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tags/v1.2.0 3 years ago
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inc/framework/omg/omg.h View File

@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace ge {
* @brief init omg context
* @return void
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status InitDomiOmgContext(const string &input_shape, const string &input_format, const string &net_format,
bool is_dynamic_input);
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status InitDomiOmgContext(const string &input_shape, const string &input_format,
const string &net_format, bool is_dynamic_input);

* @ingroup domi_omg
@@ -61,9 +61,10 @@ GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status InitDomiOmgContext(const string &input_shape, const st
* @param [in] atc_params multiply atc params
* @return Status result code
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status ParseGraph(ge::Graph &graph, const std::map<string, string> &atc_params, const char *model_file,
const char *weights_file, domi::FrameworkType type, const char *op_conf = nullptr,
const char *target = nullptr, RunMode run_mode = GEN_OM_MODEL, bool is_dynamic_input = false);
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status ParseGraph(ge::Graph &graph, const std::map<string, string> &atc_params,
const char *model_file, const char *weights_file, domi::FrameworkType type,
const char *op_conf = nullptr, const char *target = nullptr,
RunMode run_mode = GEN_OM_MODEL, bool is_dynamic_input = false);

* @ingroup domi_omg
@@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status ConvertPbtxtToJson(const char *model_file, const char
* @param [key] encrypted key
* @return Status result code
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status ConvertFwkModelToJson(domi::FrameworkType framework, const char *model_file, const char *json_file);
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status ConvertFwkModelToJson(domi::FrameworkType framework, const char *model_file,
const char *json_file);

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY void GetGroupName(ge::proto::ModelDef &model);

@@ -93,12 +95,14 @@ GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY void FindParserSo(const string &path, vector<string> &fileLis

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status DumpInfershapeJson(const ge::Graph &graph, const char *json_file);

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status SetOutputNodeInfo(ge::Graph &graph, const std::string &output_type, const std::string &output_format);
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status SetOutputNodeInfo(ge::Graph &graph, const std::string &output_type,
const std::string &output_format);

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status GetOutputLeaf(ge::NodePtr node, std::vector<std::pair<ge::NodePtr, int32_t>> &output_nodes_info);
GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY Status GetOutputLeaf(ge::NodePtr node,
std::vector<std::pair<ge::NodePtr, int32_t>> &output_nodes_info);

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY void GetOutputNodesNameAndIndex(std::vector<std::pair<ge::NodePtr, int32_t>> &output_nodes_info,
std::vector<std::string> &output_nodes_name);
std::vector<std::string> &output_nodes_name);

GE_FUNC_VISIBILITY void UpdateOmgCtxWithParserCtx();
