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Update the hash function

follow with 5ae4df94e4
Gang Zhuo 9 years ago
4 changed files with 67 additions and 23 deletions
  1. +1
  2. BIN
  3. +59
  4. +7

+ 1
- 1
shadowsocks-csharp/Controller/Service/TCPRelay.cs View File

@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Controller
private int _firstPacketLength;
// Size of receive buffer.
public const int RecvSize = 8192;
public const int RecvReserveSize = (RecvSize / IVEncryptor.CRC_BUF_LEN + 1) * IVEncryptor.CRC_BYTES + 16; // reserve for one-time auth
public const int RecvReserveSize = (RecvSize / IVEncryptor.HASH_BUF_LEN + 1) * IVEncryptor.HASH_BYTES + IVEncryptor.ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES; // reserve for one-time auth
public const int BufferSize = RecvSize + RecvReserveSize + 32;
private int totalRead = 0;

shadowsocks-csharp/Data/libsscrypto.dll.gz View File

+ 59
- 16
shadowsocks-csharp/Encryption/IVEncryptor.cs View File

@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
public abstract class IVEncryptor
: EncryptorBase
public const int MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 64;
public const int MAX_IV_LENGTH = 16;
public const int ONETIMEAUTH_FLAG = 0x10;
public const int ADDRTYPE_MASK = 0xF;
public const int ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES = 16;
public const int CRC_BUF_LEN = 128;
public const int CRC_BYTES = 2;
public const int ONETIMEAUTH_KEYBYTES = 32;
public const int HASH_BUF_LEN = 128;
public const int HASH_BYTES = 4;
protected static byte[] tempbuf = new byte[MAX_INPUT_SIZE];
@@ -32,8 +38,8 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
protected byte[] _key;
protected int keyLen;
protected int ivLen;
protected byte[] crc_buf;
protected int crc_idx = 0;
protected byte[] hash_buf;
protected int hash_idx = 0;
public IVEncryptor(string method, string password, bool onetimeauth)
: base(method, password, onetimeauth)
@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
InitKey(method, password);
if (OnetimeAuth)
crc_buf = new byte[CRC_BUF_LEN];
hash_buf = new byte[HASH_BUF_LEN];
@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
protected abstract void cipherUpdate(bool isCipher, int length, byte[] buf, byte[] outbuf);
protected int GetSSHeadLength(byte[] buf, int length)
protected int ss_headlen(byte[] buf, int length)
int len = 0;
int atyp = length > 0 ? (buf[0] & ADDRTYPE_MASK) : 0;
@@ -147,6 +153,47 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
return len;
protected int ss_onetimeauth(byte[] auth,
byte[] msg, int msg_len,
byte[] iv, int iv_len,
byte[] key, int key_len)
byte[] auth_key = new byte[ONETIMEAUTH_KEYBYTES];
byte[] auth_bytes = new byte[MAX_IV_LENGTH + MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
Buffer.BlockCopy(iv, 0, auth_bytes, 0, ivLen);
Buffer.BlockCopy(key, 0, auth_bytes, ivLen, key_len);
Sodium.crypto_generichash(auth_key, ONETIMEAUTH_KEYBYTES, auth_bytes, (ulong)(iv_len + key_len), null, 0);
return Sodium.crypto_onetimeauth(auth, msg, (ulong)msg_len, auth_key);
protected void ss_gen_hash(byte[] in_buf, ref int in_offset, ref int in_len,
byte[] hash_buf, ref int hash_idx, int buf_size)
int i, j;
int offset = in_offset;
int blen = in_len;
int cidx = hash_idx;
int size = (blen / HASH_BUF_LEN + 1) * HASH_BYTES + blen;
if (buf_size < (size + offset))
throw new Exception("failed to generate hash: buffer size insufficient");
byte[] hash = new byte[HASH_BYTES];
for (i = 0, j = offset; i < blen; i++, j++)
if (cidx == HASH_BUF_LEN)
Sodium.crypto_generichash(hash, HASH_BYTES, hash_buf, HASH_BUF_LEN, null, 0);
Buffer.BlockCopy(in_buf, j, in_buf, j + HASH_BYTES, blen - i);
Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, in_buf, j, HASH_BYTES);
j += HASH_BYTES; cidx = 0;
hash_buf[cidx] = in_buf[j];
in_offset = j;
in_len = j - offset;
hash_idx = cidx;
public override void Encrypt(byte[] buf, int length, byte[] outbuf, out int outlength)
if (!_encryptIVSent)
@@ -159,19 +206,17 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
if (OnetimeAuth)
lock (hash_buf)
int headLen = GetSSHeadLength(buf, length);
int headLen = ss_headlen(buf, length);
int data_len = length - headLen;
Buffer.BlockCopy(buf, headLen, buf, headLen + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES, data_len);
byte[] auth = new byte[ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES];
Sodium.ss_onetimeauth(auth, buf, headLen, _encryptIV, ivLen, _key, keyLen);
ss_onetimeauth(auth, buf, headLen, _encryptIV, ivLen, _key, keyLen);
Buffer.BlockCopy(auth, 0, buf, headLen, ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES);
int buf_offset = headLen + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES;
int rc = Sodium.ss_gen_crc(buf, ref buf_offset, ref data_len, crc_buf, ref crc_idx, buf.Length);
if (rc != 0)
throw new Exception("failed to generate crc");
ss_gen_hash(buf, ref buf_offset, ref data_len, hash_buf, ref hash_idx, buf.Length);
length = headLen + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES + data_len;
@@ -184,12 +229,10 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
if (OnetimeAuth)
lock (hash_buf)
int buf_offset = 0;
int rc = Sodium.ss_gen_crc(buf, ref buf_offset, ref length, crc_buf, ref crc_idx, buf.Length);
if (rc != 0)
throw new Exception("failed to generate crc");
ss_gen_hash(buf, ref buf_offset, ref length, hash_buf, ref hash_idx, buf.Length);
outlength = length;

+ 7
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shadowsocks-csharp/Encryption/Sodium.cs View File

@@ -41,14 +41,15 @@ namespace Shadowsocks.Encryption
public extern static int crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(byte[] c, byte[] m, ulong mlen, byte[] n, ulong ic, byte[] k);
[DllImport(DLLNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static int ss_gen_crc(byte[] buf, ref int buf_offset, ref int data_len,
byte[] crc_buf, ref int crc_idx, int buf_size);
public extern static int crypto_generichash(byte[] outbuf, uint outlen,
byte[] inbuf, ulong inlen,
byte[] key, uint keylen);
[DllImport(DLLNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static int ss_onetimeauth(byte[] auth,
byte[] msg, int msg_len,
byte[] iv, int iv_len,
byte[] key, int key_len);
public extern static int crypto_onetimeauth(byte[] outbuf, byte[] inbuf, ulong inlen, byte[] k);
[DllImport(DLLNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static int crypto_onetimeauth_verify(byte[] h, byte[] inbuf, ulong inlen, byte[] k);
