diff --git a/TODO.en.md b/TODO.en.md index bc93416..a2c0ad8 100644 --- a/TODO.en.md +++ b/TODO.en.md @@ -2,72 +2,72 @@ ## Module plan (completed: 54 / 66) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-helloworld(helloworld example)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-properties (read configuration file information)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-actuator (endpoint monitoring for Spring boot)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-admin-client (for Spring boot visual control client)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-admin-server (for Spring boot visual control server)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-logback (integrated logback log)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-log-aop (use AOP to intercept request log information)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-exception-handler (unified exception handling)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-freemarker (using template engine - Freemarker)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-thymeleaf (using template engine - thymeleaf)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-beetl (using template engine - beetl)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-enjoy (using template engine - JFinal-Enjoy)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-upload (upload - integrated local upload and seven cattle cloud upload)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-jdbctemplate (operating SQL relational database - JdbcTemplate)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-jpa (operating SQL Relational Database - JPA)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis (operating SQL relational database - mybatis)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis-mapper-page (operating SQL relational database - integrating mybatis generic Mapper, PageHelper)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis-plus (operating SQL relational database - integrating mybatis-plus, Mapper, ActiveRecord)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-beetlsql (operating SQL relational database - beetlSQL)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-cache-redis (using redis for caching)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-cache-ehcache (using Ehcache for caching)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-email (integrated mail service)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task (scheduled task - Task implementation)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task-quartz (scheduled task - Quartz implementation)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task-xxl-job (scheduled task - XXL-JOB for Distributed Scheduling)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-swagger (integrated Swagger for API interface test management)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-swagger-beauty (integrated custom and more beautiful Swagger test management of API interface)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-rbac-security (implementing RBAC-based permission model - Spring Security)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-rbac-shiro (implementing RBAC-based permission model - shiro) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-session(unified Session Management)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-oauth (OAuth2 certification) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-social (integrated JustAuth implements third-party authorization verification, and implements third-party logins such as QQ, WeChat, GitHub, Google, Xiaomi, etc.)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-zookeeper (use zookeeper to implement distributed locks with AOP)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mq-rabbitmq (integrated messaging middleware - RabbitMQ)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-mq-rocketmq (integrated messaging middleware - RocketMQ) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mq-kafka (integrated message middleware - Kafka)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-websocket (integrated websocket service)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-websocket-socketio (integrated socketio implements websocket service)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-ureport2 (integrated ureport2 implements a custom complex Chinese-style reporting engine) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-uflo (integrated uflo implementation process control engine) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-urule (integrated urule implementation rules engine) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-activiti (integrated of Activiti to implement process control engine) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-async (Spring boot implements asynchronous calls)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-dubbo (integrated dubbo)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-war (packaged into a war package)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch (integrated ElasticSearch)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mongodb (integrated MongoDb)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-neo4j (integrated neo4j graph database)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-docker (packaged into docker image)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-multi-datasource-jpa (integrated JPA multi data source)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-multi-datasource-mybatis (integrated with mybatis multi-data source)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-sharding-jdbc (integrated sharding-jdbc implementation sub-library table)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-tio (integrated t-io) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-grpc (integrated grpc, configure tls/ssl) see [ISSUE#5](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/5) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-codegen (integrated velocity auto-generated code)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-graylog (integrated gralog log management)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-sso (integrated single sign on) see [ISSUE#12](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/12) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ldap (integrated ldap)see [ISSUE#23](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/23)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource(add datasource dynamically, switch datasource dynamically)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava(use Guava RateLimiter to protect API by standalone rate limiting)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis(use Redis and Lua script implementation to protect API by distributed rate limiting)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-https(integrated HTTPS)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(integrated Elasticsearch 7.x version,use official Rest High Level Client to operate ES data)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-springbatch(data process) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-security-justauth(use JustAuth to login GitHub,and use Spring-Security to manage login state) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-flyway(integrated Flyway to initialize tables and data in database, Flyway also support the sql script version control)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-helloworld(helloworld example)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-properties (read configuration file information)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-actuator (endpoint monitoring for Spring boot)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-admin-client (for Spring boot visual control client)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-admin-server (for Spring boot visual control server)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-logback (integrated logback log)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-log-aop (use AOP to intercept request log information)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-exception-handler (unified exception handling)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-freemarker (using template engine - Freemarker)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-thymeleaf (using template engine - thymeleaf)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-beetl (using template engine - beetl)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-enjoy (using template engine - JFinal-Enjoy)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-upload (upload - integrated local upload and seven cattle cloud upload)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-jdbctemplate (operating SQL relational database - JdbcTemplate)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-jpa (operating SQL Relational Database - JPA)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis (operating SQL relational database - mybatis)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis-mapper-page (operating SQL relational database - integrating mybatis generic Mapper, PageHelper)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis-plus (operating SQL relational database - integrating mybatis-plus, Mapper, ActiveRecord)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-beetlsql (operating SQL relational database - beetlSQL)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-cache-redis (using redis for caching)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-cache-ehcache (using Ehcache for caching)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-email (integrated mail service)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task (scheduled task - Task implementation)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task-quartz (scheduled task - Quartz implementation)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task-xxl-job (scheduled task - XXL-JOB for Distributed Scheduling)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-swagger (integrated Swagger for API interface test management)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-swagger-beauty (integrated custom and more beautiful Swagger test management of API interface)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-rbac-security (implementing RBAC-based permission model - Spring Security)~~ +- [ ] demo-rbac-shiro (implementing RBAC-based permission model - shiro) +- [x] ~~demo-session(unified Session Management)~~ +- [ ] demo-oauth (OAuth2 certification) +- [x] ~~demo-social (integrated JustAuth implements third-party authorization verification, and implements third-party logins such as QQ, WeChat, GitHub, Google, Xiaomi, etc.)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-zookeeper (use zookeeper to implement distributed locks with AOP)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-mq-rabbitmq (integrated messaging middleware - RabbitMQ)~~ +- [ ] demo-mq-rocketmq (integrated messaging middleware - RocketMQ) +- [x] ~~demo-mq-kafka (integrated message middleware - Kafka)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-websocket (integrated websocket service)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-websocket-socketio (integrated socketio implements websocket service)~~ +- [ ] demo-ureport2 (integrated ureport2 implements a custom complex Chinese-style reporting engine) +- [ ] demo-uflo (integrated uflo implementation process control engine) +- [ ] demo-urule (integrated urule implementation rules engine) +- [ ] demo-activiti (integrated of Activiti to implement process control engine) +- [x] ~~demo-async (Spring boot implements asynchronous calls)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-dubbo (integrated dubbo)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-war (packaged into a war package)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-elasticsearch (integrated ElasticSearch)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-mongodb (integrated MongoDb)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-neo4j (integrated neo4j graph database)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-docker (packaged into docker image)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-multi-datasource-jpa (integrated JPA multi data source)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-multi-datasource-mybatis (integrated with mybatis multi-data source)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-sharding-jdbc (integrated sharding-jdbc implementation sub-library table)~~ +- [ ] demo-tio (integrated t-io) +- [ ] demo-grpc (integrated grpc, configure tls/ssl) see [ISSUE#5](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/5) +- [x] ~~demo-codegen (integrated velocity auto-generated code)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-graylog (integrated gralog log management)~~ +- [ ] demo-sso (integrated single sign on) see [ISSUE#12](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/12) +- [x] ~~demo-ldap (integrated ldap)see [ISSUE#23](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/23)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-dynamic-datasource(add datasource dynamically, switch datasource dynamically)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-ratelimit-guava(use Guava RateLimiter to protect API by standalone rate limiting)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-ratelimit-redis(use Redis and Lua script implementation to protect API by distributed rate limiting)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-https(integrated HTTPS)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(integrated Elasticsearch 7.x version,use official Rest High Level Client to operate ES data)~~ +- [ ] demo-springbatch(data process) +- [ ] demo-security-justauth(use JustAuth to login GitHub,and use Spring-Security to manage login state) +- [x] ~~demo-flyway(integrated Flyway to initialize tables and data in database, Flyway also support the sql script version control)~~ ## Remarks diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md index 9f90735..ad64d26 100644 --- a/TODO.md +++ b/TODO.md @@ -2,72 +2,72 @@ ## 模块计划(已完成:54 / 66) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-helloworld(Helloworld 示例)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-properties(读取配置文件信息)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-actuator(对 Spring boot 的端点监控)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-admin-client(对 Spring boot 可视化管控 客户端)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-admin-server(对 Spring boot 可视化管控 服务端)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-logback(集成 logback 日志)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-log-aop(使用 AOP 拦截请求日志信息)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-exception-handler(统一异常处理)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-freemarker(使用模板引擎 - Freemarker)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-thymeleaf(使用模板引擎 - thymeleaf)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-beetl(使用模板引擎 - beetl)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-template-enjoy(使用模板引擎 - JFinal-Enjoy)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-upload(上传 - 集成本地上传和七牛云上传)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-jdbctemplate(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - JdbcTemplate)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-jpa(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - JPA)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - mybatis)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis-mapper-page(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - 集成mybatis通用Mapper,PageHelper)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-mybatis-plus(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - 集成mybatis-plus,Mapper操作、ActiveRecord操作)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-orm-beetlsql(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - beetlSQL)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-cache-redis(使用 redis 进行缓存)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-cache-ehcache(使用 Ehcache 进行缓存)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-email(集成邮件服务)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task(定时任务 - Task 实现)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task-quartz(定时任务 - Quartz 实现)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-task-xxl-job(定时任务 - XXL-JOB 实现分布式调度)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-swagger(集成 Swagger 对 API 接口进行测试管理)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-swagger-beauty(集成自定义且更加美观的 Swagger 对 API 接口进行测试管理)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-rbac-security(实现基于 RBAC 的权限模型 - Spring Security)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-rbac-shiro(实现基于 RBAC 的权限模型 - shiro) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-session(统一 Session 管理)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-oauth(OAuth2 认证) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-social(集成 JustAuth 实现第三方授权验证,实现 QQ、微信、GitHub、谷歌、小米等第三方登录)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-zookeeper(使用 zookeeper 结合AOP实现分布式锁)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mq-rabbitmq(集成消息中间件 - RabbitMQ)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-mq-rocketmq(集成消息中间件 - RocketMQ) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mq-kafka(集成消息中间件 - Kafka)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-websocket(集成 websocket 服务)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-websocket-socketio(集成 socketio 实现 websocket 服务)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-ureport2 (集成 ureport2 实现自定义的复杂中国式报表引擎) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-uflo(集成 uflo 实现流程控制引擎) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-urule(集成 urule 实现规则引擎) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-activiti(集成 Activiti 实现流程控制引擎) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-async(Spring boot 实现异步调用)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-dubbo(集成 dubbo)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-war(打包成war包)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch(集成 ElasticSearch)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-mongodb(集成 MongoDb)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-neo4j(集成 neo4j 图数据库)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-docker(打包成 docker 镜像)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-multi-datasource-jpa(集成JPA多数据源)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-multi-datasource-mybatis(集成mybatis多数据源)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-sharding-jdbc(集成 sharding-jdbc 实现分库分表)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-tio(集成 tio) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-grpc(集成grpc,配置tls/ssl)参见[ISSUE#5](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/5) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-codegen(集成 velocity 自动生成代码)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-graylog(集成 gralog 日志管理)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-sso(集成单点登录)参见 [ISSUE#12](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/12) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ldap (集成 ldap)参见 [ISSUE#23](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/23)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource(动态添加数据源,切换数据源)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava(单机限流保护API,集成 Guava 的 RateLimiter)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis(分布式限流保护API,使用 Redis + lua 脚本实现)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-https(集成 HTTPS)~~ -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(集成 Elasticsearch 7.x 版本,使用官方 rest high level client操作 ES 数据)~~ -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-springbatch(数据处理) -- [ ] spring-boot-demo-security-justauth(使用 JustAuth 登录 GitHub,使用 Security 管理登录状态) -- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-flyway(集成 Flyway,项目启动时初始化数据库表结构,同时支持数据库脚本版本控制)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-helloworld(Helloworld 示例)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-properties(读取配置文件信息)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-actuator(对 Spring boot 的端点监控)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-admin-client(对 Spring boot 可视化管控 客户端)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-admin-server(对 Spring boot 可视化管控 服务端)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-logback(集成 logback 日志)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-log-aop(使用 AOP 拦截请求日志信息)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-exception-handler(统一异常处理)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-freemarker(使用模板引擎 - Freemarker)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-thymeleaf(使用模板引擎 - thymeleaf)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-beetl(使用模板引擎 - beetl)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-template-enjoy(使用模板引擎 - JFinal-Enjoy)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-upload(上传 - 集成本地上传和七牛云上传)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-jdbctemplate(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - JdbcTemplate)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-jpa(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - JPA)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - mybatis)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis-mapper-page(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - 集成mybatis通用Mapper,PageHelper)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-mybatis-plus(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - 集成mybatis-plus,Mapper操作、ActiveRecord操作)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-orm-beetlsql(操作 SQL 关系型数据库 - beetlSQL)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-cache-redis(使用 redis 进行缓存)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-cache-ehcache(使用 Ehcache 进行缓存)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-email(集成邮件服务)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task(定时任务 - Task 实现)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task-quartz(定时任务 - Quartz 实现)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-task-xxl-job(定时任务 - XXL-JOB 实现分布式调度)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-swagger(集成 Swagger 对 API 接口进行测试管理)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-swagger-beauty(集成自定义且更加美观的 Swagger 对 API 接口进行测试管理)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-rbac-security(实现基于 RBAC 的权限模型 - Spring Security)~~ +- [ ] demo-rbac-shiro(实现基于 RBAC 的权限模型 - shiro) +- [x] ~~demo-session(统一 Session 管理)~~ +- [ ] demo-oauth(OAuth2 认证) +- [x] ~~demo-social(集成 JustAuth 实现第三方授权验证,实现 QQ、微信、GitHub、谷歌、小米等第三方登录)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-zookeeper(使用 zookeeper 结合AOP实现分布式锁)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-mq-rabbitmq(集成消息中间件 - RabbitMQ)~~ +- [ ] demo-mq-rocketmq(集成消息中间件 - RocketMQ) +- [x] ~~demo-mq-kafka(集成消息中间件 - Kafka)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-websocket(集成 websocket 服务)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-websocket-socketio(集成 socketio 实现 websocket 服务)~~ +- [ ] demo-ureport2 (集成 ureport2 实现自定义的复杂中国式报表引擎) +- [ ] demo-uflo(集成 uflo 实现流程控制引擎) +- [ ] demo-urule(集成 urule 实现规则引擎) +- [ ] demo-activiti(集成 Activiti 实现流程控制引擎) +- [x] ~~demo-async(Spring boot 实现异步调用)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-dubbo(集成 dubbo)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-war(打包成war包)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-elasticsearch(集成 ElasticSearch)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-mongodb(集成 MongoDb)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-neo4j(集成 neo4j 图数据库)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-docker(打包成 docker 镜像)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-multi-datasource-jpa(集成JPA多数据源)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-multi-datasource-mybatis(集成mybatis多数据源)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-sharding-jdbc(集成 sharding-jdbc 实现分库分表)~~ +- [ ] demo-tio(集成 tio) +- [ ] demo-grpc(集成grpc,配置tls/ssl)参见[ISSUE#5](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/5) +- [x] ~~demo-codegen(集成 velocity 自动生成代码)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-graylog(集成 gralog 日志管理)~~ +- [ ] demo-sso(集成单点登录)参见 [ISSUE#12](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/12) +- [x] ~~demo-ldap (集成 ldap)参见 [ISSUE#23](https://github.com/xkcoding/spring-boot-demo/issues/23)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-dynamic-datasource(动态添加数据源,切换数据源)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-ratelimit-guava(单机限流保护API,集成 Guava 的 RateLimiter)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-ratelimit-redis(分布式限流保护API,使用 Redis + lua 脚本实现)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-https(集成 HTTPS)~~ +- [x] ~~demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(集成 Elasticsearch 7.x 版本,使用官方 rest high level client操作 ES 数据)~~ +- [ ] demo-springbatch(数据处理) +- [ ] demo-security-justauth(使用 JustAuth 登录 GitHub,使用 Security 管理登录状态) +- [x] ~~demo-flyway(集成 Flyway,项目启动时初始化数据库表结构,同时支持数据库脚本版本控制)~~ ## 备注