- #!/usr/bin/python3.7
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Purpose:
- # Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import logging
- logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format='[%(asctime)s] [%(lineno)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
- level=logging.INFO)
- """
- this attr is used for symbol table visible
- """
- """
- generate stub func body by return type
- """
- 'graphStatus': ' std::cout << "[ERROR]: stub library libgraph or libge_compiler cannot be used for execution, please check your "\n '
- ' << "environment variables and compilation options to make sure you use the correct library."\n'
- ' << std::endl;\n'
- 'Status': ' return SUCCESS;',
- 'Graph': ' return Graph();',
- 'Graph&': ' return *this;',
- 'Format': ' return Format();',
- 'Format&': ' return *this;',
- 'Shape': ' return Shape();',
- 'Shape&': ' return *this;',
- 'TensorDesc': ' return TensorDesc();',
- 'TensorDesc&': ' return *this;',
- 'Tensor': ' return Tensor();',
- 'Tensor&': ' return *this;',
- 'Operator': ' return Operator();',
- 'Operator&': ' return *this;',
- 'Ptr': ' return nullptr;',
- 'std::string': ' return "";',
- 'std::string&': ' return "";',
- 'string': ' return "";',
- 'int': ' return 0;',
- 'DataType': ' return DT_FLOAT;',
- 'InferenceContextPtr': ' return nullptr;',
- 'SubgraphBuilder': ' return nullptr;',
- 'OperatorImplPtr': ' return nullptr;',
- 'OutHandler': ' return nullptr;',
- 'std::vector<std::string>': ' return {};',
- 'std::vector<int64_t>': ' return {};',
- 'std::map': ' return {};',
- 'uint32_t': ' return 0;',
- 'int64_t': ' return 0;',
- 'uint64_t': ' return 0;',
- 'size_t': ' return 0;',
- 'float': ' return 0.0f;',
- 'bool': ' return false;',
- }
- """
- max code len per line in hua_wei software programming specifications
- """
- max_code_len_per_line = 100
- """
- white_list_for_debug, include_dir_key_words is to
- determines which header files to generate cc files from
- when DEBUG on
- """
- white_list_for_debug = ["attr_value.h", "operator.h", "tensor.h", "graph.h", "operator_factory.h",
- "ge_ir_build.h", "ge_api.h", "tensorflow_parser.h", "caffe_parser.h"]
- include_dir_key_words = ["ge", "graph", "parser"]
- DEBUG = True
- def need_generate_func(func_line):
- """
- :param func_line:
- :return:
- """
- if func_line.strip().endswith("default") or func_line.strip().endswith("delete") \
- or func_line.strip().startswith("typedef") or func_line.strip().startswith("using"):
- return False
- return True
- def file_endswith_white_list_suffix(file):
- """
- :param file:
- :return:
- """
- if DEBUG:
- for suffix in white_list_for_debug:
- if file.endswith(suffix):
- return True
- return False
- else:
- return True
- """
- belows are patterns used for analyse .h file
- """
- # pattern function
- pattern_func = re.compile(r"""(^[\s]*) #leading with space,we will find and delete after
- ([a-zA-Z~_] # void int likely
- .*
- [)] #we find )
- (?!.*{) # we do not want the case int abc() const
- .*)
- (;.*) #we want to find ; and after for we will replace these later
- \n$
- """, re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
- # pattern comment
- pattern_comment = re.compile(r'^\s*//')
- pattern_comment_2_start = re.compile(r'^\s*/[*]')
- pattern_comment_2_end = re.compile(r'[*]/\s*$')
- # pattern define
- pattern_define = re.compile(r'^\s*#define')
- pattern_define_return = re.compile(r'\\\s*$')
- # blank line
- pattern_blank_line = re.compile(r'^\s*$')
- # virtual,explicit,friend,static
- pattern_keyword = re.compile(r'(virtual\s+|explicit\s+|friend\s+|static\s+)')
- # lead space
- pattern_leading_space = re.compile(r'(^[\s]*)[a-zA-Z~_]')
- # functions will have patterns such as func ( or func(
- # but operator is an exception; the class name is preceded by an operator, and the above mode does not exist
- # format like :"operator = ()"
- pattern_func_name = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9~_\-]+\s*|operator?.*)[(]')
- # template
- pattern_template = re.compile(r'^\s*template')
- pattern_template_end = re.compile(r'>\s*$')
- # namespace
- pattern_namespace = re.compile(r'namespace.*{')
- # class : which can handle classA a and {not on the same line, but if found ';' after class,then don't deal with
- pattern_class = re.compile(r'^[\s]*(class|struct)\s+(%s\s+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+<?)(?!.*;)' % GE_ATTR)
- # {}
- pattern_start = re.compile('{')
- pattern_end = re.compile('}')
- line_index = 0
- class H2CC(object):
- def __init__(self, input_file, output_file, shared_includes_content):
- """
- :param input_file:
- :param output_file:
- :param shared_includes_content:
- """
- self.input_file = input_file
- self.output_file = output_file
- self.shared_includes_content = shared_includes_content
- self.line_index = 0
- self.input_fd = open(self.input_file, 'r')
- self.input_content = self.input_fd.readlines()
- self.output_fd = open(self.output_file, 'w')
- # The state may be normal_now(in the middle of {}),class_now,namespace_now
- self.stack = []
- self.stack_class = []
- self.stack_template = []
- # record funcs generated by h2cc func
- self.func_list_exist = []
- def __del__(self):
- self.input_fd.close()
- self.output_fd.close()
- del self.stack
- del self.stack_class
- del self.stack_template
- del self.func_list_exist
- def just_skip(self):
- # skip blank line or comment
- if pattern_blank_line.search(self.input_content[self.line_index]) or pattern_comment.search(
- self.input_content[self.line_index]): # /n or comment using //
- self.line_index += 1
- if pattern_comment_2_start.search(self.input_content[self.line_index]): # comment using /*
- while not pattern_comment_2_end.search(self.input_content[self.line_index]): # */
- self.line_index += 1
- self.line_index += 1
- # skip define
- if pattern_define.search(self.input_content[self.line_index]):
- while pattern_blank_line.search(self.input_content[self.line_index]) or pattern_define_return.search(
- self.input_content[self.line_index]):
- self.line_index += 1
- self.line_index += 1
- def write_inc_content(self):
- for shared_include_content in self.shared_includes_content:
- self.output_fd.write(shared_include_content)
- def h2cc(self):
- """
- :return:
- """
- logging.info("start generate cc_file[%s] from h_file[%s]", self.output_file, self.input_file)
- global pattern_comment
- global pattern_comment_2_start
- global pattern_comment_2_end
- global pattern_blank_line
- global pattern_func
- global pattern_keyword
- global pattern_leading_space
- global pattern_func_name
- global pattern_template
- global pattern_template_end
- global pattern_namespace
- global pattern_class
- global pattern_start
- global pattern_end
- global line_index
- # write inc content
- self.write_inc_content()
- # core processing cycle, process the input .h file by line
- while self.line_index < len(self.input_content):
- # handle comment and blank line
- self.just_skip()
- # match namespace
- self.handle_namespace()
- # match template
- template_string = self.handle_template()
- # match class
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- match_class = pattern_class.search(line)
- match_start = pattern_start.search(line)
- handle_class_result = self.handle_class(template_string, line, match_start, match_class)
- if handle_class_result == "continue":
- continue
- # match "}"
- handle_stack_result = self.handle_stack(match_start)
- if handle_stack_result == "continue":
- continue
- # handle func
- handle_func1_result, line, start_i = self.handle_func1(line)
- if handle_func1_result == "continue":
- continue
- # here means func is found
- # delete key word
- line = pattern_keyword.sub('', line)
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- # Class member function
- # if friend we will not add class name
- friend_match = re.search('friend ', line)
- if len(self.stack_class) > 0 and not friend_match:
- line, func_name = self.handle_class_member_func(line, template_string)
- # Normal functions
- else:
- line, func_name = self.handle_normal_func(line, template_string)
- need_generate = need_generate_func(line)
- # func body
- line += self.implement_function(line)
- # comment
- line = self.gen_comment(start_i) + line
- # write to out file
- self.write_func_content(line, func_name, need_generate)
- # next loop
- self.line_index += 1
- logging.info('Added %s functions', len(self.func_list_exist))
- logging.info('Successfully converted,please see ' + self.output_file)
- def handle_func1(self, line):
- """
- :param line:
- :return:
- """
- find1 = re.search('[(]', line)
- if not find1:
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue", line, None
- find2 = re.search('[)]', line)
- start_i = self.line_index
- space_match = pattern_leading_space.search(line)
- # deal with
- # int abc(int a,
- # int b)
- if find1 and (not find2):
- self.line_index += 1
- line2 = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- if space_match:
- line2 = re.sub('^' + space_match.group(1), '', line2)
- line += line2
- while self.line_index < len(self.input_content) and (not re.search('[)]', line2)):
- self.line_index += 1
- line2 = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- line2 = re.sub('^' + space_match.group(1), '', line2)
- line += line2
- match_start = pattern_start.search(self.input_content[self.line_index])
- match_end = pattern_end.search(self.input_content[self.line_index])
- if match_start: # like ) { or ) {} int the last line
- if not match_end:
- self.stack.append('normal_now')
- ii = start_i
- while ii <= self.line_index:
- ii += 1
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue", line, start_i
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- # ' int abc();'->'int abc()'
- (line, match) = pattern_func.subn(r'\2\n', line)
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- # deal with case:
- # 'int \n abc(int a, int b)'
- if re.search(r'^\s*(inline)?\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*$', self.input_content[start_i - 1]):
- line = self.input_content[start_i - 1] + line
- line = line.lstrip()
- if not match:
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue", line, start_i
- return "pass", line, start_i
- def handle_stack(self, match_start):
- """
- :param match_start:
- :return:
- """
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- match_end = pattern_end.search(line)
- if match_start:
- self.stack.append('normal_now')
- if match_end:
- top_status = self.stack.pop()
- if top_status == 'namespace_now':
- self.output_fd.write(line + '\n')
- elif top_status == 'class_now':
- self.stack_class.pop()
- self.stack_template.pop()
- if match_start or match_end:
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue"
- if len(self.stack) > 0 and self.stack[-1] == 'normal_now':
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue"
- return "pass"
- def handle_class(self, template_string, line, match_start, match_class):
- """
- :param template_string:
- :param line:
- :param match_start:
- :param match_class:
- :return:
- """
- if match_class: # we face a class
- self.stack_template.append(template_string)
- self.stack.append('class_now')
- class_name = match_class.group(3)
- # class template specializations: class A<u,Node<u> >
- if '<' in class_name:
- k = line.index('<')
- fit = 1
- for ii in range(k + 1, len(line)):
- if line[ii] == '<':
- fit += 1
- if line[ii] == '>':
- fit -= 1
- if fit == 0:
- break
- class_name += line[k + 1:ii + 1]
- logging.info('class_name[%s]', class_name)
- self.stack_class.append(class_name)
- while not match_start:
- self.line_index += 1
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- match_start = pattern_start.search(line)
- self.line_index += 1
- return "continue"
- return "pass"
- def handle_template(self):
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- match_template = pattern_template.search(line)
- template_string = ''
- if match_template:
- match_template_end = pattern_template_end.search(line)
- template_string = line
- while not match_template_end:
- self.line_index += 1
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- template_string += line
- match_template_end = pattern_template_end.search(line)
- self.line_index += 1
- return template_string
- def handle_namespace(self):
- line = self.input_content[self.line_index]
- match_namespace = pattern_namespace.search(line)
- if match_namespace: # we face namespace
- self.output_fd.write(line + '\n')
- self.stack.append('namespace_now')
- self.line_index += 1
- def handle_normal_func(self, line, template_string):
- template_line = ''
- self.stack_template.append(template_string)
- if self.stack_template[-1] != '':
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*template', 'template', self.stack_template[-1])
- # change '< class T = a, class U = A(3)>' to '<class T, class U>'
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*>(\s*)$', r'>\1', template_line)
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*,', ',', template_line)
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*', '', template_line)
- line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*,', ',', line)
- line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*\)', ')', line)
- line = template_line + line
- self.stack_template.pop()
- func_name = re.search(r'^.*\)', line, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).group()
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- logging.info("func_name[%s]", func_name)
- return line, func_name
- def handle_class_member_func(self, line, template_string):
- template_line = ''
- x = ''
- if template_string != '':
- template_string = re.sub(r'\s*template', 'template', template_string)
- template_string = re.sub(r'\s*=.*>(\s*)$', r'>\1', template_string)
- template_string = re.sub(r'\s*=.*,', ',', template_string)
- template_string = re.sub(r'\s*=.*', '', template_string)
- if self.stack_template[-1] != '':
- if not (re.search(r'<\s*>', stack_template[-1])):
- template_line = re.sub(r'^\s*template', 'template', stack_template[-1])
- if not (re.search(r'<.*>', self.stack_class[-1])):
- # for x we get like template<class T, typename U> -> <T,U>
- x = re.sub(r'template\s*<', '<', template_line) # remove template -> <class T, typename U>
- x = re.sub(r'\n', '', x)
- x = re.sub(r'\s*=.*,', ',', x)
- x = re.sub(r'\s*=.*\>', '>', x)
- x = x.rstrip() # remove \n
- x = re.sub(r'(class|typename)\s+|(<class>|<typename>\s*class)', '',
- x) # remove class,typename -> <T, U>
- x = re.sub(r'<\s+', '<', x)
- x = re.sub(r'\s+>', '>', x)
- x = re.sub(r'\s+,', ',', x)
- x = re.sub(r',\s+', ', ', x)
- line = re.sub(r'\s*=\s+0', '', line)
- line = re.sub(r'\s*=\s+.*,', ',', line)
- line = re.sub(r'\s*=\s+.*\)', ')', line)
- logging.info("x[%s]\nline[%s]", x, line)
- # if the function is long, void ABC::foo()
- # breaks into two lines void ABC::\n foo()
- temp_line = pattern_func_name.sub(self.stack_class[-1] + x + '::' + r'\1(', line, count=1)
- if len(temp_line) > max_code_len_per_line:
- line = pattern_func_name.sub(self.stack_class[-1] + x + '::\n' + r'\1(', line, count=1)
- else:
- line = temp_line
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- # add template as the above if there is one
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*>(\s*)$', r'>\1', template_line)
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*,', ',', template_line)
- template_line = re.sub(r'\s*=.*', '', template_line)
- line = template_line + template_string + line
- func_name = re.search(r'^.*\)', line, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).group()
- logging.info("line[%s]", line)
- logging.info("func_name[%s]", func_name)
- return line, func_name
- def write_func_content(self, content, func_name, need_generate):
- if not (func_name in self.func_list_exist) and need_generate:
- self.output_fd.write(content)
- self.func_list_exist.append(func_name)
- logging.info('add func:[%s]', func_name)
- def gen_comment(self, start_i):
- comment_line = ''
- # Function comments are on top of function declarations, copy them over
- k = start_i - 1 # one line before this func start
- if pattern_template.search(self.input_content[k]):
- k -= 1
- if pattern_comment_2_end.search(self.input_content[k]):
- comment_line = self.input_content[k].lstrip()
- while not pattern_comment_2_start.search(self.input_content[k]):
- k -= 1
- comment_line = self.input_content[k].lstrip() + comment_line
- else:
- for j in range(k, 0, -1):
- c_line = self.input_content[j]
- if pattern_comment.search(c_line):
- c_line = re.sub(r'\s*//', '//', c_line)
- comment_line = c_line + comment_line
- else:
- break
- return comment_line
- @staticmethod
- def implement_function(func):
- function_def = ''
- function_def += '{\n'
- all_items = func.split()
- start = 0
- return_type = all_items[start]
- if return_type == "const":
- start += 1
- return_type = all_items[start]
- if return_type.startswith(('std::map', 'std::set', 'std::vector')):
- return_type = "std::map"
- if return_type.endswith('*') or (len(all_items) > start + 1 and all_items[start + 1].startswith('*')):
- return_type = "Ptr"
- if len(all_items) > start + 1 and all_items[start + 1].startswith('&'):
- return_type += "&"
- if RETURN_STATEMENTS.__contains__(return_type):
- function_def += RETURN_STATEMENTS[return_type]
- else:
- logging.warning("Unhandled return type[%s]", return_type)
- function_def += '\n'
- function_def += '}\n'
- function_def += '\n'
- return function_def
- def collect_header_files(path):
- """
- :param path:
- :return:
- """
- header_files = []
- shared_includes_content = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- files.sort()
- for file in files:
- if file.find("git") >= 0:
- continue
- if not file.endswith('.h'):
- continue
- file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
- file_path = file_path.replace('\\', '/')
- header_files.append(file_path)
- include_str = '#include "{}"\n'.format(file_path[path.rindex('/') + 1:])
- shared_includes_content.append(include_str)
- # for acl error code
- shared_includes_content.append('#include <iostream>\n')
- shared_includes_content.append('const int ACL_ERROR_COMPILING_STUB_MODE = 100039;\n')
- return header_files, shared_includes_content
- def generate_stub_file(inc_dir, out_cc_dir):
- """
- :param inc_dir:
- :param out_cc_dir:
- :return:
- """
- target_header_files, shared_includes_content = collect_header_files(inc_dir)
- for header_file in target_header_files:
- if not file_endswith_white_list_suffix(header_file):
- continue
- cc_file = re.sub('.h*$', '.cc', header_file)
- h_2_cc = H2CC(header_file, out_cc_dir + cc_file[cc_file.rindex('/') + 1:], shared_includes_content)
- h_2_cc.h2cc()
- def gen_code(inc_dir, out_cc_dir):
- """
- :param inc_dir:
- :param out_cc_dir:
- :return:
- """
- if not inc_dir.endswith('/'):
- inc_dir += '/'
- if not out_cc_dir.endswith('/'):
- out_cc_dir += '/'
- for include_dir_key_word in include_dir_key_words:
- generate_stub_file(inc_dir + include_dir_key_word, out_cc_dir)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- inc_dir = sys.argv[1]
- out_cc_dir = sys.argv[2]
- gen_code(inc_dir, out_cc_dir)