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Topics must start with a chinese character,a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
- # 设置舆情系统web访问端口,默认端口号8084
- server:
- port: 8084
- servlet:
- session:
- cookie:
- name: local-portal
- max-age: 3600
- timeout: 3600
- spring:
- thymeleaf:
- prefix: classpath:/templates/
- cache: false
- mode: LEGACYHTML5 # 用非严格的 HTML
- encoding: UTF-8
- servlet:
- content-type: text/html
- http:
- # 设置编码
- encoding:
- force: true
- charset: UTF-8
- enabled: true
- devtools:
- restart:
- enabled: true #热部署生效
- application:
- name: stonedt-portal
- # 修改设置MySQL服务器地址和用户名及密码
- datasource:
- druid:
- driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
- url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stonedt_portal?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&autoReconnect=true&failOverReadOnly=false&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false
- username: root
- password: 123456
- # 修改设置Redis服务器地址
- redis:
- database: 0
- host: localhost
- port: 6379
- max-active: 10000
- max-idle: 10
- max-wait: 100000
- timeout: 100000
- mybatis:
- type-aliases-package: com.stonedt.intelligence.entity
- mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
- logging:
- level:
- com.stonedt.intelligence.dao : debug