- /**
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #include <condition_variable>
- #include <map>
- #include <memory>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <string>
- #include <unordered_map>
- #include <utility>
- #include <vector>
- #include "common/blocking_queue.h"
- #include "common/ge_types.h"
- #include "common/types.h"
- #include "common/util.h"
- #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h"
- #include "framework/common/ge_inner_error_codes.h"
- #include "graph/compute_graph.h"
- #include "graph/graph.h"
- #include "graph/model.h"
- #include "model/ge_model.h"
- #include "model/ge_root_model.h"
- #include "register/register_fmk_types.h"
- #include "external/ge/ge_api_types.h"
- namespace ge {
- // state for graph task in life cycle
- enum GraphNodeState {
- };
- using GraphId = uint32_t;
- using ConstModelPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ge::Model>;
- using GeModelPtr = std::shared_ptr<ge::GeModel>;
- using ConstGraphPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ge::Graph>;
- using GraphPtr = std::shared_ptr<ge::Graph>;
- const uint64_t INVALID_SESSION_ID = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
- struct ModelIdInfo {
- uint32_t model_id{INVALID_MODEL_ID};
- };
- class SubGraphInfo {
- public:
- SubGraphInfo();
- ~SubGraphInfo();
- void SetSubGraph(const ComputeGraphPtr &sub_graph_ptr) { subgraph_ptr_ = sub_graph_ptr; }
- ComputeGraphPtr GetSubGraph() const { return subgraph_ptr_; }
- void SetEngineName(const std::string &engine_name) { engine_name_ = engine_name; }
- const std::string &GetEngineName() const { return engine_name_; }
- void SetInputFlag(const std::vector<bool> &input_flag) { input_flag_ = input_flag; }
- const std::vector<bool> &GetInputFlag() const { return input_flag_; }
- void SetOutputFlag(const std::vector<bool> &output_flag) { output_flag_ = output_flag; }
- const std::vector<bool> &GetOutputFlag() const { return output_flag_; }
- void SetModelIdInfo(const ModelIdInfo &model_id_info) { model_id_info_ = model_id_info; }
- ModelIdInfo GetModelIdInfo() const { return model_id_info_; }
- void SetGeModelPtr(const GeModelPtr &ge_model_ptr) { ge_model_ptr_ = ge_model_ptr; }
- bool GeModelIsValid() const { return ge_model_ptr_ != nullptr; }
- Status FreeInOutBuffer();
- void SetOutputContext(const std::string &output) { output_names_ = output; }
- std::string GetOutputContext() const { return output_names_; }
- void SetStreamLabel(const std::string &stream_label) { stream_label_ = stream_label; }
- const std::string &GetStreamLabel() const { return stream_label_; }
- void SetEnd2PldMap(std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> &end_map) { end_to_pld_ = end_map; }
- const std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> &GetEnd2PldMap() const { return end_to_pld_; }
- void SetPld2EndMap(std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> &pld_map) { pld_to_end_ = pld_map; }
- const std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> &GetPld2EndMap() const { return pld_to_end_; }
- private:
- ComputeGraphPtr subgraph_ptr_;
- std::string engine_name_;
- std::vector<bool> input_flag_;
- std::vector<bool> output_flag_;
- ModelIdInfo model_id_info_;
- GeModelPtr ge_model_ptr_;
- bool malloc_flag_;
- std::vector<void *> buffer_addr_;
- std::string output_names_;
- std::vector<uint32_t> buffer_size_;
- std::string stream_label_;
- std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> end_to_pld_;
- std::unordered_map<ge::NodePtr, ge::NodePtr> pld_to_end_;
- };
- using SubGraphInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<ge::SubGraphInfo>;
- using Graph2SubGraphInfoList = std::unordered_map<ComputeGraphPtr, std::vector<SubGraphInfoPtr>>;
- using Graph2InputNodesSubGraphInfo = std::unordered_map<ComputeGraphPtr, SubGraphInfoPtr>;
- // for run graph async listener
- class RunAsyncListener : public ge::ModelListener {
- public:
- RunAsyncListener() : sem_(1) {}
- ~RunAsyncListener() = default;
- void SetCallback(const RunAsyncCallback &callback);
- // callback
- Status OnComputeDone(uint32_t model_id, uint32_t task_id, uint32_t result,
- std::vector<ge::OutputTensorInfo> &outputs) override;
- private:
- RunAsyncCallback callback_;
- BlockingQueue<uint8_t> sem_;
- };
- // single graph node info
- class GraphNode {
- public:
- explicit GraphNode(GraphId graph_id);
- ~GraphNode();
- GraphId GetGraphId() const { return graph_id_; }
- ConstGraphPtr GetGraph() const { return graph_; }
- void SetGraph(const GraphPtr &graph) { graph_ = graph; }
- ComputeGraphPtr GetComputeGraph() const { return compute_graph_; }
- void SetComputeGraph(const ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph) { compute_graph_ = compute_graph; }
- bool GetRunFlag() const { return run_flag_; }
- void SetRunFlag(bool flag) { run_flag_ = flag; }
- bool IsAsync() const { return async_; }
- void SetAsync(bool flag) { async_ = flag; }
- void SetSubGraph(std::vector<SubGraphInfoPtr> &subgraph_ptr_list) { subgraph_ptr_list_ = subgraph_ptr_list; }
- const std::vector<SubGraphInfoPtr> &GetAllSubGraph() const { return subgraph_ptr_list_; }
- bool GetBuildFlag() const { return build_flag_; }
- void SetBuildFlag(bool buildFlag) { build_flag_ = buildFlag; }
- bool GetLoadFlag() const { return load_flag_; }
- void SetLoadFlag(bool load_flag) { load_flag_ = load_flag; }
- void SetGeModel(const GeModelPtr &ge_model) { ge_model_ = ge_model; }
- GeModelPtr GetGeModel() const { return ge_model_; }
- void SetGeRootModel(const GeRootModelPtr &ge_root_model) { ge_root_model_ = ge_root_model; }
- GeRootModelPtr GetGeRootModel() const { return ge_root_model_; }
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& GetOptions() const { return options_; }
- void SetOptions(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &options) { options_ = options; }
- void Lock();
- void Unlock();
- // run graph asynchronous listener
- std::shared_ptr<RunAsyncListener> graph_run_async_listener_;
- private:
- GraphId graph_id_;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> options_;
- bool run_flag_;
- std::vector<SubGraphInfoPtr> subgraph_ptr_list_;
- GraphPtr graph_;
- ComputeGraphPtr compute_graph_;
- bool build_flag_;
- bool load_flag_;
- bool async_;
- GeModelPtr ge_model_;
- GeRootModelPtr ge_root_model_;
- BlockingQueue<uint8_t> sem_;
- };
- using GraphNodePtr = std::shared_ptr<GraphNode>;
- using ConstGraphNodePtr = shared_ptr<const GraphNode>;
- class GraphModelListener : public ge::ModelListener {
- public:
- GraphModelListener(std::mutex &mutex, std::condition_variable &cond);
- ~GraphModelListener() = default;
- // callback
- Status OnComputeDone(uint32_t model_id, uint32_t task_id, uint32_t result,
- std::vector<ge::OutputTensorInfo> &outputs) override;
- Status ResetResult();
- // need lock by caller
- uint32_t GetResultCode() const;
- bool IsFinished() const { return is_finished_; }
- private:
- uint32_t result_code_;
- bool is_finished_;
- // not owner
- std::mutex &mutex_;
- // not owner
- std::condition_variable &condition_;
- };
- struct GraphManagerOptions {
- int32_t stream_num;
- int32_t perf_level;
- int32_t encrypt_mode;
- int32_t framework_type;
- std::string ek_file;
- std::string cert_file;
- std::string hw_key_file;
- std::string private_key_file;
- std::string calibration_conf_file;
- std::string insert_op_file;
- std::string output_node_name;
- std::string func_bin_path;
- std::string input_nodes_set_fp16;
- std::string core_type;
- bool compress_flag;
- bool run_graph_flag;
- bool train_graph_flag;
- bool local_fmk_op_flag;
- bool hcom_parallel;
- bool enable_print_op_pass;
- bool is_single_op;
- std::map<std::string, int> stream_max_parallel_num;
- std::string output_datatype;
- std::string original_model_file;
- std::string save_original_model;
- std::string build_mode;
- std::string build_step;
- std::string input_shape;
- std::string dynamic_dims;
- int32_t dynamic_node_type = -1;
- GraphManagerOptions()
- : stream_num(1),
- perf_level(domi::GEN_TASK_WITHOUT_FUSION),
- encrypt_mode(-1),
- framework_type(domi::TENSORFLOW),
- ek_file(""),
- cert_file(""),
- hw_key_file(""),
- private_key_file(""),
- calibration_conf_file(""),
- insert_op_file(""),
- output_node_name(""),
- func_bin_path(""),
- core_type(""),
- compress_flag(false),
- run_graph_flag(false),
- train_graph_flag(false),
- local_fmk_op_flag(false),
- hcom_parallel(false),
- enable_print_op_pass(true),
- is_single_op(false),
- save_original_model("false"),
- build_mode(""),
- build_step("") {}
- };
- } // namespace ge