- /**
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <memory>
- #include <utility>
- #include "common/fmk_types.h"
- #include "common/helper/model_helper.h"
- #include "common/op/attr_value_util.h"
- #include "common/properties_manager.h"
- #include "common/types.h"
- #include "executor/ge_executor.h"
- #include "graph/buffer.h"
- #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h"
- #include "graph/ge_attr_value.h"
- #include "graph/model_serialize.h"
- #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h"
- #include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h"
- #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h"
- #include "proto/ge_ir.pb.h"
- #define protected public
- #define private public
- #include "graph/compute_graph.h"
- #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h"
- #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/davinci_model.h"
- #include "graph/node.h"
- #include "graph/op_desc.h"
- #include "graph/utils/attr_utils.h"
- #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h"
- #include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h"
- #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h"
- #undef protected
- #undef private
- using namespace ge;
- class GlobalModelData {
- public:
- GlobalModelData() {}
- ~GlobalModelData() {
- if (data_.model_data != nullptr) {
- delete[](uint8_t *) data_.model_data;
- data_.model_data = nullptr;
- }
- }
- ge::ModelData data_;
- };
- static GlobalModelData g_model_data;
- class OmeTestOpUtils {
- public:
- static void InitModel(std::shared_ptr<ge::DavinciModel> davinciModel) { InitModel(*davinciModel); }
- static ge::NodePtr GenNodeFromOpDesc(ge::OpDescPtr op_desc) {
- if (!op_desc) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- auto g = std::make_shared<ge::ComputeGraph>("g");
- return g->AddNode(std::move(op_desc));
- }
- static void AddInputOutputToTaskModel(std::shared_ptr<ge::Model> model,
- std::shared_ptr<domi::ModelTaskDef> model_task_def) {
- uint32_t stream_num111 = model_task_def->stream_num();
- uint32_t weights_num = model_task_def->weight_size();
- uint32_t mem_num = model_task_def->memory_size();
- int64_t memory_size = 0;
- int64_t weight_size = 0;
- (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(model.get(), ATTR_MODEL_MEMORY_SIZE, memory_size);
- (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(model.get(), ATTR_MODEL_WEIGHT_SIZE, weight_size);
- // Save memory_size/weight_size/stream_num/event_num to proto
- model_task_def->set_memory_size(memory_size);
- model_task_def->set_weight_size(weight_size);
- int64_t stream_num = 0;
- (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(model.get(), ATTR_MODEL_STREAM_NUM, stream_num);
- model_task_def->set_stream_num(stream_num);
- ge::ComputeGraphPtr graph = ge::GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(model->GetGraph());
- vector<ConstOpDescPtr> op_desc_ptrs;
- for (const auto &node_ptr : graph->GetAllNodes()) {
- if (node_ptr->GetType() == DATA_TYPE || node_ptr->GetType() == ANN_DATA_TYPE) {
- op_desc_ptrs.push_back(node_ptr->GetOpDesc());
- continue;
- }
- for (auto tensor_desc : node_ptr->GetOpDesc()->GetAllOutputsDescPtr()) {
- bool is_output = false;
- ge::TensorUtils::GetOutputTensor(*tensor_desc, is_output);
- if (is_output) {
- // output Op and add to array
- op_desc_ptrs.push_back(node_ptr->GetOpDesc());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // save multi OpDescPtr to attr
- ge::ModelSerialize model_serialize;
- for (auto op_desc_ptr : op_desc_ptrs) {
- ge::Buffer buffer = model_serialize.SerializeOpDesc(op_desc_ptr);
- model_task_def->add_op(string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer.GetData()), buffer.GetSize()));
- }
- int64_t run_mode = -1;
- for (auto node_ptr : graph->GetAllNodes()) {
- // TE CUSTOM op need to init
- if (ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(node_ptr->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_NAME_IMPLY_TYPE, run_mode) &&
- run_mode != (uint32_t)domi::ImplyType::BUILDIN && run_mode != (uint32_t)domi::ImplyType::INVALID) {
- (*(model_task_def->mutable_attr()))["contain_custom"] = "1";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static Status TransModelToGeModel(const ModelPtr &model, GeModelPtr &ge_model) {
- if (model == nullptr) {
- GELOGE(FAILED, "Model is null");
- return FAILED;
- }
- ge_model = ge::MakeShared<ge::GeModel>();
- GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(ge_model);
- ge_model->SetGraph(model->GetGraph());
- ge_model->SetName(model->GetName());
- ge_model->SetVersion(model->GetVersion());
- ge_model->SetPlatformVersion(model->GetPlatformVersion());
- ge_model->SetAttr(model->MutableAttrMap());
- auto compute_graph = ge::GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(model->GetGraph());
- ge::Buffer weight;
- (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetZeroCopyBytes(compute_graph, ge::ATTR_NAME_WEIGHTS_DATA, weight);
- ge_model->SetWeight(weight);
- if (model->HasAttr(MODEL_ATTR_TASKS)) {
- ge::Buffer task_buffer;
- GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ge::AttrUtils::GetZeroCopyBytes(model, MODEL_ATTR_TASKS, task_buffer), FAILED,
- "Get bytes failed.");
- std::shared_ptr<ModelTaskDef> task = ge::MakeShared<ModelTaskDef>();
- GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(task_buffer.GetData() == nullptr, GELOGE(FAILED, "Get data fail"); return FAILED);
- GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(task_buffer.GetSize() == 0, GELOGE(FAILED, "Get size fail"); return FAILED);
- GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ReadProtoFromArray(task_buffer.GetData(), static_cast<int>(task_buffer.GetSize()), task.get()),
- return INTERNAL_ERROR, "ReadProtoFromArray failed.");
- ge_model->SetModelTaskDef(task);
- }
- TBEKernelStore kernel_store;
- if (compute_graph != nullptr && compute_graph->GetDirectNodesSize() != 0) {
- for (const ge::NodePtr &n : compute_graph->GetDirectNode()) {
- auto node_op_desc = n->GetOpDesc();
- GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node_op_desc == nullptr, continue);
- TBEKernelPtr tbe_kernel = node_op_desc->TryGetExtAttr(ge::OP_EXTATTR_NAME_TBE_KERNEL, TBEKernelPtr());
- GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(tbe_kernel == nullptr, continue);
- kernel_store.AddTBEKernel(tbe_kernel);
- GELOGI("Add tbe kernel bin %s", tbe_kernel->GetName().c_str());
- }
- }
- if (!kernel_store.Build()) {
- GELOGE(FAILED, "TBE Kernels store build failed!");
- return FAILED;
- }
- ge_model->SetTBEKernelStore(kernel_store);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- static void LoadStandardModelDataLocal(ge::ModelData &data) {
- static const std::string STANDARD_MODEL_DATA_PATH =
- "llt/framework/domi/ut/ome/test/data/standard_partition_model.txt";
- ge::proto::ModelDef model_def;
- ReadProtoFromText(STANDARD_MODEL_DATA_PATH.c_str(), &model_def);
- data.model_len = model_def.ByteSizeLong();
- data.model_data = new uint8_t[data.model_len];
- model_def.SerializePartialToArray(data.model_data, data.model_len);
- }
- static void InitModel(ge::DavinciModel &davinciModel) {
- ge::ModelData data;
- LoadStandardModelDataLocal(data);
- std::shared_ptr<ge::Model> model_ = std::make_shared<ge::Model>();
- ge::Model::Load((uint8_t *)data.model_data, data.model_len, *model_);
- GeModelPtr ge_model;
- TransModelToGeModel(model_, ge_model);
- davinciModel.Assign(ge_model);
- if (data.model_data != nullptr) {
- delete[](uint8_t *) data.model_data;
- }
- }
- static void InitEmptyModel(ge::DavinciModel &davinciModel) {
- auto model = std::make_shared<ge::Model>();
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, ATTR_MODEL_MEMORY_SIZE, 81000000);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, ATTR_MODEL_WEIGHT_SIZE, 4100000);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, ATTR_MODEL_STREAM_NUM, 1);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, ATTR_MODEL_EVENT_NUM, 1);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, MODEL_ATTR_TASK_GEN_BASE_ADDR, 0x123);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, MODEL_ATTR_TASK_GEN_WEIGHT_ADDR, 0x456);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(model, ATTR_MODEL_BATCH_NUM, 1);
- // ge::AttrUtils::SetStr(model, ATTR_MODEL_TARGET_TYPE, "MINI"); // domi::MINI
- auto compute_graph = std::make_shared<ge::ComputeGraph>("graph");
- ge::GeAttrValue::BYTES buffer(4100000, 0);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetBytes(compute_graph, "weights_data", buffer);
- auto graph = ge::GraphUtils::CreateGraphFromComputeGraph(compute_graph);
- model->SetGraph(graph);
- GeModelPtr ge_model;
- TransModelToGeModel(model, ge_model);
- davinciModel.Assign(ge_model);
- }
- static void InitModelWithoutMem(ge::DavinciModel &davinciModel) { InitModel(davinciModel); }
- static Status ModelLoadStub(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, ge::Model &model) {
- auto compute_graph = std::make_shared<ge::ComputeGraph>("graph");
- auto graph = ge::GraphUtils::CreateGraphFromComputeGraph(compute_graph);
- model.SetGraph(graph);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- static void InitDefaultTensorDesc(ge::GeTensorDesc &tensor_desc) {}
- static void AddInputDesc(ge::OpDescPtr op_desc, vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType,
- int64_t dataSize = 0) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- op_desc->AddInputDesc(tensor_desc);
- }
- static void AddOutputDesc(ge::OpDescPtr op_desc, vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType,
- int64_t dataSize = 0) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- op_desc->AddOutputDesc(tensor_desc);
- }
- static void AddWeight(ge::NodePtr node_ptr, uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen, vector<int64_t> shape = {},
- ge::Format format = ge::FORMAT_NCHW, ge::DataType dataType = ge::DT_FLOAT) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- vector<ge::GeTensorPtr> weigths = ge::OpDescUtils::MutableWeights(node_ptr);
- weigths.push_back(std::make_shared<ge::GeTensor>(tensor_desc, data, dataLen));
- ge::OpDescUtils::SetWeights(node_ptr, weigths);
- }
- static ge::OpDescPtr CreateOpDesc() {
- auto op_desc = std::make_shared<ge::OpDesc>();
- return op_desc;
- }
- };
- class OmeTestOpDescBuilder {
- public:
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder(ge::OpDescPtr orgOpDesc = nullptr) : orgOpDesc_(orgOpDesc) {
- if (orgOpDesc_) {
- streamId_ = orgOpDesc_->GetStreamId();
- }
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetStreamId(int64_t streamId) {
- streamId_ = streamId;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetWorkspace(vector<int64_t> workspace) {
- workspace_ = workspace;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetWorkspaceBytes(vector<int64_t> workspaceBytes) {
- workspaceBytes_ = workspaceBytes;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetType(const string &type) {
- type_ = type;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetName(const string &name) {
- name_ = name;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetInputs(vector<int64_t> inputs) {
- inputsDataOffeset_ = inputs;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &AddInput(int64_t input) {
- inputsDataOffeset_.push_back(input);
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetOutputs(vector<int64_t> outputs) {
- outputsDataOffeset_ = outputs;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &AddOutput(int64_t output) {
- outputsDataOffeset_.push_back(output);
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &SetEventId(int64_t eventId) {
- eventId_ = eventId;
- return *this;
- }
- OmeTestOpDescBuilder &Setscopeid(int64_t scopeid) {
- scopeid_ = scopeid;
- return *this;
- }
- ge::GeTensorDesc &AddInputDesc(vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType,
- int64_t dataSize = 0) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- OmeTestOpUtils::InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- inputTensorDescs.push_back(tensor_desc);
- return inputTensorDescs.back();
- }
- ge::GeTensorDesc &AddInputDesc(vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType, int64_t realdimcnt,
- int64_t dataSize) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- OmeTestOpUtils::InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetRealDimCnt(tensor_desc, realdimcnt);
- inputTensorDescs.push_back(tensor_desc);
- return inputTensorDescs.back();
- }
- ge::GeTensorDesc &AddOutputDesc(vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType,
- int64_t dataSize = 0) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- OmeTestOpUtils::InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- outputTensorDescs.push_back(tensor_desc);
- return outputTensorDescs.back();
- }
- ge::GeTensorDesc &AddOutputDesc(vector<int64_t> shape, ge::Format format, ge::DataType dataType, int64_t realdimcnt,
- int64_t dataSize) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- OmeTestOpUtils::InitDefaultTensorDesc(tensor_desc);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetSize(tensor_desc, dataSize);
- ge::TensorUtils::SetRealDimCnt(tensor_desc, realdimcnt);
- outputTensorDescs.push_back(tensor_desc);
- return outputTensorDescs.back();
- }
- ge::GeTensorPtr AddWeight(uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen, vector<int64_t> shape = {},
- ge::Format format = ge::FORMAT_NCHW, ge::DataType dataType = ge::DT_FLOAT) {
- ge::GeTensorDesc tensor_desc(ge::GeShape(shape), format, dataType);
- weights_.emplace_back(std::make_shared<ge::GeTensor>(tensor_desc, data, dataLen));
- return weights_.back();
- }
- ge::NodePtr Finish() {
- ge::OpDescPtr op_desc;
- if (orgOpDesc_) {
- op_desc = orgOpDesc_;
- } else {
- op_desc = OmeTestOpUtils::CreateOpDesc(); // std::make_shared<ge::OpDesc>(name_, type_);
- }
- if (!type_.empty()) {
- op_desc->SetType(type_);
- }
- if (!name_.empty()) {
- op_desc->SetName(name_);
- }
- op_desc->SetStreamId(streamId_);
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, "id", 1);
- if (eventId_ != -1) {
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, SEND_ATTR_EVENT_ID, eventId_);
- }
- if (scopeid_ != -1) {
- ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, "fusion_scope", scopeid_);
- }
- // ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_STREAM_ID, streamId_);
- // if(!inputsDataOffeset_.empty())
- {
- vector<int64_t> inputs;
- inputs = op_desc->GetInputOffset();
- inputs.insert(inputs.end(), inputsDataOffeset_.begin(), inputsDataOffeset_.end());
- op_desc->SetInputOffset(inputs);
- }
- // if(!outputsDataOffeset_.empty())
- {
- vector<int64_t> outputs;
- outputs = op_desc->GetOutputOffset();
- outputs.insert(outputs.end(), outputsDataOffeset_.begin(), outputsDataOffeset_.end());
- op_desc->SetOutputOffset(outputs);
- }
- // if(!workspace_.empty())
- {
- vector<int64_t> workspace = op_desc->GetWorkspace();
- workspace.insert(workspace.end(), workspace_.begin(), workspace_.end());
- op_desc->SetWorkspace(workspace);
- }
- // if(!workspaceBytes_.empty())
- {
- vector<int64_t> workspaceBytes;
- workspaceBytes = op_desc->GetWorkspaceBytes();
- workspaceBytes.insert(workspaceBytes.end(), workspaceBytes_.begin(), workspaceBytes_.end());
- op_desc->SetWorkspaceBytes(workspaceBytes);
- }
- for (auto &tensor_desc : inputTensorDescs) {
- op_desc->AddInputDesc(tensor_desc);
- }
- for (auto &tensor_desc : outputTensorDescs) {
- op_desc->AddOutputDesc(tensor_desc);
- }
- static std::shared_ptr<ge::ComputeGraph> graph;
- // clear graph
- graph = std::make_shared<ge::ComputeGraph>("g");
- ge::NodePtr node_op = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
- // for(int i=0; i < inputTensorDescs.size(); i++)
- for (int i = 0; i < op_desc->GetInputsSize(); i++) {
- ge::OpDescPtr src_op_desc = std::make_shared<ge::OpDesc>();
- ge::GeTensorDesc src_out_desc;
- src_op_desc->AddOutputDesc(src_out_desc);
- ge::NodePtr src_node = graph->AddNode(src_op_desc);
- if (nullptr == src_node) {
- GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Finish: nullptr == src_node");
- }
- Status res = ge::GraphUtils::AddEdge(src_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0), node_op->GetInDataAnchor(i));
- if (SUCCESS != res) {
- GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Finish: GraphUtils::AddEdge failed");
- }
- }
- {
- vector<ge::GeTensorPtr> weights;
- weights = ge::OpDescUtils::MutableWeights(node_op);
- weights.insert(weights.end(), weights_.begin(), weights_.end());
- ge::OpDescUtils::SetWeights(node_op, weights);
- }
- *this = OmeTestOpDescBuilder(op_desc); // clear up
- return node_op;
- }
- private:
- ge::OpDescPtr orgOpDesc_;
- int64_t streamId_ = 0;
- string type_;
- string name_;
- vector<int64_t> inputsDataOffeset_; // input
- vector<int64_t> outputsDataOffeset_; // output
- vector<ge::GeTensorDesc> inputTensorDescs;
- vector<ge::GeTensorDesc> outputTensorDescs;
- vector<int64_t> workspace_;
- vector<int64_t> workspaceBytes_;
- vector<ge::GeTensorPtr> weights_;
- int64_t eventId_ = -1;
- int64_t scopeid_ = -1;
- };