- # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
- import torch.nn as nn
- import torch.utils.checkpoint as cp
- from mmcv.cnn import (build_conv_layer, build_norm_layer, constant_init,
- kaiming_init)
- from mmcv.runner import Sequential, load_checkpoint
- from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm
- from mmdet.utils import get_root_logger
- from ..builder import BACKBONES
- from .resnet import BasicBlock
- from .resnet import Bottleneck as _Bottleneck
- from .resnet import ResNet
- class Bottleneck(_Bottleneck):
- r"""Bottleneck for the ResNet backbone in `DetectoRS
- <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.02334.pdf>`_.
- This bottleneck allows the users to specify whether to use
- SAC (Switchable Atrous Convolution) and RFP (Recursive Feature Pyramid).
- Args:
- inplanes (int): The number of input channels.
- planes (int): The number of output channels before expansion.
- rfp_inplanes (int, optional): The number of channels from RFP.
- Default: None. If specified, an additional conv layer will be
- added for ``rfp_feat``. Otherwise, the structure is the same as
- base class.
- sac (dict, optional): Dictionary to construct SAC. Default: None.
- init_cfg (dict or list[dict], optional): Initialization config dict.
- Default: None
- """
- expansion = 4
- def __init__(self,
- inplanes,
- planes,
- rfp_inplanes=None,
- sac=None,
- init_cfg=None,
- **kwargs):
- super(Bottleneck, self).__init__(
- inplanes, planes, init_cfg=init_cfg, **kwargs)
- assert sac is None or isinstance(sac, dict)
- self.sac = sac
- self.with_sac = sac is not None
- if self.with_sac:
- self.conv2 = build_conv_layer(
- self.sac,
- planes,
- planes,
- kernel_size=3,
- stride=self.conv2_stride,
- padding=self.dilation,
- dilation=self.dilation,
- bias=False)
- self.rfp_inplanes = rfp_inplanes
- if self.rfp_inplanes:
- self.rfp_conv = build_conv_layer(
- None,
- self.rfp_inplanes,
- planes * self.expansion,
- 1,
- stride=1,
- bias=True)
- if init_cfg is None:
- self.init_cfg = dict(
- type='Constant', val=0, override=dict(name='rfp_conv'))
- def rfp_forward(self, x, rfp_feat):
- """The forward function that also takes the RFP features as input."""
- def _inner_forward(x):
- identity = x
- out = self.conv1(x)
- out = self.norm1(out)
- out = self.relu(out)
- if self.with_plugins:
- out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv1_plugin_names)
- out = self.conv2(out)
- out = self.norm2(out)
- out = self.relu(out)
- if self.with_plugins:
- out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv2_plugin_names)
- out = self.conv3(out)
- out = self.norm3(out)
- if self.with_plugins:
- out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv3_plugin_names)
- if self.downsample is not None:
- identity = self.downsample(x)
- out += identity
- return out
- if self.with_cp and x.requires_grad:
- out = cp.checkpoint(_inner_forward, x)
- else:
- out = _inner_forward(x)
- if self.rfp_inplanes:
- rfp_feat = self.rfp_conv(rfp_feat)
- out = out + rfp_feat
- out = self.relu(out)
- return out
- class ResLayer(Sequential):
- """ResLayer to build ResNet style backbone for RPF in detectoRS.
- The difference between this module and base class is that we pass
- ``rfp_inplanes`` to the first block.
- Args:
- block (nn.Module): block used to build ResLayer.
- inplanes (int): inplanes of block.
- planes (int): planes of block.
- num_blocks (int): number of blocks.
- stride (int): stride of the first block. Default: 1
- avg_down (bool): Use AvgPool instead of stride conv when
- downsampling in the bottleneck. Default: False
- conv_cfg (dict): dictionary to construct and config conv layer.
- Default: None
- norm_cfg (dict): dictionary to construct and config norm layer.
- Default: dict(type='BN')
- downsample_first (bool): Downsample at the first block or last block.
- False for Hourglass, True for ResNet. Default: True
- rfp_inplanes (int, optional): The number of channels from RFP.
- Default: None. If specified, an additional conv layer will be
- added for ``rfp_feat``. Otherwise, the structure is the same as
- base class.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- block,
- inplanes,
- planes,
- num_blocks,
- stride=1,
- avg_down=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'),
- downsample_first=True,
- rfp_inplanes=None,
- **kwargs):
- self.block = block
- assert downsample_first, f'downsample_first={downsample_first} is ' \
- 'not supported in DetectoRS'
- downsample = None
- if stride != 1 or inplanes != planes * block.expansion:
- downsample = []
- conv_stride = stride
- if avg_down and stride != 1:
- conv_stride = 1
- downsample.append(
- nn.AvgPool2d(
- kernel_size=stride,
- stride=stride,
- ceil_mode=True,
- count_include_pad=False))
- downsample.extend([
- build_conv_layer(
- conv_cfg,
- inplanes,
- planes * block.expansion,
- kernel_size=1,
- stride=conv_stride,
- bias=False),
- build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes * block.expansion)[1]
- ])
- downsample = nn.Sequential(*downsample)
- layers = []
- layers.append(
- block(
- inplanes=inplanes,
- planes=planes,
- stride=stride,
- downsample=downsample,
- conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
- norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
- rfp_inplanes=rfp_inplanes,
- **kwargs))
- inplanes = planes * block.expansion
- for _ in range(1, num_blocks):
- layers.append(
- block(
- inplanes=inplanes,
- planes=planes,
- stride=1,
- conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
- norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
- **kwargs))
- super(ResLayer, self).__init__(*layers)
- @BACKBONES.register_module()
- class DetectoRS_ResNet(ResNet):
- """ResNet backbone for DetectoRS.
- Args:
- sac (dict, optional): Dictionary to construct SAC (Switchable Atrous
- Convolution). Default: None.
- stage_with_sac (list): Which stage to use sac. Default: (False, False,
- False, False).
- rfp_inplanes (int, optional): The number of channels from RFP.
- Default: None. If specified, an additional conv layer will be
- added for ``rfp_feat``. Otherwise, the structure is the same as
- base class.
- output_img (bool): If ``True``, the input image will be inserted into
- the starting position of output. Default: False.
- """
- arch_settings = {
- 50: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 6, 3)),
- 101: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 23, 3)),
- 152: (Bottleneck, (3, 8, 36, 3))
- }
- def __init__(self,
- sac=None,
- stage_with_sac=(False, False, False, False),
- rfp_inplanes=None,
- output_img=False,
- pretrained=None,
- init_cfg=None,
- **kwargs):
- assert not (init_cfg and pretrained), \
- 'init_cfg and pretrained cannot be specified at the same time'
- self.pretrained = pretrained
- if init_cfg is not None:
- assert isinstance(init_cfg, dict), \
- f'init_cfg must be a dict, but got {type(init_cfg)}'
- if 'type' in init_cfg:
- assert init_cfg.get('type') == 'Pretrained', \
- 'Only can initialize module by loading a pretrained model'
- else:
- raise KeyError('`init_cfg` must contain the key "type"')
- self.pretrained = init_cfg.get('checkpoint')
- self.sac = sac
- self.stage_with_sac = stage_with_sac
- self.rfp_inplanes = rfp_inplanes
- self.output_img = output_img
- super(DetectoRS_ResNet, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.inplanes = self.stem_channels
- self.res_layers = []
- for i, num_blocks in enumerate(self.stage_blocks):
- stride = self.strides[i]
- dilation = self.dilations[i]
- dcn = self.dcn if self.stage_with_dcn[i] else None
- sac = self.sac if self.stage_with_sac[i] else None
- if self.plugins is not None:
- stage_plugins = self.make_stage_plugins(self.plugins, i)
- else:
- stage_plugins = None
- planes = self.base_channels * 2**i
- res_layer = self.make_res_layer(
- block=self.block,
- inplanes=self.inplanes,
- planes=planes,
- num_blocks=num_blocks,
- stride=stride,
- dilation=dilation,
- style=self.style,
- avg_down=self.avg_down,
- with_cp=self.with_cp,
- conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg,
- norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg,
- dcn=dcn,
- sac=sac,
- rfp_inplanes=rfp_inplanes if i > 0 else None,
- plugins=stage_plugins)
- self.inplanes = planes * self.block.expansion
- layer_name = f'layer{i + 1}'
- self.add_module(layer_name, res_layer)
- self.res_layers.append(layer_name)
- self._freeze_stages()
- # In order to be properly initialized by RFP
- def init_weights(self):
- # Calling this method will cause parameter initialization exception
- # super(DetectoRS_ResNet, self).init_weights()
- if isinstance(self.pretrained, str):
- logger = get_root_logger()
- load_checkpoint(self, self.pretrained, strict=False, logger=logger)
- elif self.pretrained is None:
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
- kaiming_init(m)
- elif isinstance(m, (_BatchNorm, nn.GroupNorm)):
- constant_init(m, 1)
- if self.dcn is not None:
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, Bottleneck) and hasattr(
- m.conv2, 'conv_offset'):
- constant_init(m.conv2.conv_offset, 0)
- if self.zero_init_residual:
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, Bottleneck):
- constant_init(m.norm3, 0)
- elif isinstance(m, BasicBlock):
- constant_init(m.norm2, 0)
- else:
- raise TypeError('pretrained must be a str or None')
- def make_res_layer(self, **kwargs):
- """Pack all blocks in a stage into a ``ResLayer`` for DetectoRS."""
- return ResLayer(**kwargs)
- def forward(self, x):
- """Forward function."""
- outs = list(super(DetectoRS_ResNet, self).forward(x))
- if self.output_img:
- outs.insert(0, x)
- return tuple(outs)
- def rfp_forward(self, x, rfp_feats):
- """Forward function for RFP."""
- if self.deep_stem:
- x = self.stem(x)
- else:
- x = self.conv1(x)
- x = self.norm1(x)
- x = self.relu(x)
- x = self.maxpool(x)
- outs = []
- for i, layer_name in enumerate(self.res_layers):
- res_layer = getattr(self, layer_name)
- rfp_feat = rfp_feats[i] if i > 0 else None
- for layer in res_layer:
- x = layer.rfp_forward(x, rfp_feat)
- if i in self.out_indices:
- outs.append(x)
- return tuple(outs)