diff --git a/.github/issue_template.md b/.github/issue_template.md index 53c9da18..e7b739be 100644 --- a/.github/issue_template.md +++ b/.github/issue_template.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ -- Shadowsocks is a non-profit open source project. If you bought the service from a provider, please contact them. / 影梭(Shadowsocks)是一个开源非盈利项目,不提供任何托管服务。如果你是从服务提供商购买的服务,请联系他们 -- If you have questions rather than Shadowsocks Windows client, please go to / 如果你有非影梭Windows客户端相关的问题,请去 https://github.com/shadowsocks -- Please read Wiki carefully, especially / 提问前请先阅读wiki https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows/wiki/Troubleshooting. -- And search from Issue Board / 并在Issue Board中搜索 https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue -- Please include the following information. Questions lacking details will be closed. / 请按照以下格式描述你的问题,描述不清的问题将会被关闭 - -Please delete the text above the horizontal rule, including this line / 请删除分隔线以上的文字,包括此行 - ------------------------------ + ### Shadowsocks version / 影梭版本