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Yangkai.Shen 5 years ago
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## Introduction

`spring boot demo` is a project for learning and practicing `spring boot`, including `63` demos, and `51` of them have been done.
`spring boot demo` is a project for learning and practicing `spring boot`, including `63` demos, and `52` of them have been done.

This project has integrated actuator (`monitoring`), admin (`visual monitoring`), logback (`log`), aopLog (`recording web request logs through AOP`), global exception handling (`json level and page level` ), freemarker (`template engine`), thymeleaf (`template engine`), Beetl (`template engine`), Enjoy (`template engine`), JdbcTemplate (`general JDBC operate database`), JPA (`powerful ORM framework `), mybatis (`powerful ORM framework`), Generic Mapper (`mybatis quick operation `), PageHelper (`powerful mybatis pagination plugin`), mybatis-plus (`mybatis quick operation`), BeetlSQL (`powerful ORM framework `), upload (`local file upload and qiniu cloud file upload`), redis (`cache`), ehcache (`cache`), email (`send various types of mail`), task (`basic scheduled tasks`), quartz (`dynamic management scheduled tasks`), xxl-job (`distributed scheduled tasks`), swagger (`API interface management and tests`), security (`RBAC-based Dynamic Rights Authentication`), SpringSession (`session sharing`), Zookeeper (`implement distributed locks by AOP`), RabbitMQ (`message queue`), Kafka (`message queue`), websocket (` server pushes the monitoring server status to front end `), (`chat room`), ureport2 (`Chinese-style report`), packaged into a `war` file, integrate ElasticSearch (`basic operations and advanced queries`), Async ( `asynchronous tasks`), integrated Dubbo (`with official starter`), MongoDB (`document database`), neo4j (`graph database`), docker (`container`), `JPA Multi-Datasource`, `Mybatis Multi-Datasource`, `code generator`', GrayLog (`log collection`), JustAuth (`third-party login`), LDAP(`CURD`), `Dynamically add/switch datasources`, Standalone RateLimiting(`AOP + Guava RateLimiter`), ElasticSearch 7.x(`use official Rest High Level Client`).
This project has integrated actuator (`monitoring`), admin (`visual monitoring`), logback (`log`), aopLog (`recording web request logs through AOP`), global exception handling (`json level and page level` ), freemarker (`template engine`), thymeleaf (`template engine`), Beetl (`template engine`), Enjoy (`template engine`), JdbcTemplate (`general JDBC operate database`), JPA (`powerful ORM framework `), mybatis (`powerful ORM framework`), Generic Mapper (`mybatis quick operation `), PageHelper (`powerful mybatis pagination plugin`), mybatis-plus (`mybatis quick operation`), BeetlSQL (`powerful ORM framework `), upload (`local file upload and qiniu cloud file upload`), redis (`cache`), ehcache (`cache`), email (`send various types of mail`), task (`basic scheduled tasks`), quartz (`dynamic management scheduled tasks`), xxl-job (`distributed scheduled tasks`), swagger (`API interface management and tests`), security (`RBAC-based Dynamic Rights Authentication`), SpringSession (`session sharing`), Zookeeper (`implement distributed locks by AOP`), RabbitMQ (`message queue`), Kafka (`message queue`), websocket (` server pushes the monitoring server status to front end `), (`chat room`), ureport2 (`Chinese-style report`), packaged into a `war` file, integrate ElasticSearch (`basic operations and advanced queries`), Async ( `asynchronous tasks`), integrated Dubbo (`with official starter`), MongoDB (`document database`), neo4j (`graph database`), docker (`container`), `JPA Multi-Datasource`, `Mybatis Multi-Datasource`, `code generator`', GrayLog (`log collection`), JustAuth (`third-party login`), LDAP(`CURD`), `Dynamically add/switch datasources`, Standalone RateLimiting(`AOP + Guava RateLimiter`), Distributed Ratelimiting(`AOP + Redis + Lua`), ElasticSearch 7.x(`use official Rest High Level Client`).

> If you have demos to contribute or needs to meet, it is very welcome to submit a [issue]( and I will add it to my [TODO](./ list.

@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ View the [TODO](./ file
| [spring-boot-demo-ldap](./spring-boot-demo-ldap) | a demo to integrate LADP to use `spring-boot-starter-data-ldap` to implement CURD operations and give the login demo, see [ISSUE#23](, thanks [@fxbin]( |
| [spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource](./spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource) | a demo to add datasource dynamically, switch datasource dynamically. |
| [spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava](./spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava) | a demo to use use Guava RateLimiter to protect API by standalone rate limiting. |
| spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis | <span style="color:pink;">NOT FINISHED YET!</span> <br />a demo to use use Redis Token Bucket to protect API by cluster rate limiting. |
| [spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis](./spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis) | a demo to use Redis and Lua script implementation to protect API by distributed rate limiting. |
| spring-boot-demo-https | <span style="color:pink;">NOT FINISHED YET!</span> <br />a demo to integrate HTTPS. |
| [spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client](./spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client) | a demo to integrate ElasticSearch 7.x version by using official Rest High Level Client to operate ES data. |

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## 项目简介

`spring boot demo` 是一个用来深度学习并实战 `spring boot` 的项目,目前总共包含 **`63`** 个集成demo,已经完成 **`51`** 个。
`spring boot demo` 是一个用来深度学习并实战 `spring boot` 的项目,目前总共包含 **`63`** 个集成demo,已经完成 **`52`** 个。

该项目已成功集成 actuator(`监控`)、admin(`可视化监控`)、logback(`日志`)、aopLog(`通过AOP记录web请求日志`)、统一异常处理(`json级别和页面级别`)、freemarker(`模板引擎`)、thymeleaf(`模板引擎`)、Beetl(`模板引擎`)、Enjoy(`模板引擎`)、JdbcTemplate(`通用JDBC操作数据库`)、JPA(`强大的ORM框架`)、mybatis(`强大的ORM框架`)、通用Mapper(`快速操作Mybatis`)、PageHelper(`通用的Mybatis分页插件`)、mybatis-plus(`快速操作Mybatis`)、BeetlSQL(`强大的ORM框架`)、upload(`本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传`)、redis(`缓存`)、ehcache(`缓存`)、email(`发送各种类型邮件`)、task(`基础定时任务`)、quartz(`动态管理定时任务`)、xxl-job(`分布式定时任务`)、swagger(`API接口管理测试`)、security(`基于RBAC的动态权限认证`)、SpringSession(`Session共享`)、Zookeeper(`结合AOP实现分布式锁`)、RabbitMQ(`消息队列`)、Kafka(`消息队列`)、websocket(`服务端推送监控服务器运行信息`)、`聊天室`)、ureport2(`中国式报表`)、打包成`war`文件、集成 ElasticSearch(`基本操作和高级查询`)、Async(`异步任务`)、集成Dubbo(`采用官方的starter`)、MongoDB(`文档数据库`)、neo4j(`图数据库`)、docker(`容器化`)、`JPA多数据源`、`Mybatis多数据源`、`代码生成器`、GrayLog(`日志收集`)、JustAuth(`第三方登录`)、LDAP(`增删改查`)、`动态添加/切换数据源`、单机限流(`AOP + Guava RateLimiter`)、ElasticSearch 7.x(`使用官方 Rest High Level Client`)。
该项目已成功集成 actuator(`监控`)、admin(`可视化监控`)、logback(`日志`)、aopLog(`通过AOP记录web请求日志`)、统一异常处理(`json级别和页面级别`)、freemarker(`模板引擎`)、thymeleaf(`模板引擎`)、Beetl(`模板引擎`)、Enjoy(`模板引擎`)、JdbcTemplate(`通用JDBC操作数据库`)、JPA(`强大的ORM框架`)、mybatis(`强大的ORM框架`)、通用Mapper(`快速操作Mybatis`)、PageHelper(`通用的Mybatis分页插件`)、mybatis-plus(`快速操作Mybatis`)、BeetlSQL(`强大的ORM框架`)、upload(`本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传`)、redis(`缓存`)、ehcache(`缓存`)、email(`发送各种类型邮件`)、task(`基础定时任务`)、quartz(`动态管理定时任务`)、xxl-job(`分布式定时任务`)、swagger(`API接口管理测试`)、security(`基于RBAC的动态权限认证`)、SpringSession(`Session共享`)、Zookeeper(`结合AOP实现分布式锁`)、RabbitMQ(`消息队列`)、Kafka(`消息队列`)、websocket(`服务端推送监控服务器运行信息`)、`聊天室`)、ureport2(`中国式报表`)、打包成`war`文件、集成 ElasticSearch(`基本操作和高级查询`)、Async(`异步任务`)、集成Dubbo(`采用官方的starter`)、MongoDB(`文档数据库`)、neo4j(`图数据库`)、docker(`容器化`)、`JPA多数据源`、`Mybatis多数据源`、`代码生成器`、GrayLog(`日志收集`)、JustAuth(`第三方登录`)、LDAP(`增删改查`)、`动态添加/切换数据源`、单机限流(`AOP + Guava RateLimiter`)、分布式限流(`AOP + Redis + Lua`)、ElasticSearch 7.x(`使用官方 Rest High Level Client`)。

> 如果大家还有想要集成的demo,也可在 [issue]( 里提需求。我会额外添加在 [TODO](./ 列表里。✊

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| [spring-boot-demo-ldap](./spring-boot-demo-ldap) | spring-boot 集成 LADP,集成 `spring-boot-starter-data-ldap` 完成对 Ldap 的基本 CURD操作, 并给出以登录为实战的 API 示例,参见 [ISSUE#23](,感谢 [@fxbin]( |
| [spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource](./spring-boot-demo-dynamic-datasource) | spring-boot 动态添加数据源、动态切换数据源 |
| [spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava](./spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-guava) | spring-boot 使用 Guava RateLimiter 实现单机版限流,保护 API |
| spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis | spring-boot 使用 Redis 的令牌桶实现集群化限流,保护 API <br /><span style="color:pink;">待完成</span> |
| [spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis](./spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis) | spring-boot 使用 Redis + Lua 脚本实现分布式限流,保护 API |
| spring-boot-demo-https | spring-boot 集成 HTTPS <br /><span style="color:pink;">待完成</span> |
| [spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client](./spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client) | spring boot 集成 ElasticSearch 7.x 版本,使用官方 Rest High Level Client 操作 ES 数据 |

@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Yangkai.Shen
