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回退 'Pull Request !502 : add external headers for mindspore'

王涛 Gitee 3 years ago
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inc/external/acl/acl.h View File

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


#include "acl_rt.h"
#include "acl_op.h"
#include "acl_mdl.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Current version is 1.0.0

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief acl initialize
* @par Restriction
* The aclInit interface can be called only once in a process
* @param configPath [IN] the config path,it can be NULL
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclInit(const char *configPath);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief acl finalize
* @par Restriction
* Need to call aclFinalize before the process exits.
* After calling aclFinalize,the services cannot continue to be used normally.
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclFinalize();

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief query ACL interface version
* @param majorVersion[OUT] ACL interface major version
* @param minorVersion[OUT] ACL interface minor version
* @param patchVersion[OUT] ACL interface patch version
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetVersion(int32_t *majorVersion, int32_t *minorVersion, int32_t *patchVersion);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 569
inc/external/acl/acl_base.h View File

@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "error_codes/rt_error_codes.h"
#include "error_codes/ge_error_codes.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY _declspec(dllexport)
#define ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY __attribute__((visibility("default")))

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ACL_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
#define ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE(message) __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define ACL_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
#define ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE(message) __declspec(deprecated(message))

typedef void *aclrtStream;
typedef void *aclrtEvent;
typedef void *aclrtContext;
typedef int aclError;
typedef uint16_t aclFloat16;
typedef struct aclDataBuffer aclDataBuffer;
typedef struct aclTensorDesc aclTensorDesc;

static const int ACL_ERROR_NONE = 0;
static const int ACL_SUCCESS = 0;

static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = 100000;
static const int ACL_ERROR_UNINITIALIZE = 100001;
static const int ACL_ERROR_REPEAT_INITIALIZE = 100002;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_FILE = 100003;
static const int ACL_ERROR_WRITE_FILE = 100004;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_SIZE = 100005;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PARSE_FILE = 100006;
static const int ACL_ERROR_FILE_MISSING_ATTR = 100007;
static const int ACL_ERROR_FILE_ATTR_INVALID = 100008;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_DUMP_CONFIG = 100009;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_PROFILING_CONFIG = 100010;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_MODEL_ID = 100011;
static const int ACL_ERROR_DESERIALIZE_MODEL = 100012;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PARSE_MODEL = 100013;
static const int ACL_ERROR_READ_MODEL_FAILURE = 100014;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MODEL_SIZE_INVALID = 100015;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MODEL_MISSING_ATTR = 100016;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MODEL_INPUT_NOT_MATCH = 100017;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MODEL_OUTPUT_NOT_MATCH = 100018;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MODEL_NOT_DYNAMIC = 100019;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_TYPE_NOT_MATCH = 100020;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_INPUT_NOT_MATCH = 100021;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_OUTPUT_NOT_MATCH = 100022;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_ATTR_NOT_MATCH = 100023;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_NOT_FOUND = 100024;
static const int ACL_ERROR_OP_LOAD_FAILED = 100025;
static const int ACL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE = 100026;
static const int ACL_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_MATCH = 100027;
static const int ACL_ERROR_BIN_SELECTOR_NOT_REGISTERED = 100028;
static const int ACL_ERROR_KERNEL_NOT_FOUND = 100029;
static const int ACL_ERROR_KERNEL_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 100031;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE_ID = 100032;
static const int ACL_ERROR_REPEAT_SUBSCRIBE = 100033;
static const int ACL_ERROR_STREAM_NOT_SUBSCRIBE = 100034;
static const int ACL_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_SUBSCRIBE = 100035;
static const int ACL_ERROR_WAIT_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT = 100036;
static const int ACL_ERROR_REPEAT_FINALIZE = 100037;
static const int ACL_ERROR_NOT_STATIC_AIPP = 100038;
static const int ACL_ERROR_COMPILING_STUB_MODE = 100039;
static const int ACL_ERROR_GROUP_NOT_SET = 100040;
static const int ACL_ERROR_GROUP_NOT_CREATE = 100041;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROF_ALREADY_RUN = 100042;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROF_NOT_RUN = 100043;
static const int ACL_ERROR_DUMP_ALREADY_RUN = 100044;
static const int ACL_ERROR_DUMP_NOT_RUN = 100045;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROF_REPEAT_SUBSCRIBE = 148046;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROF_API_CONFLICT = 148047;

static const int ACL_ERROR_BAD_ALLOC = 200000;
static const int ACL_ERROR_API_NOT_SUPPORT = 200001;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE = 200002;
static const int ACL_ERROR_MEMORY_ADDRESS_UNALIGNED = 200003;
static const int ACL_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_MATCH = 200004;
static const int ACL_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE_HANDLE = 200005;
static const int ACL_ERROR_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED = 200006;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROF_MODULES_UNSUPPORTED = 200007;

static const int ACL_ERROR_STORAGE_OVER_LIMIT = 300000;

static const int ACL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500000;
static const int ACL_ERROR_FAILURE = 500001;
static const int ACL_ERROR_GE_FAILURE = 500002;
static const int ACL_ERROR_RT_FAILURE = 500003;
static const int ACL_ERROR_DRV_FAILURE = 500004;
static const int ACL_ERROR_PROFILING_FAILURE = 500005;


typedef enum {
ACL_FLOAT16 = 1,
ACL_INT8 = 2,
ACL_INT32 = 3,
ACL_UINT8 = 4,
ACL_INT16 = 6,
ACL_UINT16 = 7,
ACL_UINT32 = 8,
ACL_INT64 = 9,
ACL_UINT64 = 10,
ACL_BOOL = 12,
} aclDataType;

typedef enum {
} aclFormat;

typedef enum {
} aclLogLevel;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Converts data of type aclFloat16 to data of type float
* @param value [IN] Data to be converted
* @retval Transformed data
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY float aclFloat16ToFloat(aclFloat16 value);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Converts data of type float to data of type aclFloat16
* @param value [IN] Data to be converted
* @retval Transformed data
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclFloat16 aclFloatToFloat16(float value);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create data of aclDataBuffer
* @param data [IN] pointer to data
* @li Need to be managed by the user,
* call aclrtMalloc interface to apply for memory,
* call aclrtFree interface to release memory
* @param size [IN] size of data in bytes
* @retval pointer to created instance. nullptr if run out of memory
* @see aclrtMalloc | aclrtFree
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataBuffer *aclCreateDataBuffer(void *data, size_t size);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy data of aclDataBuffer
* @par Function
* Only the aclDataBuffer type data is destroyed here.
* The memory of the data passed in when the aclDataDataBuffer interface
* is called to create aclDataBuffer type data must be released by the user
* @param dataBuffer [IN] pointer to the aclDataBuffer
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclCreateDataBuffer
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclDestroyDataBuffer(const aclDataBuffer *dataBuffer);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get data address from aclDataBuffer
* @param dataBuffer [IN] pointer to the data of aclDataBuffer
* @retval data address
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void *aclGetDataBufferAddr(const aclDataBuffer *dataBuffer);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get data size of aclDataBuffer
* @param dataBuffer [IN] pointer to the data of aclDataBuffer
* @retval data size
ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("aclGetDataBufferSize is deprecated, use aclGetDataBufferSizeV2 instead")
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint32_t aclGetDataBufferSize(const aclDataBuffer *dataBuffer);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get data size of aclDataBuffer to replace aclGetDataBufferSize
* @param dataBuffer [IN] pointer to the data of aclDataBuffer
* @retval data size
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclGetDataBufferSizeV2(const aclDataBuffer *dataBuffer);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get size of aclDataType
* @param dataType [IN] aclDataType data the size to get
* @retval size of the aclDataType
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclDataTypeSize(aclDataType dataType);

// interfaces of tensor desc
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create data aclTensorDesc
* @param dataType [IN] Data types described by tensor
* @param numDims [IN] the number of dimensions of the shape
* @param dims [IN] the size of the specified dimension
* @param format [IN] tensor format
* @retval aclTensorDesc pointer.
* @retval nullptr if param is invalid or run out of memory
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclTensorDesc *aclCreateTensorDesc(aclDataType dataType, int numDims, const int64_t *dims,
aclFormat format);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy data aclTensorDesc
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the data of aclTensorDesc to destroy
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void aclDestroyTensorDesc(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set tensor shape range for aclTensorDesc
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the data of aclTensorDesc
* @param dimsCount [IN] the number of dimensions of the shape
* @param dimsRange [IN] the range of dimensions of the shape
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorShapeRange(aclTensorDesc *desc, size_t dimsCount,
int64_t dimsRange[][ACL_TENSOR_SHAPE_RANGE_NUM]);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get data type specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval data type specified by the tensor description.
* @retval ACL_DT_UNDEFINED if description is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataType aclGetTensorDescType(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get data format specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval data format specified by the tensor description.
* @retval ACL_FORMAT_UNDEFINED if description is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclFormat aclGetTensorDescFormat(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get tensor size specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval data size specified by the tensor description.
* @retval 0 if description is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclGetTensorDescSize(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get element count specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval element count specified by the tensor description.
* @retval 0 if description is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclGetTensorDescElementCount(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get number of dims specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval number of dims specified by the tensor description.
* @retval 0 if description is null
* @retval ACL_UNKNOWN_RANK if the tensor dim is -2
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclGetTensorDescNumDims(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the size of the specified dim in the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param index [IN] index of dims, start from 0.
* @retval dim specified by the tensor description and index.
* @retval -1 if description or index is invalid
ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("aclGetTensorDescDim is deprecated, use aclGetTensorDescDimV2 instead")
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY int64_t aclGetTensorDescDim(const aclTensorDesc *desc, size_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the size of the specified dim in the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param index [IN] index of dims, start from 0.
* @param dimSize [OUT] size of the specified dim.
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclGetTensorDescDimV2(const aclTensorDesc *desc, size_t index, int64_t *dimSize);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the range of the specified dim in the tensor description
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param index [IN] index of dims, start from 0.
* @param dimRangeNum [IN] number of dimRange.
* @param dimRange [OUT] range of the specified dim.
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclGetTensorDescDimRange(const aclTensorDesc *desc, size_t index, size_t dimRangeNum,
int64_t *dimRange);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set tensor description name
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param name [IN] tensor description name
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void aclSetTensorDescName(aclTensorDesc *desc, const char *name);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get tensor description name
* @param desc [IN] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @retval tensor description name.
* @retval empty string if description is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY const char *aclGetTensorDescName(aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Convert the format in the source aclTensorDesc according to
* the specified dstFormat to generate a new target aclTensorDesc.
* The format in the source aclTensorDesc remains unchanged.
* @param srcDesc [IN] pointer to the source tensor desc
* @param dstFormat [IN] destination format
* @param dstDesc [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the destination tensor desc
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclTransTensorDescFormat(const aclTensorDesc *srcDesc, aclFormat dstFormat,
aclTensorDesc **dstDesc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the storage format specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param format [IN] the storage format
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("aclSetTensorStorageFormat is deprecated, use aclSetTensorFormat instead")
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorStorageFormat(aclTensorDesc *desc, aclFormat format);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the storage shape specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param numDims [IN] the number of dimensions of the shape
* @param dims [IN] the size of the specified dimension
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("aclSetTensorStorageShape is deprecated, use aclSetTensorShape instead")
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorStorageShape(aclTensorDesc *desc, int numDims, const int64_t *dims);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the format specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param format [IN] the storage format
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorFormat(aclTensorDesc *desc, aclFormat format);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the shape specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param numDims [IN] the number of dimensions of the shape
* @param dims [IN] the size of the specified dimension
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorShape(aclTensorDesc *desc, int numDims, const int64_t *dims);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the original format specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param format [IN] the storage format
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorOriginFormat(aclTensorDesc *desc, aclFormat format);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the original shape specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param numDims [IN] the number of dimensions of the shape
* @param dims [IN] the size of the specified dimension
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorOriginShape(aclTensorDesc *desc, int numDims, const int64_t *dims);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get op description info
* @param desc [IN] pointer to tensor description
* @param index [IN] index of tensor
* @retval null for failed.
* @retval OtherValues success.
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclTensorDesc *aclGetTensorDescByIndex(aclTensorDesc *desc, size_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get address of tensor
* @param desc [IN] pointer to tensor description
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void *aclGetTensorDescAddress(const aclTensorDesc *desc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set the dynamic input name specified by the tensor description
* @param desc [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclTensorDesc
* @param dynamicInputName [IN] pointer to the dynamic input name
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetTensorDynamicInput(aclTensorDesc *desc, const char *dynamicInputName);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief an interface for users to output APP logs
* @param logLevel [IN] the level of current log
* @param func [IN] the function where the log is located
* @param file [IN] the file where the log is located
* @param line [IN] Number of source lines where the log is located
* @param fmt [IN] the format of current log
* @param ... [IN] the value of current log
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void aclAppLog(aclLogLevel logLevel, const char *func, const char *file, uint32_t line,
const char *fmt, ...);

#define ACL_APP_LOG(level, fmt, ...) aclAppLog(level, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#ifdef __cplusplus


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File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

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inc/external/acl/acl_op.h View File

@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "acl_base.h"
#include "acl_rt.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct aclopHandle aclopHandle;
typedef struct aclopAttr aclopAttr;
typedef struct aclopKernelDesc aclopKernelDesc;

typedef void (*aclDataDeallocator)(void *data, size_t length);

static const int ACL_COMPILE_FLAG_BIN_SELECTOR = 1;

typedef enum aclEngineType {
} aclopEngineType;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set base directory that contains single op models
* @par Restriction
* The aclopSetModelDir interface can be called only once in a process.
* @param modelDir [IN] path of the directory
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetModelDir(const char *modelDir);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief load single op models from memory
* @par Restriction
* The aclopLoad interface can be called more than one times in a process.
* @param model [IN] address of single op models
* @param modelSize [IN] size of single op models
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopLoad(const void *model, size_t modelSize);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create data of type aclopAttr
* @retval pointer to created instance.
* @retval nullptr if run out of memory
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclopAttr *aclopCreateAttr();

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy data of typ aclopAttr
* @param attr [IN] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void aclopDestroyAttr(const aclopAttr *attr);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is bool
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param attrValue [IN] attribute value
* false if attrValue is 0, true otherwise.
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrBool(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, uint8_t attrValue);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is int64_t
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param attrValue [IN] attribute value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrInt(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int64_t attrValue);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is float
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param attrValue [IN] attribute value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrFloat(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, float attrValue);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is string
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param attrValue [IN] attribute value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrString(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, const char *attrValue);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is list of bools
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param numValues [IN] number of values. false if attrValue is 0, true otherwise.
* @param values [IN] pointer to values
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrListBool(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int numValues,
const uint8_t *values);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is list of ints
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param numValues [IN] number of values
* @param values [IN] pointer to values
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrListInt(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int numValues,
const int64_t *values);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is list of floats
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param numValues [IN] number of values
* @param values [IN] pointer to values
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrListFloat(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int numValues,
const float *values);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is list of strings
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param numValues [IN] number of values
* @param values [IN] pointer to values
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrListString(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int numValues,
const char **values);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set an attribute. the type of the attribute is list of list of ints
* @param attr [OUT] pointer to the instance of aclopAttr
* @param attrName [IN] attribute name
* @param numLists [IN] number of lists
* @param numValues [IN] pointer to number of values of each list
* @param values [IN] pointer to values
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetAttrListListInt(aclopAttr *attr, const char *attrName, int numLists,
const int *numValues, const int64_t *const values[]);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Load and execute the specified operator asynchronously
* @par Restriction
* @li The input and output organization of each operator is different,
* and the application needs to organize the operator strictly
* according to the operator input and output parameters when calling.
* @li When the user calls aclopExecute,
* the ACL finds the corresponding task according to the optype,
* the description of the input tesnsor,
* the description of the output tesnsor, and attr, and issues the execution.
* @param opType [IN] type of op
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param inputs [IN] pointer to array of input buffers
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param outputs [OUT] pointer to array of output buffers
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("aclopExecute is deprecated, use aclopExecuteV2 instead")
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopExecute(const char *opType, int numInputs, const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[],
const aclDataBuffer *const inputs[], int numOutputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[], aclDataBuffer *const outputs[],
const aclopAttr *attr, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Load and execute the specified operator
* The difference with aclopExecute is that aclopExecuteV2 will refresh outputDesc
* @par Restriction
* @li The input and output organization of each operator is different,
* and the application needs to organize the operator strictly
* according to the operator input and output parameters when calling.
* @li When the user calls aclopExecuteV2,
* the ACL finds the corresponding task according to the optype,
* the description of the input tesnsor,
* the description of the output tesnsor, and attr, and issues the execution.
* @param opType [IN] type of op
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param inputs [IN] pointer to array of input buffers
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN|OUT] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param outputs [OUT] pointer to array of output buffers
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopExecuteV2(const char *opType, int numInputs, aclTensorDesc *inputDesc[],
aclDataBuffer *inputs[], int numOutputs, aclTensorDesc *outputDesc[],
aclDataBuffer *outputs[], aclopAttr *attr, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a instance of aclopHandle.
* @param opType [IN] type of op
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param opAttr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCreateHandle(const char *opType, int numInputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[], int numOutputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[], const aclopAttr *opAttr,
aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy aclopHandle instance
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the instance of aclopHandle
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void aclopDestroyHandle(aclopHandle *handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief execute an op with the handle.
* can save op model matching cost compared with aclopExecute
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the instance of aclopHandle.
* The aclopCreateHandle interface has been called
* in advance to create aclopHandle type data.
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputs [IN] pointer to array of input buffers.
* The aclCreateDataBuffer interface has been called
* in advance to create aclDataBuffer type data.
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputs [OUT] pointer to array of output buffers
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclopCreateHandle | aclCreateDataBuffer
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopExecWithHandle(aclopHandle *handle, int numInputs,
const aclDataBuffer *const inputs[], int numOutputs,
aclDataBuffer *const outputs[], aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief cast data type
* @param srcDesc [IN] source tensor desc
* @param srcBuffer [IN] source tensor buffer
* @param dstDesc [IN] destination tensor desc
* @param dstBuffer [OUT] destination tensor buffer
* @param truncate [IN] do not truncate if value is 0, truncate otherwise
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCast(const aclTensorDesc *srcDesc, const aclDataBuffer *srcBuffer,
const aclTensorDesc *dstDesc, aclDataBuffer *dstBuffer, uint8_t truncate,
aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for casting datatype
* @param srcDesc [IN] source tensor desc
* @param dstDesc [IN] destination tensor desc
* @param truncate [IN] do not truncate if value is 0, truncate otherwise
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCreateHandleForCast(aclTensorDesc *srcDesc, aclTensorDesc *dstDesc, uint8_t truncate,
aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create kernel
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @param kernelId [IN] kernel id
* @param kernelName [IN] kernel name
* @param binData [IN] kernel bin data
* @param binSize [IN] kernel bin size
* @param enginetype [IN] enigne type
* @param deallocator [IN] callback function for deallocating bin data,
* null if bin data to be deallocated by caller
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclopCompile
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCreateKernel(const char *opType, const char *kernelId, const char *kernelName,
void *binData, int binSize, aclopEngineType enginetype,
aclDataDeallocator deallocator);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create kernel
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param opAttr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr
* @param aclopKernelDesc [IN] pointer to instance of aclopKernelDesc
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
typedef aclError (*aclopCompileFunc)(int numInputs, const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[], int numOutputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[], const aclopAttr *opAttr,
aclopKernelDesc *aclopKernelDesc);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief register compile function
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @param func [IN] compile function
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclopUnregisterCompileFunc
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopRegisterCompileFunc(const char *opType, aclopCompileFunc func);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief unregister compile function
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopUnregisterCompileFunc(const char *opType);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set kernel args
* @param kernelDesc [IN] pointer to instance of aclopKernelDesc
* @param kernelId [IN] kernel id
* @param blockDim [IN] block dim
* @param args [IN] args
* @param argSize [IN] size in bytes of args
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetKernelArgs(aclopKernelDesc *kernelDesc, const char *kernelId, uint32_t blockDim,
const void *args, uint32_t argSize);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set workspace sizes
* @param kernelDesc [IN] pointer to instance of aclopKernelDesc
* @param numWorkspaces [IN] number of workspaces
* @param workspaceSizes [IN] pointer to array of sizes of workspaces
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopSetKernelWorkspaceSizes(aclopKernelDesc *kernelDesc, int numWorkspaces,
size_t *workspaceSizes);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief compile op with dynamic shape
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopUpdateParams(const char *opType, int numInputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[], int numOutputs,
const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[], const aclopAttr *attr);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief inferShape the specified operator synchronously
* @param opType [IN] type of op
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param inputs [IN] pointer to array of input buffers
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [OUT] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopInferShape(const char *opType, int numInputs, aclTensorDesc *inputDesc[],
aclDataBuffer *inputs[], int numOutputs, aclTensorDesc *outputDesc[],
aclopAttr *attr);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 105
inc/external/acl/acl_op_compiler.h View File

@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "acl_base.h"
#include "acl_op.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum aclCompileType { ACL_COMPILE_SYS, ACL_COMPILE_UNREGISTERED } aclopCompileType;

typedef enum {
} aclCompileOpt;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief compile op
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @param engineType [IN] engine type
* @param compileFlag [IN] compile flag
* @param opPath [IN] path of op
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCompile(const char *opType, int numInputs, const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[],
int numOutputs, const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[],
const aclopAttr *attr, aclopEngineType engineType,
aclopCompileType compileFlag, const char *opPath);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief compile and execute op
* @param opType [IN] op type
* @param numInputs [IN] number of inputs
* @param inputDesc [IN] pointer to array of input tensor descriptions
* @param inputs [IN] pointer to array of input buffers
* @param numOutputs [IN] number of outputs
* @param outputDesc [IN] pointer to array of output tensor descriptions
* @param outputs [IN] pointer to array of outputs buffers
* @param attr [IN] pointer to instance of aclopAttr.
* may pass nullptr if the op has no attribute
* @param engineType [IN] engine type
* @param compileFlag [IN] compile flag
* @param opPath [IN] path of op
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclopCompileAndExecute(
const char *opType, int numInputs, const aclTensorDesc *const inputDesc[], const aclDataBuffer *const inputs[],
int numOutputs, const aclTensorDesc *const outputDesc[], aclDataBuffer *const outputs[], const aclopAttr *attr,
aclopEngineType engineType, aclopCompileType compileFlag, const char *opPath, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set compile option
* @param aclCompileOpt [IN] compile option
* @param value [IN] pointer for the option value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclSetCompileopt(aclCompileOpt opt, const char *value);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 297
inc/external/acl/acl_prof.h View File

@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


#include "acl_base.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define ACL_PROF_ACL_API 0x0001
#define ACL_PROF_TASK_TIME 0x0002
#define ACL_PROF_AICPU_TRACE 0x0008


typedef enum {
} aclprofAicoreMetrics;

typedef struct aclprofConfig aclprofConfig;
typedef struct aclprofStopConfig aclprofStopConfig;
typedef struct aclprofAicoreEvents aclprofAicoreEvents;
typedef struct aclprofSubscribeConfig aclprofSubscribeConfig;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief profiling initialize
* @param profilerResultPath [IN] path of profiling result
* @param length [IN] length of profilerResultPath
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofFinalize
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofInit(const char *profilerResultPath, size_t length);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief profiling finalize
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofInit
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofFinalize();

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Start profiling modules by profilerConfig
* @param profilerConfig [IN] config of profiling
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofStop
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofStart(const aclprofConfig *profilerConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Create data of type aclprofConfig
* @param deviceIdList [IN] list of device id
* @param deviceNums [IN] number of devices
* @param aicoreMetrics [IN] type of aicore metrics
* @param aicoreEvents [IN] pointer to aicore events, only support NULL now
* @param dataTypeConfig [IN] config modules need profiling
* @retval the aclprofConfig pointer
* @see aclprofDestroyConfig
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclprofConfig *aclprofCreateConfig(uint32_t *deviceIdList, uint32_t deviceNums,
aclprofAicoreMetrics aicoreMetrics,
aclprofAicoreEvents *aicoreEvents, uint64_t dataTypeConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Destroy data of type aclprofConfig
* @param profilerConfig [IN] config of profiling
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofCreateConfig
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofDestroyConfig(const aclprofConfig *profilerConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief stop profiling modules by stopProfilingConfig
* @param profilerConfig [IN] pointer to stop config of profiling
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofStart
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofStop(const aclprofConfig *profilerConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief subscribe profiling data of model
* @param modelId [IN] the model id subscribed
* @param profSubscribeConfig [IN] pointer to config of model subscribe
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofModelUnSubscribe
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofModelSubscribe(uint32_t modelId, const aclprofSubscribeConfig *profSubscribeConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief unsubscribe profiling data of model
* @param modelId [IN] the model id unsubscribed
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofModelSubscribe
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofModelUnSubscribe(uint32_t modelId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create subscribe config
* @param timeInfoSwitch [IN] switch whether get time info from model
* @param aicoreMetrics [IN] aicore metrics
* @param fd [IN] pointer to write pipe
* @retval the aclprofSubscribeConfig pointer
* @see aclprofDestroySubscribeConfig
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclprofSubscribeConfig *aclprofCreateSubscribeConfig(int8_t timeInfoSwitch,
aclprofAicoreMetrics aicoreMetrics, void *fd);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy subscribe config
* @param profSubscribeConfig [IN] subscribe config
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclprofCreateSubscribeConfig
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofDestroySubscribeConfig(const aclprofSubscribeConfig *profSubscribeConfig);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create subscribe config
* @param opDescSize [OUT] size of op desc
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofGetOpDescSize(size_t *opDescSize);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get op number from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param opNumber [OUT] op number of subscription data
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofGetOpNum(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t *opNumber);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get op type from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param index [IN] index of op array in opInfo
* @param opType [OUT] obtained op type string
* @param opTypeLen [IN] obtained length of op type string
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofGetOpType(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index, char *opType,
size_t opTypeLen);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get op type from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param index [IN] index of op array in opInfo
* @param opName [OUT] obtained op name string
* @param opNameLen [IN] obtained length of op name string
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclprofGetOpName(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index, char *opName,
size_t opNameLen);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get start time of specified op from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param index [IN] index of op array in opInfo
* @retval start time(us) of specified op with timestamp
* @retval 0 for failed
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint64_t aclprofGetOpStart(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get end time of specified op from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param index [IN] index of op array in opInfo
* @retval end time(us) of specified op with timestamp
* @retval 0 for failed
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint64_t aclprofGetOpEnd(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get excution time of specified op from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @param index [IN] index of op array in opInfo
* @retval execution time(us) of specified op with timestamp
* @retval 0 for failed
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint64_t aclprofGetOpDuration(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get model id from subscription data
* @param opInfo [IN] pointer to subscription data
* @param opInfoLen [IN] memory size of subscription data
* @retval model id of subscription data
* @retval 0 for failed
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t aclprofGetModelId(const void *opInfo, size_t opInfoLen, uint32_t index);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 932
inc/external/acl/acl_rt.h View File

@@ -1,932 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "acl_base.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum aclrtRunMode {
} aclrtRunMode;

typedef enum aclrtTsId {
} aclrtTsId;

typedef enum aclrtEventStatus {
} aclrtEventStatus;

typedef enum aclrtCallbackBlockType {
} aclrtCallbackBlockType;

typedef enum aclrtMemcpyKind {
} aclrtMemcpyKind;

typedef enum aclrtMemMallocPolicy {
} aclrtMemMallocPolicy;

typedef enum aclrtMemAttr {
} aclrtMemAttr;

typedef enum aclrtGroupAttr {
} aclrtGroupAttr;

typedef struct tagRtGroupInfo aclrtGroupInfo;

typedef struct rtExceptionInfo aclrtExceptionInfo;

typedef void (*aclrtCallback)(void *userData);

typedef void (*aclrtExceptionInfoCallback)(aclrtExceptionInfo *exceptionInfo);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set a callback function to handle exception information
* @param callback [IN] callback function to handle exception information
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSetExceptionInfoCallback(aclrtExceptionInfoCallback callback);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get task id from exception information
* @param info [IN] pointer of exception information
* @retval The task id from exception information
* @retval 0xFFFFFFFF if info is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint32_t aclrtGetTaskIdFromExceptionInfo(const aclrtExceptionInfo *info);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get stream id from exception information
* @param info [IN] pointer of exception information
* @retval The stream id from exception information
* @retval 0xFFFFFFFF if info is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint32_t aclrtGetStreamIdFromExceptionInfo(const aclrtExceptionInfo *info);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get thread id from exception information
* @param info [IN] pointer of exception information
* @retval The thread id of fail task
* @retval 0xFFFFFFFF if info is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint32_t aclrtGetThreadIdFromExceptionInfo(const aclrtExceptionInfo *info);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get device id from exception information
* @param info [IN] pointer of exception information
* @retval The thread id of fail task
* @retval 0xFFFFFFFF if info is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY uint32_t aclrtGetDeviceIdFromExceptionInfo(const aclrtExceptionInfo *info);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief The thread that handles the callback function on the Stream
* @param threadId [IN] thread ID
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSubscribeReport(uint64_t threadId, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Add a callback function to be executed on the host
* to the task queue of the Stream
* @param fn [IN] Specify the callback function to be added
* The function prototype of the callback function is:
* typedef void (*aclrtCallback)(void *userData);
* @param userData [IN] User data to be passed to the callback function
* @param blockType [IN] callback block type
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtLaunchCallback(aclrtCallback fn, void *userData, aclrtCallbackBlockType blockType,
aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief After waiting for a specified time, trigger callback processing
* @par Function
* The thread processing callback specified by
* the aclrtSubscribeReport interface
* @param timeout [IN] timeout value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtSubscribeReport
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtProcessReport(int32_t timeout);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Cancel thread registration,
* the callback function on the specified Stream
* is no longer processed by the specified thread
* @param threadId [IN] thread ID
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtUnSubscribeReport(uint64_t threadId, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create context and associates it with the calling thread
* @par Function
* The following use cases are supported:
* @li If you don't call the aclrtCreateContext interface
* to explicitly create the context,
* the system will use the default context, which is implicitly created
* when the aclrtSetDevice interface is called.
* @li If multiple contexts are created in a process
* (there is no limit on the number of contexts),
* the current thread can only use one of them at the same time.
* It is recommended to explicitly specify the context of the current thread
* through the aclrtSetCurrentContext interface to increase.
* the maintainability of the program.
* @param context [OUT] point to the created context
* @param deviceId [IN] device to create context on
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtSetDevice | aclrtSetCurrentContext
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtCreateContext(aclrtContext *context, int32_t deviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy context instance
* @par Function
* Can only destroy context created through aclrtCreateContext interface
* @param context [IN] the context to destroy
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateContext
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDestroyContext(aclrtContext context);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set the context of the thread
* @par Function
* The following scenarios are supported:
* @li If the aclrtCreateContext interface is called in a thread to explicitly
* create a Context (for example: ctx1), the thread's Context can be specified
* without calling the aclrtSetCurrentContext interface.
* The system uses ctx1 as the context of thread1 by default.
* @li If the aclrtCreateContext interface is not explicitly created,
* the system uses the default context as the context of the thread.
* At this time, the aclrtDestroyContext interface cannot be used to release
* the default context.
* @li If the aclrtSetCurrentContext interface is called multiple times to
* set the thread's Context, the last one prevails.
* @par Restriction
* @li If the cevice corresponding to the context set for the thread
* has been reset, you cannot set the context as the context of the thread,
* otherwise a business exception will result.
* @li It is recommended to use the context created in a thread.
* If the aclrtCreateContext interface is called in thread A to create a context,
* and the context is used in thread B,
* the user must guarantee the execution order of tasks in the same stream
* under the same context in two threads.
* @param context [IN] the current context of the thread
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateContext | aclrtDestroyContext
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSetCurrentContext(aclrtContext context);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get the context of the thread
* @par Function
* If the user calls the aclrtSetCurrentContext interface
* multiple times to set the context of the current thread,
* then the last set context is obtained
* @param context [OUT] the current context of the thread
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtSetCurrentContext
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetCurrentContext(aclrtContext *context);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Specify the device to use for the operation
* implicitly create the default context and the default stream
* @par Function
* The following use cases are supported:
* @li Device can be specified in the process or thread.
* If you call the aclrtSetDevice interface multiple
* times to specify the same device,
* you only need to call the aclrtResetDevice interface to reset the device.
* @li The same device can be specified for operation
* in different processes or threads.
* @li Device is specified in a process,
* and multiple threads in the process can share this device to explicitly
* create a Context (aclrtCreateContext interface).
* @li In multi-device scenarios, you can switch to other devices
* through the aclrtSetDevice interface in the process.
* @param deviceId [IN] the device id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtResetDevice |aclrtCreateContext
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSetDevice(int32_t deviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Reset the current operating Device and free resources on the device,
* including the default context, the default stream,
* and all streams created under the default context,
* and synchronizes the interface.
* If the task under the default context or stream has not been completed,
* the system will wait for the task to complete before releasing it.
* @par Restriction
* @li The Context, Stream, and Event that are explicitly created
* on the device to be reset. Before resetting,
* it is recommended to follow the following interface calling sequence,
* otherwise business abnormalities may be caused.
* @li Interface calling sequence:
* call aclrtDestroyEvent interface to release Event or
* call aclrtDestroyStream interface to release explicitly created Stream->
* call aclrtDestroyContext to release explicitly created Context->
* call aclrtResetDevice interface
* @param deviceId [IN] the device id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtResetDevice(int32_t deviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get target device of current thread
* @param deviceId [OUT] the device id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetDevice(int32_t *deviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get target side
* @param runMode [OUT] the run mode
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetRunMode(aclrtRunMode *runMode);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Wait for compute device to finish
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSynchronizeDevice(void);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Set Scheduling TS
* @param tsId [IN] the ts id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSetTsDevice(aclrtTsId tsId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get total device number.
* @param count [OUT] the device number
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetDeviceCount(uint32_t *count);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create event instance
* @param event [OUT] created event
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtCreateEvent(aclrtEvent *event);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy event instance
* @par Function
* Only events created through the aclrtCreateEvent interface can be
* destroyed, synchronous interfaces. When destroying an event,
* the user must ensure that the tasks involved in the aclrtSynchronizeEvent
* interface or the aclrtStreamWaitEvent interface are completed before
* they are destroyed.
* @param event [IN] event to destroy
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateEvent | aclrtSynchronizeEvent | aclrtStreamWaitEvent
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDestroyEvent(aclrtEvent event);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Record an Event in the Stream
* @param event [IN] event to record
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtRecordEvent(aclrtEvent event, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Reset an event
* @par Function
* Users need to make sure to wait for the tasks in the Stream
* to complete before resetting the Event
* @param event [IN] event to reset
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtResetEvent(aclrtEvent event, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Queries an event's status
* @param event [IN] event to query
* @param status [OUT] event status
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtQueryEvent(aclrtEvent event, aclrtEventStatus *status);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Block Host Running, wait event to be complete
* @param event [IN] event to wait
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSynchronizeEvent(aclrtEvent event);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief computes the elapsed time between events.
* @param ms [OUT] time between start and end in ms
* @param start [IN] starting event
* @param end [IN] ending event
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateEvent | aclrtRecordEvent | aclrtSynchronizeStream
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtEventElapsedTime(float *ms, aclrtEvent start, aclrtEvent end);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief alloc memory on device
* @par Function
* alloc for size linear memory on device
* and return a pointer to allocated memory by *devPtr
* @par Restriction
* @li The memory requested by the aclrtMalloc interface needs to be released
* through the aclrtFree interface.
* @li Before calling the media data processing interface,
* if you need to apply memory on the device to store input or output data,
* you need to call acldvppMalloc to apply for memory.
* @param devPtr [OUT] pointer to pointer to allocated memory on device
* @param size [IN] alloc memory size
* @param policy [IN] memory alloc policy
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtFree | acldvppMalloc | aclrtMallocCached
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMalloc(void **devPtr, size_t size, aclrtMemMallocPolicy policy);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief allocate memory on device with cache
* @par Function
* alloc for size linear memory on device
* and return a pointer to allocated memory by *devPtr
* @par Restriction
* @li The memory requested by the aclrtMallocCached interface needs to be released
* through the aclrtFree interface.
* @param devPtr [OUT] pointer to pointer to allocated memory on device
* @param size [IN] alloc memory size
* @param policy [IN] memory alloc policy
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtFree | aclrtMalloc
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMallocCached(void **devPtr, size_t size, aclrtMemMallocPolicy policy);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief flush cache data to ddr
* @param devPtr [IN] the pointer that flush data to ddr
* @param size [IN] flush size
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemFlush(void *devPtr, size_t size);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief invalidate cache data
* @param devPtr [IN] pointer to invalidate cache data
* @param size [IN] invalidate size
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemInvalidate(void *devPtr, size_t size);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief free device memory
* @par Function
* can only free memory allocated through the aclrtMalloc interface
* @param devPtr [IN] Pointer to memory to be freed
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtMalloc
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtFree(void *devPtr);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief alloc memory on host
* @par Restriction
* @li The requested memory cannot be used in the Device
* and needs to be explicitly copied to the Device.
* @li The memory requested by the aclrtMallocHost interface
* needs to be released through the aclrtFreeHost interface.
* @param hostPtr [OUT] pointer to pointer to allocated memory on the host
* @param size [IN] alloc memory size
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtFreeHost
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMallocHost(void **hostPtr, size_t size);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief free host memory
* @par Function
* can only free memory allocated through the aclrtMallocHost interface
* @param hostPtr [IN] free memory pointer
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtMallocHost
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtFreeHost(void *hostPtr);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief synchronous memory replication between host and device
* @param dst [IN] destination address pointer
* @param destMax [IN] Max length of the destination address memory
* @param src [IN] source address pointer
* @param count [IN] the length of byte to copy
* @param kind [IN] memcpy type
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemcpy(void *dst, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count,
aclrtMemcpyKind kind);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Initialize memory and set contents of memory to specified value
* @par Function
* The memory to be initialized is on the Host or device side,
* and the system determines whether
* it is host or device according to the address
* @param devPtr [IN] Starting address of memory
* @param maxCount [IN] Max length of destination address memory
* @param value [IN] Set value
* @param count [IN] The length of memory
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemset(void *devPtr, size_t maxCount, int32_t value, size_t count);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Asynchronous memory replication between Host and Device
* @par Function
* After calling this interface,
* be sure to call the aclrtSynchronizeStream interface to ensure that
* the task of memory replication has been completed
* @par Restriction
* @li For on-chip Device-to-Device memory copy,
* both the source and destination addresses must be 64-byte aligned
* @param dst [IN] destination address pointer
* @param destMax [IN] Max length of destination address memory
* @param src [IN] source address pointer
* @param count [IN] the number of byte to copy
* @param kind [IN] memcpy type
* @param stream [IN] asynchronized task stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtSynchronizeStream
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemcpyAsync(void *dst, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count,
aclrtMemcpyKind kind, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Asynchronous initialize memory
* and set contents of memory to specified value async
* @par Function
* The memory to be initialized is on the Host or device side,
* and the system determines whether
* it is host or device according to the address
* @param devPtr [IN] destination address pointer
* @param maxCount [IN] Max length of destination address memory
* @param value [IN] set value
* @param count [IN] the number of byte to set
* @param stream [IN] asynchronized task stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtSynchronizeStream
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtMemsetAsync(void *devPtr, size_t maxCount, int32_t value, size_t count,
aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create stream instance
* @param stream [OUT] the created stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtCreateStream(aclrtStream *stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy stream instance
* @par Function
* Can only destroy streams created through the aclrtCreateStream interface
* @par Restriction
* Before calling the aclrtDestroyStream interface to destroy
* the specified Stream, you need to call the aclrtSynchronizeStream interface
* to ensure that the tasks in the Stream have been completed.
* @param stream [IN] the stream to destroy
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateStream | aclrtSynchronizeStream
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDestroyStream(aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief block the host until all tasks
* in the specified stream have completed
* @param stream [IN] the stream to wait
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSynchronizeStream(aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Blocks the operation of the specified Stream until
* the specified Event is completed.
* Support for multiple streams waiting for the same event.
* @param stream [IN] the wait stream If using thedefault Stream, set NULL
* @param event [IN] the event to wait
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtStreamWaitEvent(aclrtStream stream, aclrtEvent event);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief set group
* @par Function
* set the task to the corresponding group
* @param groupId [IN] group id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtGetGroupCount | aclrtGetAllGroupInfo | aclrtGetGroupInfoDetail
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtSetGroup(int32_t groupId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get the number of group
* @par Function
* get the number of group. if the number of group is zero,
* it means that group is not supported or group is not created.
* @param count [OUT] the number of group
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetGroupCount(uint32_t *count);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create group information
* @retval null for failed.
* @retval OtherValues success.
* @see aclrtDestroyGroupInfo
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclrtGroupInfo *aclrtCreateGroupInfo();

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief destroy group information
* @param groupInfo [IN] pointer to group information
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtCreateGroupInfo
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDestroyGroupInfo(aclrtGroupInfo *groupInfo);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get all group information
* @param groupInfo [OUT] pointer to group information
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtGetGroupCount
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetAllGroupInfo(aclrtGroupInfo *groupInfo);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief get detail information of group
* @param groupInfo [IN] pointer to group information
* @param groupId [IN] group index value
* @param attr [IN] group attribute
* @param attrValue [OUT] pointer to attribute value
* @param valueLen [IN] length of attribute value
* @param paramRetSize [OUT] pointer to real length of attribute value
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtGetGroupCount | aclrtGetAllGroupInfo
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetGroupInfoDetail(const aclrtGroupInfo *groupInfo, int32_t groupId,
aclrtGroupAttr attr, void *attrValue, size_t valueLen,
size_t *paramRetSize);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief checking whether current device and peer device support the p2p feature
* @param canAccessPeer [OUT] pointer to save the checking result
* @param deviceId [IN] current device id
* @param peerDeviceId [IN] peer device id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtDeviceEnablePeerAccess | aclrtDeviceDisablePeerAccess
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDeviceCanAccessPeer(int32_t *canAccessPeer, int32_t deviceId, int32_t peerDeviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief enable the peer device to support the p2p feature
* @param peerDeviceId [IN] the peer device id
* @param flags [IN] reserved field, now it must be zero
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtDeviceCanAccessPeer | aclrtDeviceDisablePeerAccess
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDeviceEnablePeerAccess(int32_t peerDeviceId, uint32_t flags);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief disable the peer device to support the p2p function
* @param peerDeviceId [IN] the peer device id
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtDeviceCanAccessPeer | aclrtDeviceEnablePeerAccess
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtDeviceDisablePeerAccess(int32_t peerDeviceId);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Obtain the free memory and total memory of specified attribute.
* the specified memory include normal memory and huge memory.
* @param attr [IN] the memory attribute of specified device
* @param free [OUT] the free memory of specified device
* @param total [OUT] the total memory of specified device.
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtGetMemInfo(aclrtMemAttr attr, size_t *free, size_t *total);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 276
inc/external/acl/acl_tdt.h View File

@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


#include "acl/acl_base.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

enum acltdtTensorType {

typedef struct acltdtDataItem acltdtDataItem;
typedef struct acltdtDataset acltdtDataset;
typedef struct acltdtChannelHandle acltdtChannelHandle;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get tensor type from item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to the data item
* @retval Tensor type.
* @retval ACL_DT_UNDEFINED if dataItem is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY acltdtTensorType acltdtGetTensorTypeFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get data type from item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to the data item
* @retval Data type.
* @retval ACL_DT_UNDEFINED if dataItem is null
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclDataType acltdtGetDataTypeFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get data address from item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to data item
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY void *acltdtGetDataAddrFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get data size from item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to data item
* @retval 0 for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t acltdtGetDataSizeFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get dim's number from item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to data item
* @retval 0 for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t acltdtGetDimNumFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get dims from item
* @param dataItem [IN] the struct of data item
* @param dims [IN|OUT] pointer to the dims of dataTtem
* @param dimNum [IN] the size of the dims
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtGetDimsFromItem(const acltdtDataItem *dataItem, int64_t *dims, size_t dimNum);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Create the struct of data item
* @param tdtType [IN] Tdt tensor type
* @param dims [IN] pointer of tdtDataItem's dims
* @param dimNum [IN] Dim number
* @param dataType [IN] Data type
* @param data [IN] Data pointer
* @param size [IN] Data size
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
* @see acltdtDestroyDataItem
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY acltdtDataItem *acltdtCreateDataItem(acltdtTensorType tdtType, const int64_t *dims, size_t dimNum,
aclDataType dataType, void *data, size_t size);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Destroy the struct of data item
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to the data item
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtCreateDataItem
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtDestroyDataItem(acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Create the tdt dataset
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
* @see acltdtDestroyDataset
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY acltdtDataset *acltdtCreateDataset();

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Destroy the tdt dataset
* @param dataset [IN] pointer to the dataset
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtCreateDataset
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtDestroyDataset(acltdtDataset *dataset);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the data item
* @param dataset [IN] pointer to the dataset
* @param index [IN] index of the dataset
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
* @see acltdtAddDataItem
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY acltdtDataItem *acltdtGetDataItem(const acltdtDataset *dataset, size_t index);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the data item
* @param dataset [OUT] pointer to the dataset
* @param dataItem [IN] pointer to the data item
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtGetDataItem
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtAddDataItem(acltdtDataset *dataset, acltdtDataItem *dataItem);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Get the size of dataset
* @param dataset [IN] pointer to the dataset
* @retval 0 for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY size_t acltdtGetDatasetSize(const acltdtDataset *dataset);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Stop the channel
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the channel handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtCreateChannel | acltdtDestroyChannel
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtStopChannel(acltdtChannelHandle *handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Create the channel
* @param deviceId [IN] the device id
* @param name [IN] the channel's name
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
* @see acltdtStopChannel | acltdtDestroyChannel
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY acltdtChannelHandle *acltdtCreateChannel(uint32_t deviceId, const char *name);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Destroy the channel
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the channel handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtCreateChannel | acltdtStopChannel
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtDestroyChannel(acltdtChannelHandle *handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Send tensor to device
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the channel handle
* @param dataset [IN] pointer to the dataset
* @param timeout [IN] to be reserved, now it must be -1
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtReceiveTensor
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtSendTensor(const acltdtChannelHandle *handle, const acltdtDataset *dataset,
int32_t timeout);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Receive tensor from device
* @param handle [IN] pointer to the channel handle
* @param dataset [OUT] pointer to the dataset
* @param timeout [IN] to be reserved, now it must be -1
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see acltdtSendTensor
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError acltdtReceiveTensor(const acltdtChannelHandle *handle, acltdtDataset *dataset,
int32_t timeout);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 57
inc/external/acl/error_codes/ge_error_codes.h View File

@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include <stddef.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID = 145000;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_NOT_INIT = 145001;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_PATH_INVALID = 145002;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_ID_INVALID = 145003;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_KEY_PATH_INVALID = 145004;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_NOT_SUPPORT_ENCRYPTION = 145005;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_DATA_SIZE_INVALID = 145006;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_ADDR_INVALID = 145007;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID = 145008;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_LOAD_MODEL_REPEATED = 145009;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_PARTITION_NUM_INVALID = 145010;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_DYNAMIC_INPUT_ADDR_INVALID = 145011;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_DYNAMIC_INPUT_LENGTH_INVALID = 145012;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_DYNAMIC_BATCH_SIZE_INVALID = 145013;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_BATCH_EMPTY = 145014;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST = 145015;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_MODE_INVALID = 145016;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_OP_TASK_TYPE_INVALID = 145017;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_OP_KERNEL_TYPE_INVALID = 145018;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = 245000;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 545000;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_LOAD_MODEL = 545001;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_LOAD_MODEL_PARTITION_FAILED = 545002;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_LOAD_WEIGHT_PARTITION_FAILED = 545003;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_LOAD_TASK_PARTITION_FAILED = 545004;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_LOAD_KERNEL_PARTITION_FAILED = 545005;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_RELEASE_MODEL_DATA = 545006;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_COMMAND_HANDLE = 545007;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_GET_TENSOR_INFO = 545008;
static const uint32_t ACL_ERROR_GE_UNLOAD_MODEL = 545009;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // namespace ge

+ 0
- 91
inc/external/acl/error_codes/rt_error_codes.h View File

@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static const int32_t ACL_RT_SUCCESS = 0; // success
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PARAM_INVALID = 107000; // param invalid
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INVALID_DEVICEID = 107001; // invalid device id
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_CONTEXT_NULL = 107002; // current context null
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_CONTEXT = 107003; // stream not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_CONTEXT = 107004; // model not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_MODEL = 107005; // stream not in model
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID = 107006; // event timestamp invalid
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_REVERSAL = 107007; // event timestamp reversal
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_ADDR_UNALIGNED = 107008; // memory address unaligned
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FILE_OPEN = 107009; // open file failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FILE_WRITE = 107010; // write file failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_SUBSCRIBE = 107011; // error subscribe stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_THREAD_SUBSCRIBE = 107012; // error subscribe thread
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_GROUP_NOT_SET = 107013; // group not set
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_GROUP_NOT_CREATE = 107014; // group not create
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_NO_CB_REG = 107015; // callback not register to stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INVALID_MEMORY_TYPE = 107016; // invalid memory type
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPROT = 207000; // feature not support
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = 207001; // memory allocation error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MEMORY_FREE = 207002; // memory free error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INTERNEL_ERROR = 507000; // runtime internel error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_TS_ERROR = 507001; // ts internel error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_TASK_FULL = 507002; // task full in stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_TASK_EMPTY = 507003; // task empty in stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_NOT_COMPLETE = 507004; // stream not complete
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_END_OF_SEQUENCE = 507005; // end of sequence
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_NOT_COMPLETE = 507006; // event not complete
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_CONTEXT_RELEASE_ERROR = 507007; // context release error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_SOC_VERSION = 507008; // soc version error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_TASK_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = 507009; // task type not support
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_LOST_HEARTBEAT = 507010; // ts lost heartbeat
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_EXECUTE = 507011; // model execute failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_REPORT_TIMEOUT = 507012; // report timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_SYS_DMA = 507013; // sys dma error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_TIMEOUT = 507014; // aicore timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_EXCEPTION = 507015; // aicore exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_TRAP_EXCEPTION = 507016; // aicore trap exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_TIMEOUT = 507017; // aicpu timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_EXCEPTION = 507018; // aicpu exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_DATADUMP_RSP_ERR = 507019; // aicpu datadump response error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_MODEL_RSP_ERR = 507020; // aicpu model operate response error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PROFILING_ERROR = 507021; // profiling error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_IPC_ERROR = 507022; // ipc error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_ABORT_NORMAL = 507023; // model abort normal
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_UNREGISTERING = 507024; // kernel unregistering
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_RINGBUFFER_NOT_INIT = 507025; // ringbuffer not init
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_RINGBUFFER_NO_DATA = 507026; // ringbuffer no data
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_LOOKUP = 507027; // kernel lookup error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_DUPLICATE = 507028; // kernel register duplicate
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEBUG_REGISTER_FAIL = 507029; // debug register failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEBUG_UNREGISTER_FAIL = 507030; // debug unregister failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_LABEL_CONTEXT = 507031; // label not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PROGRAM_USE_OUT = 507032; // program register num use out
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEV_SETUP_ERROR = 507033; // device setup error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DRV_INTERNEL_ERROR = 507899; // drv internel error
#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 0
- 333
inc/external/acl/ops/acl_cblas.h View File

@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "acl/acl.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum aclTransType { ACL_TRANS_N, ACL_TRANS_T, ACL_TRANS_NZ, ACL_TRANS_NZ_T } aclTransType;

typedef enum aclComputeType { ACL_COMPUTE_HIGH_PRECISION, ACL_COMPUTE_LOW_PRECISION } aclComputeType;

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* of same type as dataTypeC
* @param a [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix A
* @param dataTypeA [IN] datatype of matrix A
* @param x [IN] pointer to vector x
* @param incx [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector x
* @param dataTypeX [IN] datatype of vector x
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* of same type as dataTypeC If beta == 0,
* then y does not have to be a valid input
* @param y [IN|OUT] pointer to vector y
* @param incy [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector y
* @param dataTypeY [IN] datatype of vector y
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasGemvEx(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, const void *alpha, const void *a, int lda,
aclDataType dataTypeA, const void *x, int incx, aclDataType dataTypeX,
const void *beta, void *y, int incy, aclDataType dataTypeY,
aclComputeType type, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param dataTypeA [IN] datatype of matrix A
* @param dataTypeX [IN] datatype of vector x
* @param dataTypeY [IN] datatype of vector y
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForGemvEx(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, aclDataType dataTypeA,
aclDataType dataTypeX, aclDataType dataTypeY,
aclComputeType type, aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication
* @param a [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix A
* @param x [IN] pointer to vector x
* @param incx [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector x
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* If beta value == 0,
* then y does not have to be a valid input
* @param y [IN|OUT] pointer to vector y
* @param incy [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector y
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasHgemv(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, const aclFloat16 *alpha,
const aclFloat16 *a, int lda, const aclFloat16 *x, int incx,
const aclFloat16 *beta, aclFloat16 *y, int incy, aclComputeType type,
aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForHgemv(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, aclComputeType type,
aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication
* @param a [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix A
* @param x [IN] pointer to vector x
* @param incx [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector x
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* If beta value == 0,
* then y does not have to be a valid input
* @param y [IN|OUT] pointer to vector y
* @param incy [IN] stride between consecutive elements of vector y
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasS8gemv(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, const int32_t *alpha, const int8_t *a,
int lda, const int8_t *x, int incx, const int32_t *beta, int32_t *y,
int incy, aclComputeType type, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-vector multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix A
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForS8gemv(aclTransType transA, int m, int n, aclComputeType type,
aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication. of same type as dataTypeC
* @param matrixA [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension array used to store matrix A
* @param dataTypeA [IN] datatype of matrix A
* @param matrixB [IN] pointer to matrix B
* @param ldb [IN] leading dimension array used to store matrix B
* @param dataTypeB [IN] datatype of matrix B
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* of same type as dataTypeC If beta == 0,
* then matrixC does not have to be a valid input
* @param matrixC [IN|OUT] pointer to matrix C
* @param ldc [IN] leading dimension array used to store matrix C
* @param dataTypeC [IN] datatype of matrix C
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasGemmEx(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC, int m, int n,
int k, const void *alpha, const void *matrixA, int lda,
aclDataType dataTypeA, const void *matrixB, int ldb, aclDataType dataTypeB,
const void *beta, void *matrixC, int ldc, aclDataType dataTypeC,
aclComputeType type, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param dataTypeA [IN] datatype of matrix A
* @param dataTypeB [IN] datatype of matrix B
* @param dataTypeC [IN] datatype of matrix C
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForGemmEx(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC,
int m, int n, int k, aclDataType dataTypeA,
aclDataType dataTypeB, aclDataType dataTypeC,
aclComputeType type, aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication
* @param matrixA [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix A
* @param matrixB [IN] pointer to matrix B
* @param ldb [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix B
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* If beta value == 0,
* then matrixC does not have to be a valid input
* @param matrixC [IN|OUT] pointer to matrix C
* @param ldc [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix C
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasHgemm(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC, int m, int n,
int k, const aclFloat16 *alpha, const aclFloat16 *matrixA, int lda,
const aclFloat16 *matrixB, int ldb, const aclFloat16 *beta,
aclFloat16 *matrixC, int ldc, aclComputeType type, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForHgemm(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC,
int m, int n, int k, aclComputeType type,
aclopHandle **handle);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief perform the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param alpha [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication
* @param matrixA [IN] pointer to matrix A
* @param lda [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix A
* @param matrixB [IN] pointer to matrix B
* @param ldb [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix B
* @param beta [IN] pointer to scalar used for multiplication.
* If beta value == 0,
* then matrixC does not have to be a valid input
* @param matrixC [IN|OUT] pointer to matrix C
* @param ldc [IN] leading dimension used to store the matrix C
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param stream [IN] stream
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasS8gemm(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC, int m, int n,
int k, const int32_t *alpha, const int8_t *matrixA, int lda,
const int8_t *matrixB, int ldb, const int32_t *beta, int32_t *matrixC,
int ldc, aclComputeType type, aclrtStream stream);

* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief create a handle for performing the matrix-matrix multiplication
* @param transA [IN] transpose type of matrix A
* @param transB [IN] transpose type of matrix B
* @param transC [IN] transpose type of matrix C
* @param m [IN] number of rows of matrix A and matrix C
* @param n [IN] number of columns of matrix B and matrix C
* @param k [IN] number of columns of matrix A and rows of matrix B
* @param type [IN] computation type
* @param handle [OUT] pointer to the pointer to the handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclblasCreateHandleForS8gemm(aclTransType transA, aclTransType transB, aclTransType transC,
int m, int n, int k, aclComputeType type,
aclopHandle **handle);

#ifdef __cplusplus


+ 0
- 2340
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 0
- 134
inc/external/hccl/hccl.h View File

@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* @file hccl.h
* @brief HCCL API

#ifndef HCCL_H_
#define HCCL_H_

#include <hccl/hccl_types.h>
#include <acl/acl.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus

* @brief Initialize HCCL.
* @param clusterInfo A string identifying the cluster info file path, include file name.
* @param rank A integer identifying the identify for the rank.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the initialized communication resource.
* @return HcclResult
* @see HcclCommDestroy()
extern HcclResult HcclCommInitClusterInfo(const char *clusterInfo, uint32_t rank, HcclComm *comm);

* @brief Get hccl root info.
* @param rootInfo A pointer identifying the hccl root info.
* @return HcclResult
extern HcclResult HcclGetRootInfo(HcclRootInfo *rootInfo);

* @brief Initialize HCCL with root info.
* @param nRanks A integer identifying the rank size of the cluster.
* @param rootInfo A struct identifying the hccl root info.
* @param rank A integer identifying the identify for the rank.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the initialized communication resource.
* @return HcclResult
* @see HcclCommDestroy()
extern HcclResult HcclCommInitRootInfo(uint32_t nRanks, const HcclRootInfo *rootInfo, uint32_t rank, HcclComm *comm);

* @brief AllReduce operator.
* @param sendBuf A pointer identifying the input data address of the operator.
* @param recvBuf A pointer identifying the output data address of the operator.
* @param count An integer(u64) identifying the number of the output data.
* @param dataType The data type of the operator, must be one of the following types: int8, int16, int32, float16,
* float32.
* @param op The reduction type of the operator, must be one of the following types: sum, min, max, prod.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on.
* @param stream A pointer identifying the stream information.
* @return HcclResult
extern HcclResult HcclAllReduce(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t count, HcclDataType dataType, HcclReduceOp op,
HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream);

* @brief Broadcast operator.
* @param buf A pointer identifying the data address of the operator.
* @param count An integer(u64) identifying the number of the data.
* @param dataType The data type of the operator, must be one of the following types: int8, int32, float16, float32.
* @param root An integer(u32) identifying the the root rank in the operator.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on
* @param stream A pointer identifying the stream information.
* @return HcclResult
extern HcclResult HcclBroadcast(void *buf, uint64_t count, HcclDataType dataType, uint32_t root, HcclComm comm,
aclrtStream stream);

* @brief ReduceScatter operator.
* @param sendBuf A pointer identifying the input data address of the operator.
* @param recvBuf A pointer identifying the output data address of the operator.
* @param recvCount An integer(u64) identifying the number of the output data.
* @param dataType The data type of the operator, must be one of the following types: int8, int32, float16, float32.
* @param op The reduction type of the operator, must be one of the following types: sum, min, max, prod.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on.
* @param stream A pointer identifying the stream information.
* @return HcclResult
extern HcclResult HcclReduceScatter(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t recvCount, HcclDataType dataType,
HcclReduceOp op, HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream);

* @brief AllGather operator.
* @param sendBuf A pointer identifying the input data address of the operator.
* @param recvBuf A pointer identifying the output data address of the operator.
* @param sendCount An integer(u64) identifying the number of the input data.
* @param dataType The data type of the operator, must be one of the following types: int8, int32, float16, float32.
* @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on.
* @param stream A pointer identifying the stream information.
* @return HcclResult
extern HcclResult HcclAllGather(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t sendCount, HcclDataType dataType, HcclComm comm,
aclrtStream stream);

* @brief Destroy HCCL comm
* @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource targetting
* @return HcclResult
* @see HcclCommInitClusterInfo()
extern HcclResult HcclCommDestroy(HcclComm comm);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // HCCL_H_

+ 0
- 101
inc/external/hccl/hccl_types.h View File

@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* @file hccl_types.h
* @brief HCCL data type definition

#ifndef HCCL_TYPES_H_
#define HCCL_TYPES_H_

#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus

* @brief HCCL functions return value definition
typedef enum {
HCCL_SUCCESS = 0, /**< success */
HCCL_E_PARA = 1, /**< parameter error */
HCCL_E_PTR = 2, /**< empty pointer */
HCCL_E_MEMORY = 3, /**< memory error */
HCCL_E_INTERNAL = 4, /**< internal error */
HCCL_E_NOT_SUPPORT = 5, /**< not support feature */
HCCL_E_NOT_FOUND = 6, /**< not found specific resource */
HCCL_E_UNAVAIL = 7, /**< resource unavailable */
HCCL_E_SYSCALL = 8, /**< call system interface error */
HCCL_E_TIMEOUT = 9, /**< timeout */
HCCL_E_OPEN_FILE_FAILURE = 10, /**< open file fail */
HCCL_E_TCP_CONNECT = 11, /**< tcp connect fail */
HCCL_E_ROCE_CONNECT = 12, /**< roce connect fail */
HCCL_E_TCP_TRANSFER = 13, /**< tcp transfer fail */
HCCL_E_ROCE_TRANSFER = 14, /**< roce transfer fail */
HCCL_E_RUNTIME = 15, /**< call runtime api fail */
HCCL_E_DRV = 16, /**< call driver api fail */
HCCL_E_PROFILING = 17, /**< call profiling api fail */
HCCL_E_CCE = 18, /**< call cce api fail */
HCCL_E_NETWORK = 19, /**< call network api fail */
HCCL_E_RESERVED /**< reserved */
} HcclResult;

* @brief handle to HCCL communicator
typedef void *HcclComm;

* @brief HCCL Reduction opperation
typedef enum {
HCCL_REDUCE_SUM = 0, /**< sum */
HCCL_REDUCE_PROD = 1, /**< prod */
HCCL_REDUCE_MAX = 2, /**< max */
HCCL_REDUCE_MIN = 3, /**< min */
HCCL_REDUCE_RESERVED /**< reserved */
} HcclReduceOp;

* @brief HCCL data type
typedef enum {
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_INT8 = 0, /**< int8 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_INT16 = 1, /**< int16 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_INT32 = 2, /**< int32 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_FP16 = 3, /**< fp16 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_FP32 = 4, /**< fp32 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_INT64 = 5, /**< int64 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_UINT64 = 6, /**< uint64 */
HCCL_DATA_TYPE_RESERVED /**< reserved */
} HcclDataType;

const uint32_t HCCL_ROOT_INFO_BYTES = 4108; // 4108: root info length

* @brief HCCL root info
typedef struct HcclRootInfoDef {
char internal[HCCL_ROOT_INFO_BYTES];
} HcclRootInfo;

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // HCCL_TYPES_H_

+ 0
- 91
inc/external/runtime/rt_error_codes.h View File

@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static const int32_t ACL_RT_SUCCESS = 0; // success
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PARAM_INVALID = 107000; // param invalid
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INVALID_DEVICEID = 107001; // invalid device id
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_CONTEXT_NULL = 107002; // current context null
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_CONTEXT = 107003; // stream not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_CONTEXT = 107004; // model not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_MODEL = 107005; // stream not in model
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID = 107006; // event timestamp invalid
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_REVERSAL = 107007; // event timestamp reversal
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_ADDR_UNALIGNED = 107008; // memory address unaligned
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FILE_OPEN = 107009; // open file failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FILE_WRITE = 107010; // write file failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_SUBSCRIBE = 107011; // error subscribe stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_THREAD_SUBSCRIBE = 107012; // error subscribe thread
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_GROUP_NOT_SET = 107013; // group not set
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_GROUP_NOT_CREATE = 107014; // group not create
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_NO_CB_REG = 107015; // callback not register to stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INVALID_MEMORY_TYPE = 107016; // invalid memory type
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPROT = 207000; // feature not support
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = 207001; // memory allocation error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MEMORY_FREE = 207002; // memory free error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_INTERNEL_ERROR = 507000; // runtime internel error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_TS_ERROR = 507001; // ts internel error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_TASK_FULL = 507002; // task full in stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_TASK_EMPTY = 507003; // task empty in stream
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_STREAM_NOT_COMPLETE = 507004; // stream not complete
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_END_OF_SEQUENCE = 507005; // end of sequence
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_EVENT_NOT_COMPLETE = 507006; // event not complete
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_CONTEXT_RELEASE_ERROR = 507007; // context release error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_SOC_VERSION = 507008; // soc version error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_TASK_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = 507009; // task type not support
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_LOST_HEARTBEAT = 507010; // ts lost heartbeat
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_EXECUTE = 507011; // model execute failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_REPORT_TIMEOUT = 507012; // report timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_SYS_DMA = 507013; // sys dma error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_TIMEOUT = 507014; // aicore timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_EXCEPTION = 507015; // aicore exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICORE_TRAP_EXCEPTION = 507016; // aicore trap exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_TIMEOUT = 507017; // aicpu timeout
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_EXCEPTION = 507018; // aicpu exception
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_DATADUMP_RSP_ERR = 507019; // aicpu datadump response error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_AICPU_MODEL_RSP_ERR = 507020; // aicpu model operate response error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PROFILING_ERROR = 507021; // profiling error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_IPC_ERROR = 507022; // ipc error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_MODEL_ABORT_NORMAL = 507023; // model abort normal
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_UNREGISTERING = 507024; // kernel unregistering
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_RINGBUFFER_NOT_INIT = 507025; // ringbuffer not init
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_RINGBUFFER_NO_DATA = 507026; // ringbuffer no data
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_LOOKUP = 507027; // kernel lookup error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_KERNEL_DUPLICATE = 507028; // kernel register duplicate
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEBUG_REGISTER_FAIL = 507029; // debug register failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEBUG_UNREGISTER_FAIL = 507030; // debug unregister failed
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_LABEL_CONTEXT = 507031; // label not in current context
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_PROGRAM_USE_OUT = 507032; // program register num use out
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DEV_SETUP_ERROR = 507033; // device setup error
static const int32_t ACL_ERROR_RT_DRV_INTERNEL_ERROR = 507899; // drv internel error
#ifdef __cplusplus
