- /* Copyright (C) 2018. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Apache License for more details at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- */
- syntax = "proto3";
- package domi;
- message ModelTaskDef {
- string version = 1;
- map<string, string> attr = 9; // Extended field
- repeated TaskDef task = 10;
- uint64 memory_size = 11;
- uint32 stream_num = 12;
- uint32 event_num = 13;
- uint64 weight_size = 14;
- repeated bytes op = 15; // input/output opdef in bytes
- uint64 base_addr = 16; // base addr
- uint64 weight_addr = 17; // weight addr
- uint32 batch_num = 18;
- }
- message TaskDef {
- uint32 id = 1;
- uint32 type = 2;
- uint32 stream_id = 10;
- uint32 event_id = 11;
- KernelDef kernel = 20;
- KernelExDef kernel_ex = 21;
- KernelHcclDef kernel_hccl = 25;
- EventExDef event_ex = 26;
- LogTimeStampDef log_timestamp = 28;
- uint32 label_id = 30;
- MemcpyAsyncDef memcpy_async = 31;
- StreamSwitchDef stream_switch = 32;
- StreamActiveDef stream_active = 33;
- bytes private_def = 34;
- uint64 ops_kernel_store_ptr = 35; // adjustments to other fields in the future
- StreamSwitchNDef stream_switch_n = 36;
- LabelSetDef label_set = 37;
- LabelGotoExDef label_goto_ex = 38;
- LabelSwitchByIndexDef label_switch_by_index = 39;
- }
- message KernelDef {
- KernelContext context = 1;
- string stub_func = 10;
- uint32 block_dim = 11;
- uint32 args_size = 12;
- bytes args = 13;
- bytes sm_desc = 14;
- bytes flowtable = 15;
- string so_name = 16;
- string kernel_name = 17;
- bytes kernel_ext_info = 18;
- uint32 kernel_ext_info_size = 19;
- }
- message KernelContext {
- uint32 kernel_type = 1;
- uint32 op_id = 2; // OP type in CCE
- uint32 kernel_func_id = 3;
- uint32 op_index = 4; // TE/Custom operator
- bool is_flowtable = 5; // Identify whether args is a flowtable structure
- bytes args_offset = 6; // args offset information
- uint32 args_count = 7; // args count
- repeated uint32 origin_op_index = 8;
- }
- message KernelExDef {
- uint32 flags = 1;
- uint32 op_index = 4;
- uint32 args_size = 12;
- bytes args = 13;
- bytes task_info = 14; // serialized nodeDef, funcDef, inputoutput
- uint32 task_info_size = 15;
- bytes kernel_ext_info = 16;
- uint32 kernel_ext_info_size = 17;
- }
- message KernelHcclDef {
- uint32 op_index = 8;
- string hccl_type = 9;
- }
- message EventExDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 event_type = 2;
- }
- message LogTimeStampDef {
- uint64 logid = 1;
- bool notify = 2;
- uint32 flat = 3;
- }
- message MemcpyAsyncDef {
- uint64 dst = 1;
- uint64 dst_max = 2;
- uint64 src = 3;
- uint64 count = 4;
- uint32 kind = 5;
- uint32 op_index = 6;
- }
- message StreamSwitchDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 true_stream_id = 2;
- int64 value = 3;
- uint64 value_ptr = 4;
- uint32 data_type = 5;
- }
- message StreamActiveDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 active_stream_id = 2;
- }
- message StreamSwitchNDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 size = 2;
- repeated int64 target_value = 3;
- repeated uint32 true_stream_id = 4;
- uint32 element_size = 5;
- uint32 data_type = 6;
- }
- message LabelSetDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 label_id = 2;
- uint32 model_id = 3;
- }
- message LabelGotoExDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 label_id = 2;
- uint32 model_id = 3;
- }
- message LabelSwitchByIndexDef {
- uint32 op_index = 1;
- uint32 label_max = 2;
- }