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clowwindy 9 years ago
7 changed files with 317 additions and 161 deletions
  1. +158
  2. +40
  3. +39
  4. +63
  5. +10
  6. +3
  7. +4

+ 158
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/Encrypt/IVEncryptor.cs View File

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
public abstract class IVEncryptor
: EncryptorBase
protected static byte[] tempbuf = new byte[32768];
protected Dictionary<string, int[]> ciphers;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, byte[]> CachedKeys = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>();
protected byte[] _encryptIV;
protected byte[] _decryptIV;
protected bool _decryptIVReceived;
protected bool _encryptIVSent;
protected int _encryptIVOffset = 0;
protected int _decryptIVOffset = 0;
protected string _method;
protected int _cipher;
protected int[] _cipherInfo;
protected byte[] _key;
protected int keyLen;
protected int ivLen;
public IVEncryptor(string method, string password)
: base(method, password)
InitKey(method, password);
protected abstract Dictionary<string, int[]> getCiphers();
protected void InitKey(string method, string password)
method = method.ToLower();
_method = method;
string k = method + ":" + password;
ciphers = getCiphers();
_cipherInfo = ciphers[_method];
_cipher = _cipherInfo[2];
if (_cipher == 0)
throw new Exception("method not found");
keyLen = ciphers[_method][0];
ivLen = ciphers[_method][1];
if (CachedKeys.ContainsKey(k))
_key = CachedKeys[k];
byte[] passbuf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
_key = new byte[32];
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
bytesToKey(passbuf, _key);
CachedKeys[k] = _key;
protected void bytesToKey(byte[] password, byte[] key)
byte[] result = new byte[password.Length + 16];
int i = 0;
byte[] md5sum = null;
while (i < key.Length)
MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
if (i == 0)
md5sum = md5.ComputeHash(password);
md5sum.CopyTo(result, 0);
password.CopyTo(result, md5sum.Length);
md5sum = md5.ComputeHash(result);
md5sum.CopyTo(key, i);
i += md5sum.Length;
protected static void randBytes(byte[] buf, int length)
byte[] temp = new byte[length];
new Random().NextBytes(temp);
temp.CopyTo(buf, 0);
protected virtual void initCipher(byte[] iv, bool isCipher)
if (ivLen > 0)
if (isCipher)
_encryptIV = new byte[ivLen];
Array.Copy(iv, _encryptIV, ivLen);
_decryptIV = new byte[ivLen];
Array.Copy(iv, _decryptIV, ivLen);
protected abstract void cipherUpdate(bool isCipher, int length, byte[] buf, byte[] outbuf);
public override void Encrypt(byte[] buf, int length, byte[] outbuf, out int outlength)
if (!_encryptIVSent)
_encryptIVSent = true;
randBytes(outbuf, ivLen);
initCipher(outbuf, true);
outlength = length + ivLen;
lock (tempbuf)
cipherUpdate(true, length, buf, tempbuf);
outlength = length + ivLen;
Buffer.BlockCopy(tempbuf, 0, outbuf, ivLen, length);
outlength = length;
cipherUpdate(true, length, buf, outbuf);
public override void Decrypt(byte[] buf, int length, byte[] outbuf, out int outlength)
if (!_decryptIVReceived)
_decryptIVReceived = true;
initCipher(buf, false);
outlength = length - ivLen;
lock (tempbuf)
// C# could be multi-threaded
Buffer.BlockCopy(buf, ivLen, tempbuf, 0, length - ivLen);
cipherUpdate(false, length - ivLen, tempbuf, outbuf);
outlength = length;
cipherUpdate(false, length, buf, outbuf);

+ 40
- 161
shadowsocks-csharp/Encrypt/PolarSSLEncryptor.cs View File

@@ -8,32 +8,13 @@ using System.Threading;
namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
public class PolarSSLEncryptor
: EncryptorBase, IDisposable
: IVEncryptor, IDisposable
const int CIPHER_AES = 1;
const int CIPHER_RC4 = 2;
static Dictionary<string, int[]> ciphers = new Dictionary<string, int[]> {
{"aes-128-cfb", new int[]{16, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"aes-192-cfb", new int[]{24, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"aes-256-cfb", new int[]{32, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"rc4", new int[]{16, 0, CIPHER_RC4, PolarSSL.ARC4_CTX_SIZE}},
{"rc4-md5", new int[]{16, 16, CIPHER_RC4, PolarSSL.ARC4_CTX_SIZE}},
private static readonly Dictionary<string, byte[]> CachedKeys = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>();
private int _cipher;
private int[] _cipherInfo;
private byte[] _key;
private IntPtr _encryptCtx = IntPtr.Zero;
private IntPtr _decryptCtx = IntPtr.Zero;
private byte[] _encryptIV;
private byte[] _decryptIV;
private int _encryptIVOffset = 0;
private int _decryptIVOffset = 0;
private string _method;
private int keyLen;
private int ivLen;
public PolarSSLEncryptor(string method, string password)
: base(method, password)
@@ -41,66 +22,31 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
InitKey(method, password);
private static void randBytes(byte[] buf, int length)
protected override Dictionary<string, int[]> getCiphers()
byte[] temp = new byte[length];
new Random().NextBytes(temp);
temp.CopyTo(buf, 0);
return new Dictionary<string, int[]> {
{"aes-128-cfb", new int[]{16, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"aes-192-cfb", new int[]{24, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"aes-256-cfb", new int[]{32, 16, CIPHER_AES, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"rc4", new int[]{16, 0, CIPHER_RC4, PolarSSL.ARC4_CTX_SIZE}},
{"rc4-md5", new int[]{16, 16, CIPHER_RC4, PolarSSL.ARC4_CTX_SIZE}},
private void bytesToKey(byte[] password, byte[] key)
protected override void initCipher(byte[] iv, bool isCipher)
byte[] result = new byte[password.Length + 16];
int i = 0;
byte[] md5sum = null;
while (i < key.Length)
MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
if (i == 0)
md5sum = md5.ComputeHash(password);
md5sum.CopyTo(result, 0);
password.CopyTo(result, md5sum.Length);
md5sum = md5.ComputeHash(result);
md5sum.CopyTo(key, i);
i += md5sum.Length;
base.initCipher(iv, isCipher);
private void InitKey(string method, string password)
method = method.ToLower();
_method = method;
string k = method + ":" + password;
_cipherInfo = ciphers[_method];
_cipher = _cipherInfo[2];
if (_cipher == 0)
throw new Exception("method not found");
keyLen = ciphers[_method][0];
ivLen = ciphers[_method][1];
if (CachedKeys.ContainsKey(k))
IntPtr ctx;
ctx = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_cipherInfo[3]);
if (isCipher)
_key = CachedKeys[k];
_encryptCtx = ctx;
byte[] passbuf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
_key = new byte[32];
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
bytesToKey(passbuf, _key);
CachedKeys[k] = _key;
_decryptCtx = ctx;
private void InitCipher(ref IntPtr ctx, byte[] iv, bool isCipher)
ctx = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_cipherInfo[3]);
byte[] realkey;
if (_method == "rc4-md5")
@@ -120,16 +66,6 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
// PolarSSL takes key length by bit
// since we'll use CFB mode, here we both do enc, not dec
PolarSSL.aes_setkey_enc(ctx, realkey, keyLen * 8);
if (isCipher)
_encryptIV = new byte[ivLen];
Array.Copy(iv, _encryptIV, ivLen);
_decryptIV = new byte[ivLen];
Array.Copy(iv, _decryptIV, ivLen);
else if (_cipher == CIPHER_RC4)
@@ -139,98 +75,41 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
static byte[] tempbuf = new byte[32768];
public override void Encrypt(byte[] buf, int length, byte[] outbuf, out int outlength)
protected override void cipherUpdate(bool isCipher, int length, byte[] buf, byte[] outbuf)
if (_encryptCtx == IntPtr.Zero)
// C# could be multi-threaded
if (_disposed)
randBytes(outbuf, ivLen);
InitCipher(ref _encryptCtx, outbuf, true);
outlength = length + ivLen;
lock (tempbuf)
// C# could be multi-threaded
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
switch (_cipher)
PolarSSL.aes_crypt_cfb128(_encryptCtx, PolarSSL.AES_ENCRYPT, length, ref _encryptIVOffset, _encryptIV, buf, tempbuf);
case CIPHER_RC4:
PolarSSL.arc4_crypt(_encryptCtx, length, buf, tempbuf);
outlength = length + ivLen;
Buffer.BlockCopy(tempbuf, 0, outbuf, ivLen, length);
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
byte[] iv;
int ivOffset;
if (isCipher)
iv = _encryptIV;
ivOffset = _encryptIVOffset;
outlength = length;
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
switch (_cipher)
PolarSSL.aes_crypt_cfb128(_encryptCtx, PolarSSL.AES_ENCRYPT, length, ref _encryptIVOffset, _encryptIV, buf, outbuf);
case CIPHER_RC4:
PolarSSL.arc4_crypt(_encryptCtx, length, buf, outbuf);
iv = _decryptIV;
ivOffset = _decryptIVOffset;
public override void Decrypt(byte[] buf, int length, byte[] outbuf, out int outlength)
if (_decryptCtx == IntPtr.Zero)
switch (_cipher)
InitCipher(ref _decryptCtx, buf, false);
outlength = length - ivLen;
lock (tempbuf)
// C# could be multi-threaded
Buffer.BlockCopy(buf, ivLen, tempbuf, 0, length - ivLen);
if (_disposed)
PolarSSL.aes_crypt_cfb128(_encryptCtx, isCipher ? PolarSSL.AES_ENCRYPT : PolarSSL.AES_DECRYPT, length, ref ivOffset, iv, buf, outbuf);
if (isCipher)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
_encryptIVOffset = ivOffset;
switch (_cipher)
PolarSSL.aes_crypt_cfb128(_decryptCtx, PolarSSL.AES_DECRYPT, length - ivLen, ref _decryptIVOffset, _decryptIV, tempbuf, outbuf);
case CIPHER_RC4:
PolarSSL.arc4_crypt(_decryptCtx, length - ivLen, tempbuf, outbuf);
_decryptIVOffset = ivOffset;
outlength = length;
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
switch (_cipher)
PolarSSL.aes_crypt_cfb128(_decryptCtx, PolarSSL.AES_DECRYPT, length, ref _decryptIVOffset, _decryptIV, buf, outbuf);
case CIPHER_RC4:
PolarSSL.arc4_crypt(_decryptCtx, length, buf, outbuf);
case CIPHER_RC4:
PolarSSL.arc4_crypt(_encryptCtx, length, buf, outbuf);

+ 39
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/Encrypt/Sodium.cs View File

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
using Shadowsocks.Controller;
using Shadowsocks.Properties;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
public class Sodium
const string DLLNAME = "libsodium";
static Sodium()
string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
string dllPath = tempPath + "/libsodium.dll";
FileManager.UncompressFile(dllPath, Resources.libsodium_dll);
catch (IOException e)
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string path);
[DllImport(DLLNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static void crypto_stream_salsa20_xor_ic(byte[] c, byte[] m, ulong mlen, byte[] n, ulong ic, byte[] k);
[DllImport(DLLNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static void crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(byte[] c, byte[] m, ulong mlen, byte[] n, ulong ic, byte[] k);

+ 63
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/Encrypt/SodiumEncryptor.cs View File

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Shadowsocks.Encrypt
public class SodiumEncryptor
: IVEncryptor, IDisposable
const int CIPHER_SALSA20 = 1;
const int CIPHER_CHACHA20 = 2;
protected uint _encryptBytesRemaining;
protected uint _decryptBytesRemaining;
protected ulong _encryptIC;
protected ulong _decryptIC;
public SodiumEncryptor(string method, string password)
: base(method, password)
InitKey(method, password);
protected override Dictionary<string, int[]> getCiphers()
return new Dictionary<string, int[]> {
{"salsa20", new int[]{32, 8, CIPHER_SALSA20, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
{"chacha20", new int[]{32, 8, CIPHER_CHACHA20, PolarSSL.AES_CTX_SIZE}},
}; ;
protected override void cipherUpdate(bool isCipher, int length, byte[] buf, byte[] outbuf)
uint bytesRemaining;
ulong ic;
if (isCipher)
bytesRemaining = _encryptBytesRemaining;
ic = _encryptIC;
bytesRemaining = _decryptBytesRemaining;
ic = _decryptIC;
if (isCipher)
_encryptBytesRemaining = bytesRemaining;
_encryptIC = ic;
_decryptBytesRemaining = bytesRemaining;
_decryptIC = ic;
public override void Dispose()

+ 10
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs View File

@@ -60,6 +60,16 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Properties {
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Byte[].
/// </summary>
internal static byte[] libsodium_dll {
get {
object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("libsodium_dll", resourceCulture);
return ((byte[])(obj));
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Byte[].
/// </summary>

+ 3
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/Properties/Resources.resx View File

@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<assembly alias="System.Windows.Forms" name="System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<data name="libsodium_dll" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
<value>..\data\libsodium.dll.gz;System.Byte[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="polarssl_dll" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
<value>..\Data\polarssl.dll.gz;System.Byte[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>

+ 4
- 0
shadowsocks-csharp/shadowsocks-csharp.csproj View File

@@ -77,8 +77,11 @@
<Compile Include="Controller\UpdateChecker.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\EncryptorBase.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\EncryptorFactory.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\IVEncryptor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\PolarSSL.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\PolarSSLEncryptor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\Sodium.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\SodiumEncryptor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\TableEncryptor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Encrypt\IEncryptor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Controller\PACServer.cs" />
@@ -125,6 +128,7 @@
<None Include="app.manifest">
<None Include="Data\libsodium.dll.gz" />
<None Include="Data\polarssl.dll.gz" />
<None Include="Data\polipo.exe.gz" />
<None Include="Properties\Settings.settings">
