the same saltLen and keyLen
- private const string Info = "ss-subkey";
- private static readonly byte[] InfoBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Info);
- // every connection should create its own buffer
- private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[65536];
- private int bufPtr = 0;
- public const int ChunkLengthBytes = 2;
- public const uint ChunkLengthMask = 0x3FFFu;
- protected CipherFamily cipherFamily;
- protected CipherInfo CipherInfo;
- protected static byte[] masterKey = Array.Empty<byte>();
- protected byte[] sessionKey = Array.Empty<byte>();
- protected int keyLen;
- protected int saltLen;
- protected int tagLen;
- protected int nonceLen;
- protected byte[] salt;
- protected byte[] nonce;
- // Is first packet
- protected bool saltReady;
- // Is first chunk(tcp request)
- protected bool tcpRequestSent;
- // [len(2)][lentag][data][datatag]
- private int ChunkOverhead => tagLen * 2 + 2;
- public AEADCrypto(string method, string password)
- : base(method, password)
- {
- CipherInfo = GetCiphers()[method.ToLower()];
- cipherFamily = CipherInfo.Type;
- AEADCipherParameter parameter = (AEADCipherParameter)CipherInfo.CipherParameter;
- keyLen = parameter.KeySize;
- saltLen = parameter.SaltSize;
- tagLen = parameter.TagSize;
- nonceLen = parameter.NonceSize;
- InitKey(password);
- salt = new byte[saltLen];
- // Initialize all-zero nonce for each connection
- nonce = new byte[nonceLen];
- this.Log().Debug($"masterkey {instanceId} {masterKey} {keyLen}");
- this.Log().Debug($"nonce {instanceId} {nonce} {keyLen}");
- }
- protected abstract Dictionary<string, CipherInfo> GetCiphers();
- protected void InitKey(string password)
- {
- byte[] passbuf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
- // init master key
- if (masterKey == null)
- {
- masterKey = new byte[keyLen];
- }
- if (masterKey.Length != keyLen)
- {
- Array.Resize(ref masterKey, keyLen);
- }
- StreamCrypto.LegacyDeriveKey(passbuf, masterKey, keyLen);
- // init session key
- sessionKey = new byte[keyLen];
- }
- public virtual void InitCipher(byte[] salt, bool isEncrypt)
- {
- this.salt = new byte[saltLen];
- Array.Copy(salt, this.salt, saltLen);
- CryptoUtils.HKDF(keyLen, masterKey, salt, InfoBytes).CopyTo(sessionKey, 0);
- this.Log().Debug($"salt {instanceId}", salt, saltLen);
- this.Log().Debug($"sessionkey {instanceId}", sessionKey, keyLen);
- }
- public abstract int CipherEncrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher);
- public abstract int CipherDecrypt(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher);
- #region TCP
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher)
- {
- // push data
- Span<byte> tmp = buffer.AsSpan(0, plain.Length + bufPtr);
- plain.CopyTo(tmp.Slice(bufPtr));
- int outlength = 0;
- if (!saltReady)
- {
- saltReady = true;
- // Generate salt
- byte[] saltBytes = RNG.GetBytes(saltLen);
- InitCipher(saltBytes, true);
- saltBytes.CopyTo(cipher);
- outlength = saltLen;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- // calculate next chunk size
- int bufSize = tmp.Length;
- if (bufSize <= 0)
- {
- return outlength;
- }
- int chunklength = (int)Math.Min(bufSize, ChunkLengthMask);
- // read next chunk
- int encChunkLength = ChunkEncrypt(tmp.Slice(0, chunklength), cipher.Slice(outlength));
- tmp = tmp.Slice(chunklength);
- outlength += encChunkLength;
- // check if we have enough space for outbuf
- // if not, keep buf for next run, at this condition, buffer is not empty
- if (outlength + ChunkOverhead > cipher.Length)
- {
- this.Log().Debug("enc outbuf almost full, giving up");
- // write rest data to head of shared buffer
- tmp.CopyTo(buffer);
- bufPtr = tmp.Length;
- return outlength;
- }
- // check if buffer empty
- bufSize = tmp.Length;
- if (bufSize <= 0)
- {
- this.Log().Debug("No more data to encrypt, leaving");
- return outlength;
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int Decrypt(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher)
- {
- int outlength = 0;
- // drop all into buffer
- Span<byte> tmp = buffer.AsSpan(0, cipher.Length + bufPtr);
- cipher.CopyTo(tmp.Slice(bufPtr));
- int bufSize = tmp.Length;
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} decrypt tcp, read salt: {!saltReady}");
- if (!saltReady)
- {
- // check if we get the leading salt
- if (bufSize <= saltLen)
- {
- // need more, write back cache
- tmp.CopyTo(buffer);
- bufPtr = tmp.Length;
- return outlength;
- }
- saltReady = true;
- byte[] salt = tmp.Slice(0, saltLen).ToArray();
- tmp = tmp.Slice(saltLen);
- InitCipher(salt, false);
- }
- // handle chunks
- while (true)
- {
- bufSize = tmp.Length;
- // check if we have any data
- if (bufSize <= 0)
- {
- this.Log().Debug("No data in buffer");
- return outlength;
- }
- // first get chunk length
- if (bufSize <= ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen)
- {
- // so we only have chunk length and its tag?
- // wait more
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} not enough data to decrypt chunk. write {tmp.Length} byte back to buffer.");
- tmp.CopyTo(buffer);
- bufPtr = tmp.Length;
- return outlength;
- }
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} try decrypt to offset {outlength}");
- int len = ChunkDecrypt(plain.Slice(outlength), tmp);
- if (len <= 0)
- {
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} no chunk decrypted, write {tmp.Length} byte back to buffer.");
- // no chunk decrypted
- tmp.CopyTo(buffer);
- bufPtr = tmp.Length;
- return outlength;
- }
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} decrypted {len} to offset {outlength}");
- // drop decrypted data
- tmp = tmp.Slice(ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen + len + tagLen);
- outlength += len;
- // logger.Debug("aead dec outlength " + outlength);
- if (outlength + ChunkOverhead > cipher.Length)
- {
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} output almost full, write {tmp.Length} byte back to buffer.");
- tmp.CopyTo(buffer);
- bufPtr = tmp.Length;
- return outlength;
- }
- bufSize = tmp.Length;
- // check if we already done all of them
- if (bufSize <= 0)
- {
- bufPtr = 0;
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} no data in buffer, already all done");
- return outlength;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region UDP
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int EncryptUDP(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher)
- {
- RNG.GetSpan(cipher.Slice(0, saltLen));
- InitCipher(cipher.Slice(0, saltLen).ToArray(), true);
- return saltLen + CipherEncrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(saltLen));
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- public override int DecryptUDP(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher)
- {
- InitCipher(cipher.Slice(0, saltLen).ToArray(), false);
- return CipherDecrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(saltLen));
- }
- #endregion
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- private int ChunkEncrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> plain, Span<byte> cipher)
- {
- if (plain.Length > ChunkLengthMask)
- {
- this.Log().Error("enc chunk too big");
- throw new CryptoErrorException();
- }
- byte[] lenbuf = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)plain.Length));
- int cipherLenSize = CipherEncrypt(lenbuf, cipher);
- CryptoUtils.SodiumIncrement(nonce);
- int cipherDataSize = CipherEncrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(cipherLenSize));
- CryptoUtils.SodiumIncrement(nonce);
- return cipherLenSize + cipherDataSize;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
- private int ChunkDecrypt(Span<byte> plain, ReadOnlySpan<byte> cipher)
- {
- // try to dec chunk len
- byte[] chunkLengthByte = new byte[ChunkLengthBytes];
- CipherDecrypt(chunkLengthByte, cipher.Slice(0, ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen));
- ushort chunkLength = (ushort)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((short)BitConverter.ToUInt16(chunkLengthByte, 0));
- if (chunkLength > ChunkLengthMask)
- {
- // we get invalid chunk
- this.Log().Error($"{instanceId} Invalid chunk length: {chunkLength}");
- throw new CryptoErrorException();
- }
- // logger.Debug("Get the real chunk len:" + chunkLength);
- int bufSize = cipher.Length;
- if (bufSize < ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen /* we haven't remove them */+ chunkLength + tagLen)
- {
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} need {ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen + chunkLength + tagLen}, but have {cipher.Length}");
- return 0;
- }
- CryptoUtils.SodiumIncrement(nonce);
- // we have enough data to decrypt one chunk
- // drop chunk len and its tag from buffer
- int len = CipherDecrypt(plain, cipher.Slice(ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen, chunkLength + tagLen));
- CryptoUtils.SodiumIncrement(nonce);
- this.Log().Debug($"{instanceId} decrypted {len} byte chunk used {ChunkLengthBytes + tagLen + chunkLength + tagLen} from {cipher.Length}");
- return len;
- }
- }
- }