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Dynamic multi batch memory optimization

TangQunzhang 3 years ago
6 changed files with 363 additions and 204 deletions
  1. +6
  2. +322
  3. +30
  4. +2
  5. +1
  6. +2

+ 6
- 4
ge/graph/build/memory/ View File

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace {
const uint32_t kRangeCeilInterval = 2;
const uint32_t kLogBase = 2;
const int64_t kLargeBlockSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
const int64_t kLargeBlockRangeSize = 10;
const int64_t kLargeBlockRangeSize = 2;
} // namespace

namespace ge {
@@ -73,15 +73,17 @@ Status BinaryBlockMemAssigner::GetMemoryRanges(vector<int64_t> &range_ceils) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "dividend is 0!");
return FAILED;
// Memory size is 512 aligned, so it is not necessary to take less than 512
int64_t min_memory_size = (all_memory_size.back() > MEM_ALIGN_SIZE) ? MEM_ALIGN_SIZE : all_memory_size.front();
auto range_number = static_cast<size_t>(
ceil(log(all_memory_size.back() / static_cast<double>(all_memory_size.front())) / log(kLogBase)));
ceil(log(all_memory_size.back() / static_cast<double>(min_memory_size)) / log(kLogBase)));
range_number = (range_number == 0) ? 1 : range_number;
GELOGD("Range number: %zu", range_number);

vector<vector<int64_t>> ranges(range_number);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC((range_number != 0), return PARAM_INVALID, "range_number can't be 0.");
size_t range_number_limit = all_memory_size.size() / range_number;
int64_t range_ceil = all_memory_size[0];
int64_t range_ceil = min_memory_size;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= range_number; i++) {
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(TypeUtils::CheckUint64MulOverflow(static_cast<uint64_t>(range_ceil), kRangeCeilInterval),
GELOGE(FAILED, "Multiply result is out of range.");
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ Status BinaryBlockMemAssigner::GetMemoryRanges(vector<int64_t> &range_ceils) {
GELOGD("Range ceils: %s", ToString(range_ceils).c_str());
GELOGI("Range ceils: %s", ToString(range_ceils).c_str());

return SUCCESS;

+ 322
- 189
ge/graph/build/memory/ View File

@@ -65,6 +65,98 @@ void AlignMemOffset(size_t &mem_align_size) {
mem_align_size = (mem_align_size + MEM_ALIGN_SIZE - 1) / MEM_ALIGN_SIZE * MEM_ALIGN_SIZE;

static bool CompareLifeTime(const NodeTypeIndex &left, const NodeTypeIndex &right) {
auto left_node_op_desc = left.node->GetOpDesc();
auto right_node_op_desc = right.node->GetOpDesc();
if ((left_node_op_desc != nullptr) && (right_node_op_desc != nullptr)
&& (left_node_op_desc->GetId() < right_node_op_desc->GetId())) {
return true;
return false;

void GetLifeList(const MemoryBlock &block, std::vector<NodeTypeIndex> &life_list, bool child) {
for (auto &node : block.NodeTypeIndexList()) {

if (child) {
for (auto child_block : block.ChildBlockList()) {
if (child_block == nullptr) {
if (block.stream_id_ != child_block->stream_id_ || !block.same_stream_ || !child_block->same_stream_) {
GetLifeList(*child_block, life_list, child);

bool CrossLifeTime(const NodeTypeIndex &left, const NodeTypeIndex &right) {
if ((left.node == nullptr) || (right.node == nullptr)) {
return true;
auto left_node_op_desc = left.node->GetOpDesc();
auto right_node_op_desc = right.node->GetOpDesc();
if ((left_node_op_desc != nullptr) && (right_node_op_desc != nullptr)) {
if (left_node_op_desc->GetId() < right_node_op_desc->GetId()) {
if (left.life_time_end >= static_cast<size_t>(right_node_op_desc->GetId())) {
return true;
} else if (left_node_op_desc->GetId() == right_node_op_desc->GetId()) {
return true;
} else {
if (right.life_time_end >= static_cast<size_t>(left_node_op_desc->GetId())) {
return true;
return false;

/// When child block's life time are not cross with parent block, they can be reused(only same stream).
/// |-----------------------------parent block---------------------|
/// |------child block1--------------||------child block2------|
/// |--child block1-1-|
bool CanIntervalLifeReuse(MemoryBlock &parent_block, MemoryBlock &child_block) {
// judge by interval life time, only same stream can be judged by interval life time
if (parent_block.stream_id_ != child_block.stream_id_ || !parent_block.same_stream_ || !child_block.same_stream_
|| parent_block.NodeTypeIndexList().empty() || child_block.NodeTypeIndexList().empty()) {
return false;

// quick judge by front and back node
if (CrossLifeTime(parent_block.NodeTypeIndexList().front(), child_block.NodeTypeIndexList().front())) {
return false;
if (CrossLifeTime(parent_block.NodeTypeIndexList().back(), child_block.NodeTypeIndexList().back())) {
return false;

std::vector<NodeTypeIndex> life_list;
GetLifeList(parent_block, life_list, false);
GetLifeList(child_block, life_list, true);
if (life_list.empty()) {
return false;
std::sort(life_list.begin(), life_list.end(), CompareLifeTime);
size_t pre_life_end = 0;
for (auto &node : life_list) {
auto node_op_desc = node.node->GetOpDesc();
if (node_op_desc != nullptr && pre_life_end >= static_cast<size_t>(node_op_desc->GetId())) {
// life time cross
return false;
pre_life_end = node.life_time_end;
GELOGI("Block size[%zu, %zu] life time are not cross.", parent_block.Size(), child_block.Size());
return true;

void MemoryBlock::SetHeadOffset(size_t offset) {
head_offset_ = offset;
size_t child_offset = head_offset_;
@@ -125,20 +217,12 @@ size_t MemoryBlock::AlignSize() const {
return align_block_size;

bool MemoryBlock::IsSameLabel(std::string &first_batch_label) {
if (node_type_index_list_.empty()) {
bool MemoryBlock::IsSameBatchLabel() {
// only same batch label can reuse
if (batch_label_.empty() || node_type_index_list_.empty()) {
return false;

auto node_op_desc = node_type_index_list_[0].node->GetOpDesc();
if (node_op_desc == nullptr) {
return false;
// not all op has ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, no need check return value, only check out parameter
(void)ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(node_op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, first_batch_label);
if (first_batch_label.empty()) {
return false;
bool all_same_label = true;
for (size_t index = 1; index < node_type_index_list_.size(); ++index) {
if (node_type_index_list_[index].node == nullptr) {
@@ -147,8 +231,9 @@ bool MemoryBlock::IsSameLabel(std::string &first_batch_label) {
std::string batch_label;
auto index_op_desc = node_type_index_list_[index].node->GetOpDesc();
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(index_op_desc == nullptr, continue);
// not all op has ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, no need check return value, only check out parameter
(void)ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(index_op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, batch_label);
if (first_batch_label != batch_label) {
if (batch_label_ != batch_label) {
all_same_label = false;
@@ -197,7 +282,7 @@ void MemoryBlock::AddContinuousLifeReuseBlock(MemoryBlock *block, DependStreamLi

void MemoryBlock::AddLifeReuseBlock(MemoryBlock *block, DependStreamLife &total_node_depend_stream_life) {
if (CanNotLifeReuse(this) || CanNotLifeReuse(block)) {
if (CanNotLifeReuse(this) || CanNotLifeReuse(block) || (batch_label_ != block->batch_label_)) {
if (block->continuous_block_) {
@@ -207,16 +292,27 @@ void MemoryBlock::AddLifeReuseBlock(MemoryBlock *block, DependStreamLife &total_
MemoryBlock *parent = nullptr;
MemoryBlock *child = nullptr;
// merge small block to large block
if (block->GetDependLifeBegin(stream_id_, total_node_depend_stream_life) > GetLifeEnd()) {
if ((child_offset_ + block->AlignSize()) <= AlignSize()) {
parent = this;
child = block;
} else if ((block->child_offset_ + AlignSize()) <= block->AlignSize()) {
parent = block;
child = this;
// noalign size 802816 + 802816 = 1605632 can reuse
// after 32 align size 802848 + 802848 > 1605664 can't reuse
// after 512 align size 803328 + 803328 > 1606144 can't reuse
// so 803328 + 803328 = 1606144 + 512 can reuse
if ((child_offset_ + block->AlignSize()) <= (AlignSize() + MEM_ALIGN_SIZE)) {
parent = this;
child = block;
} else if ((block->child_offset_ + AlignSize()) <= (block->AlignSize() + MEM_ALIGN_SIZE)) {
parent = block;
child = this;

if ((parent != nullptr) && (child != nullptr)) {
// Different streams must use stream dependency to judge the life cycle
// In case same stream if it has child block, can judge all the child block's life time in CanIntervalLifeReuse
bool can_block_life_reuse = (child->child_blocks_.empty()
&& (block->GetDependLifeBegin(stream_id_, total_node_depend_stream_life) > GetLifeEnd()));
if (!can_block_life_reuse && !CanIntervalLifeReuse(*parent, *child)) {
if ((parent != nullptr) && (child != nullptr) && child->child_blocks_.empty()) {

parent->child_offset_ += child->AlignSize();
child->deleted_block_ = true;
@@ -261,6 +357,7 @@ size_t MemoryBlock::GetDependLifeBegin(int64_t stream_id, DependStreamLife &tota
void AddDependLife(const ge::NodePtr &org_node, const ge::NodePtr &node, int64_t stream_id,
std::map<int64_t, size_t> &depend_stream_life, DependStreamLife &total_node_depend_stream_life) {
GE_CHECK_NOTNULL_EXEC(node, return);
GE_CHECK_NOTNULL_EXEC(org_node, return);
auto node_desc = node->GetOpDesc();
GE_CHECK_NOTNULL_EXEC(node_desc, return);
auto node_id = node_desc->GetId();
@@ -415,12 +512,60 @@ BlockMemAssigner::~BlockMemAssigner() {

void GetMaxBatchAllMemorySize(std::map<std::string, vector<int64_t>> &batch_all_memory_size,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> batch_total_size, vector<int64_t> &all_memory_size,
std::string &max_batch_label) {
// use max batch all memory size for reuse range
int64_t max_batch_size = 0;
for (const auto &it : batch_total_size) {
GELOGI("Batch[%s] total memory size[%ld]", it.first.c_str(), it.second);
// no batch label
if (it.first.empty()) {
if (it.second > max_batch_size) {
max_batch_size = it.second;
max_batch_label = it.first;
GELOGI("Max batch[%s] total memory size[%ld]", max_batch_label.c_str(), max_batch_size);

for (const auto &it : batch_all_memory_size) {
if (it.first.empty() || (it.first == max_batch_label)) {
all_memory_size.insert(all_memory_size.end(), it.second.begin(), it.second.end());
// all_memory_size can't be empty
if (all_memory_size.empty()) {
sort(all_memory_size.begin(), all_memory_size.end());
GELOGD("All memory size: %s", ToString(all_memory_size).c_str());

for (auto iter = all_memory_size.begin(); iter != all_memory_size.end();) {
if (*iter == 0) {
iter = all_memory_size.erase(iter);
} else {

void BlockMemAssigner::GetOutAndWorkSpaceMem(vector<int64_t> &all_memory_size) {
vector<int64_t> temp;
std::map<std::string, vector<int64_t>> batch_all_memory_size;
std::map<std::string, int64_t> batch_total_size;
for (const NodePtr &n : compute_graph_->GetAllNodes()) {
auto node_op_desc = n->GetOpDesc();
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node_op_desc == nullptr, continue);

if (CheckIsZeroMemNodeType(node_op_desc->GetType())) {

std::string batch_label;
(void)ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(node_op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, batch_label);

if (node_op_desc->GetType() == ATOMICADDRCLEAN) {
atomic_addr_clean_id_ = node_op_desc->GetId();
@@ -434,9 +579,14 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::GetOutAndWorkSpaceMem(vector<int64_t> &all_memory_size) {
if (!reuse_input) {
int64_t size = 0;
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ge::TensorUtils::GetSize(output_desc, size) != SUCCESS, GELOGI("Get size failed"));
if (anchor_to_symbol_.empty()) {
if (batch_total_size.find(batch_label) == batch_total_size.end()) {
batch_total_size[batch_label] = size;
} else {
batch_total_size[batch_label] += size;

if (!anchor_to_symbol_.empty()) {
auto iter1 = anchor_to_symbol_.find(NodeIndexIO(n, out_anchor->GetIdx(), kOut).ToString());
if (iter1 == anchor_to_symbol_.end()) {
@@ -452,23 +602,11 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::GetOutAndWorkSpaceMem(vector<int64_t> &all_memory_size) {
GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(n, temp);
all_memory_size.insert(all_memory_size.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());
for (const auto &pair : symbol_size_) {
sort(all_memory_size.begin(), all_memory_size.end());
GELOGD("All memory size: %s", ToString(all_memory_size).c_str());

for (auto iter = all_memory_size.begin(); iter != all_memory_size.end();) {
if (*iter == 0) {
iter = all_memory_size.erase(iter);
} else {
GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(n, temp, batch_total_size[batch_label]);
batch_all_memory_size[batch_label].insert(batch_all_memory_size[batch_label].end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());

GELOGI("The last atomic_addr_clean node id: %ld", atomic_addr_clean_id_);
GetMaxBatchAllMemorySize(batch_all_memory_size, batch_total_size, all_memory_size, max_batch_label_);
@@ -529,16 +667,6 @@ bool CanReuseBySize(const map<string, uint64_t> &reusable_block_counts, const Me
bool can_reuse = false;
if (reusable_block.Size() == block_size) {
can_reuse = true;
} else {
string key = std::to_string(reusable_block.Size());
key += "_" + std::to_string(reusable_block.stream_id_);
key += "_" + std::to_string(reusable_block.memory_type_);
auto it = reusable_block_counts.find(key);
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC((it != reusable_block_counts.end() && (it->second > kReuseMaxCount)) &&
(reusable_block.Size() > block_size),
can_reuse = true;
GELOGD("Less size mem reuse, reuse block size:%zu, current block size:%zu",
reusable_block.Size(), block_size););
return can_reuse;
@@ -860,17 +988,26 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyMemory(size_t block_size, size_t real_size,
GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(n == nullptr, return nullptr, "Input parameter n is null.");
auto node_op_desc = n->GetOpDesc();
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node_op_desc == nullptr, return nullptr);
std::string batch_label;
(void)ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(node_op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, batch_label);
if (batch_label.empty() || (batch_label == max_batch_label_)) {
size_t align_size = real_size;
theory_memory_size_ += align_size;
if (theory_memory_size_ > theory_min_memory_size_) {
theory_min_memory_size_ = theory_memory_size_;

bool is_reuse_memory = false;
string ge_disable_reuse_mem_env = "0";
(void)ge::GetContext().GetOption(OPTION_EXEC_DISABLE_REUSED_MEMORY, ge_disable_reuse_mem_env);
if (ge_disable_reuse_mem_env != "1") {
if (ge_disable_reuse_mem_env_ != "1") {
bool reuse_mem_flag = (mem_type == kOutput) ? IsPreReuse(n, out_index) :
!((workspace_reuse_flag.size() > out_index) && !workspace_reuse_flag[out_index]);
is_reuse_memory = !node_op_desc->HasAttr(kL2FusionDynamicConvergeOp) &&
!node_op_desc->HasAttr(kOpNoReuseMem) && reuse_mem_flag && is_op_reuse_mem;
auto stream_id = node_op_desc->GetStreamId();
if (is_reuse_memory && !continuous && !reusable_blocks_[memory_type].empty()) {
bool do_reuse = is_reuse_memory && !continuous && !reusable_blocks_[memory_type].empty();
if (do_reuse) {
auto stream_id = node_op_desc->GetStreamId();
for (auto it = reusable_blocks_[memory_type][stream_id].rbegin();
it != reusable_blocks_[memory_type][stream_id].rend(); ++it) {
MemoryBlock *reusable_block = *it;
@@ -879,15 +1016,7 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyMemory(size_t block_size, size_t real_size,
GELOGI("Unreusable block.");
std::string batch_label;
if (reusable_block->IsSameLabel(batch_label)) {
std::string op_label;
(void)ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(node_op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, op_label);
if (batch_label != op_label) {
GELOGI("label diff, op name %s", node_op_desc->GetName().c_str());
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(reusable_block->batch_label_ != batch_label, continue);

// A node can reuse blocks of the same stream and preorder streams
if (CanReuseBySize(reusable_block_counts_, *reusable_block, block_size, real_size, continuous)) {
@@ -914,10 +1043,11 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyMemory(size_t block_size, size_t real_size,
// Data and netoutput need zero copy block
block->is_zero_copy_ = IsZeroCopyBlock(n, continuous);

block->Init(real_size, mem_type, n, out_index, no_align_size);
block->Init(real_size, mem_type, n, out_index, no_align_size, node_op_desc->GetStreamId());
block->stream_id_ = node_op_desc->GetStreamId();
block->continuous_block_ = continuous;
block->batch_label_ = batch_label;
if (mem_type == kOutput) {
auto iter = anchor_to_symbol_.find(NodeIndexIO(n, out_index, kOut).ToString());
if (iter != anchor_to_symbol_.end()) {
@@ -945,6 +1075,11 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyContinuousMemory(const NodePtr &n, const vec
return nullptr;

if (CheckIsZeroMemNodeType(n->GetType())) {
zero_memory_list_.emplace_back(n, kOutput, index);

int64_t size = 0;
if (ge::TensorUtils::GetSize(*output_op_desc, size) != SUCCESS) {
GELOGI("Get size failed");
@@ -957,9 +1092,7 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyContinuousMemory(const NodePtr &n, const vec
// only apply total size in first block
if (index != 0) {
zero_memory_list_.emplace_back(n, kOutput, index);

if (index == 0) {
} else {
NodeIndexIO node_index_io(n, index, kOut);
auto iter = anchor_to_symbol_.find(node_index_io.ToString());
if (iter != anchor_to_symbol_.end()) {
@@ -972,6 +1105,10 @@ MemoryBlock *BlockMemAssigner::ApplyContinuousMemory(const NodePtr &n, const vec

if (total_size == 0) {
return nullptr;

auto block_size = GetBlockSize(total_size, ranges);
GELOGI("Node[%s] continuous out memory size[%ld] block size[%zu]", node_op_desc->GetName().c_str(),
total_size, block_size);
@@ -1119,15 +1256,28 @@ bool IsKnownSubgraphData(const NodePtr &node) {
return node->GetOpDesc()->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_PARENT_NODE_INDEX);

void BlockMemAssigner::ReleaseMemory(MemoryBlock *to_release, vector<MemoryBlock *> &reusable_memory) {
void BlockMemAssigner::ReleaseMemory(MemoryBlock *to_release, vector<MemoryBlock *> &reusable_memory,
bool same_stream) {
GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(to_release == nullptr, return, "Input parameter to_release is null.");
GE_CHK_TRUE_EXEC_INFO(to_release->ref_count_ <= 0, return, "Release memory");
GE_CHK_TRUE_EXEC_INFO(!to_release->reuse_mem_, return, "doesn't reuse memory");
if (!same_stream) {
to_release->same_stream_ = false;
if (to_release->ref_count_ == 0) {
AddReusableBlockCount(*to_release, reusable_block_counts_);
if (to_release->reuse_mem_ && !to_release->RealSizeList().empty()) {
if (to_release->batch_label_.empty() || (to_release->batch_label_ == max_batch_label_)) {
size_t align_size = to_release->RealSizeList().back();
theory_memory_size_ -= align_size;
if (to_release->same_stream_) {
AddReusableBlockCount(*to_release, reusable_block_counts_);

@@ -1167,10 +1317,9 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::ReleaseInputNodeOutMemory(const unordered_map<string, vec

if ((node_type_indexs.back().node == in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetOwnerNode()) &&
(node_type_indexs.back().index == static_cast<uint32_t>(in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetIdx())) &&
(node->GetOpDesc()->GetStreamId() == block->stream_id_)) {
ReleaseMemory(block, reusable_memory);
if (block->ref_count_ == 0) {
(node_type_indexs.back().index == static_cast<uint32_t>(in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetIdx()))) {
ReleaseMemory(block, reusable_memory, (node->GetOpDesc()->GetStreamId() == block->stream_id_));
if (block->ref_count_ == 0 && block->same_stream_) {
SetLastUsedInputMemAttr(node, in_anchor->GetIdx());
@@ -1328,7 +1477,8 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::AssignMemoryWithReuse(vector<int64_t> &ranges) {
vector<int64_t> temp;
GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(n, temp);
int64_t tatal_size = 0;
GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(n, temp, tatal_size);
vector<int64_t> workspace_bytes;
vector<int64_t> tvm_workspace_memory_type;
bool has_tvm_workspace_mem_type_attr =
@@ -1380,9 +1530,7 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::AssignMemoryWithReuse(vector<int64_t> &ranges) {
(void)mem_block; // Fix warning

bool merge_dynamic_batch = false;
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!(ge_disable_reuse_mem_env_ == "1"), merge_dynamic_batch = MergeDynamicBatchBlocks());
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC((!(ge_disable_reuse_mem_env_ == "1") && !merge_dynamic_batch), ReuseBlocksByLifeTime(ranges.size()));
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!(ge_disable_reuse_mem_env_ == "1"), ReuseBlocksByLifeTime(ranges.size()));

@@ -1402,92 +1550,19 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::CheckWorkspaceReuse(const vector<bool> &workspace_reuse_f

void BlockMemAssigner::GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(const NodePtr &node, vector<int64_t> &workspace_memory) {
void BlockMemAssigner::GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(const NodePtr &node, vector<int64_t> &workspace_memory,
int64_t &total_size) {
GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(node->GetOpDesc() == nullptr, return, "Op desc is null.");
vector<int64_t> workspace_byte_nums = node->GetOpDesc()->GetWorkspaceBytes();

GELOGD("node[%s] size:%zu", node->GetOpDesc()->GetName().c_str(), workspace_byte_nums.size());
for (int64_t byte_size : workspace_byte_nums) {
total_size += byte_size;
GELOGD("push back size:%ld", byte_size);

// descending order
static bool CompareBlockMaxSize(MemoryBlock *left, MemoryBlock *right) {
if (left == nullptr || right == nullptr) {
return false;
auto left_max_size = std::max_element(left->RealSizeList().begin(), left->RealSizeList().end());
if (left_max_size != left->RealSizeList().end()) {
auto right_max_size = std::max_element(right->RealSizeList().begin(), right->RealSizeList().end());
if (right_max_size == right->RealSizeList().end() || (*left_max_size > *right_max_size)) {
return true;
return false;

void MergeBlocks(std::vector<MemoryBlock *> &dest, std::vector<MemoryBlock *> &src) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dest.size(); ++i) {
if (i >= src.size()) {
if (dest[i] != nullptr && src[i] != nullptr) {
if (!dest[i]->reuse_mem_ || !src[i]->reuse_mem_) {
GELOGD("Diff batch's workspace can't be reused, i: %zu, dest[i]: %s, stream: %ld, src[i]: %s, stream: %ld.",
i, dest[i]->String().c_str(), dest[i]->stream_id_, src[i]->String().c_str(), src[i]->stream_id_);
for (auto &symbol : src[i]->SymbolList()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < src[i]->NodeTypeIndexList().size(); ++j) {
src[i]->deleted_block_ = true;

bool BlockMemAssigner::MergeDynamicBatchBlocks() {
bool merged = false;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<MemoryBlock *>> dynamic_batch_blocks;
for (auto block : memory_blocks_) {
if (block == nullptr) {
std::string batch_label;
if (block->IsSameLabel(batch_label)) {

auto it = dynamic_batch_blocks.begin();
auto it_max = it;

// find max block counts
for (; it != dynamic_batch_blocks.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.size() > it_max->second.size()) {
it_max = it;
std::sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), CompareBlockMaxSize);
if (it_max != dynamic_batch_blocks.end()) {
GELOGD("MergeDynamicBatch %s block counts %zu", it_max->first.c_str(), it_max->second.size());
for (it = dynamic_batch_blocks.begin(); it != dynamic_batch_blocks.end(); ++it) {
if (it != it_max) {
GELOGD("MergeDynamicBatch from %s to %s", it->first.c_str(), it_max->first.c_str());
MergeBlocks(it_max->second, it->second);
merged = true;
return merged;

// asending order
static bool CompareBlockIndex(MemoryBlock *left, MemoryBlock *right) {
if (left == nullptr || right == nullptr) {
@@ -1597,38 +1672,93 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::ReuseBlocksByLifeTime(size_t range_size) {

void AddBlockMemOffset(size_t &mem_offset, size_t &p2p_mem_offset, MemoryBlock &block) {
if (block.memory_type_ == RT_MEMORY_HBM) {
if (block.first_continuous_block_) {
mem_offset += MEM_ALIGN_SIZE;
mem_offset += block.Size();
block.SetTailOffset(mem_offset - 1);
} else if (block.memory_type_ == RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR) {
if (block.first_continuous_block_) {
p2p_mem_offset += MEM_ALIGN_SIZE;
p2p_mem_offset += block.Size();
block.SetTailOffset(p2p_mem_offset - 1);

bool DynamicBatchBlockReuse(MemoryBlock &block) {
return (block.IsSameBatchLabel() && block.reuse_mem_);

/// @ingroup domi_omg
/// @brief traverse memory size, resize, calculate offset
/// @brief get max batch memory size, others reuse this block memory
/// @param [in&out] memory_blocks_ memory block, after calculating offset
/// |-dynamic batch block batch1|
/// |-dynamic batch block batch2----|
/// |-dynamic batch block batch3--|
void BlockMemAssigner::ResizeMemoryBlocks() {
for (auto &memory_block : memory_blocks_) {
if (memory_block == nullptr || memory_block->deleted_block_ || memory_block->is_zero_copy_) {
void BlockMemAssigner::ResizeDynamicBatchBlocks() {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<MemoryBlock *>> dynamic_batch_blocks;
for (auto block : memory_blocks_) {
if (block == nullptr) {
if (memory_block->memory_type_ == RT_MEMORY_HBM) {
if (memory_block->first_continuous_block_) {
mem_offset_ += MEM_ALIGN_SIZE;
// when memory is not reuseable, it can't be reused by different branch
if (DynamicBatchBlockReuse(*block)) {

mem_offset_ += memory_block->Size();
memory_block->SetTailOffset(mem_offset_ - 1);
} else if (memory_block->memory_type_ == RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR) {
if (memory_block->first_continuous_block_) {
p2p_mem_offset_ += MEM_ALIGN_SIZE;
size_t max_mem_offset = mem_offset_;
size_t max_p2p_mem_offset = p2p_mem_offset_;
for (auto &batch_blocks : dynamic_batch_blocks) {
size_t mem_offset = mem_offset_;
size_t p2p_mem_offset = p2p_mem_offset_;
for (auto block : batch_blocks.second) {
if (block == nullptr || block->deleted_block_ || block->is_zero_copy_) {
AddBlockMemOffset(mem_offset, p2p_mem_offset, *block);
if (mem_offset > max_mem_offset) {
max_mem_offset = mem_offset;
if (p2p_mem_offset > max_p2p_mem_offset) {
max_p2p_mem_offset = p2p_mem_offset;
GELOGI("Batch[%s] offset[%zu] p2p_offset[%zu]", batch_blocks.first.c_str(), mem_offset, p2p_mem_offset);
mem_offset_ = max_mem_offset;
p2p_mem_offset_ = max_p2p_mem_offset;

p2p_mem_offset_ += memory_block->Size();
memory_block->SetTailOffset(p2p_mem_offset_ - 1);
/// @ingroup domi_omg
/// @brief traverse memory size, resize, calculate offset
/// @param [in&out] memory_blocks_ memory block, after calculating offset
/// |-not dynamic batch block-||-dynamic batch block batch1| |-zero copy block-|
/// |-not dynamic batch block-||-dynamic batch block batch2----||-zero copy block-|
/// |-not dynamic batch block-||-dynamic batch block batch3--| |-zero copy block-|
void BlockMemAssigner::ResizeMemoryBlocks() {
for (auto &memory_block : memory_blocks_) {
if (memory_block == nullptr || memory_block->deleted_block_ || memory_block->is_zero_copy_
|| DynamicBatchBlockReuse(*memory_block)) {

AddBlockMemOffset(mem_offset_, p2p_mem_offset_, *memory_block);
GELOGD("mem_offset_ exclude zero_copy_memory is %zu, p2p_mem_offset_ exclude zero_copy_memory is %zu.",
mem_offset_, p2p_mem_offset_);
GELOGI("mem_offset_ exclude zero_copy_memory is %zu, p2p_mem_offset_ exclude zero_copy_memory is %zu,"
"theory_min_memory_size %zu", mem_offset_, p2p_mem_offset_, theory_min_memory_size_);

@@ -1641,7 +1771,7 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::ResizeMemoryBlocks() {
/// @return Status result
void SetOffsetSize(const NodeTypeIndex &node_type, const MemoryBlock *block,
size_t real_size, size_t no_align_size, bool child_block) {
size_t real_size, size_t no_align_size, int32_t child_block_level) {
ge::OpDescPtr op_desc = node_type.node->GetOpDesc();
GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(op_desc == nullptr, return, "op_desc is null.");
string graph_name = node_type.node->GetOwnerComputeGraph()->GetName();
@@ -1689,14 +1819,15 @@ void SetOffsetSize(const NodeTypeIndex &node_type, const MemoryBlock *block,
GELOGI("[IMAS]Set %s name[%s] %s[%u] offset to [%ld] streamid[%ld] size[%zu] realsize[%zu]"
" noalignsize[%zu] life time begin[%zu] life time end[%zu] child[%d:%d:%d:%d] isref[%d].", graph_name.c_str(),
GELOGI("[IMAS]Set %s name[%s] %s[%u] offset to [%ld] streamid[%ld] size[%zu] realsize[%zu] noalignsize[%zu] "
"life time begin[%zu] life time end[%zu] child[%d:%d:%d:%d:%d] isref[%d] batch[%s]", graph_name.c_str(),
op_desc->GetName().c_str(), node_type.GetMemType().c_str(), node_type.index, offset, op_desc->GetStreamId(),
block->Size(), real_size, no_align_size, op_desc->GetId(), end, child_block, block->reuse_mem_,
block->continuous_block_, block->deleted_block_, node_type.ref_input);
block->Size(), real_size, no_align_size, op_desc->GetId(), end, child_block_level, block->reuse_mem_,
block->continuous_block_, block->is_zero_copy_, block->same_stream_, node_type.ref_input,

void SetBlockOpMemOffset(MemoryBlock *block, bool child_block) {
void SetBlockOpMemOffset(MemoryBlock *block, int32_t child_block_level) {
if (block == nullptr) {
@@ -1709,9 +1840,14 @@ void SetBlockOpMemOffset(MemoryBlock *block, bool child_block) {
real_size = block->RealSizeList()[index];
no_align_size = block->NoAlignSizeList()[index];
SetOffsetSize(node_type_index, block, real_size, no_align_size, child_block);
SetOffsetSize(node_type_index, block, real_size, no_align_size, child_block_level);

for (MemoryBlock *child_block : block->ChildBlockList()) {
SetBlockOpMemOffset(child_block, child_block_level);

void BlockMemAssigner::SetOpMemOffset(bool is_zero_copy) {
@@ -1724,16 +1860,13 @@ void BlockMemAssigner::SetOpMemOffset(bool is_zero_copy) {

SetBlockOpMemOffset(memory_block, false);
for (MemoryBlock *child_block : memory_block->ChildBlockList()) {
SetBlockOpMemOffset(child_block, true);
SetBlockOpMemOffset(memory_block, 0);

if (!is_zero_copy) {
for (const NodeTypeIndex &node_type_index : zero_memory_list_) {
MemoryBlock block(0, 0);
SetOffsetSize(node_type_index, &block, 0, 0, false);
SetOffsetSize(node_type_index, &block, 0, 0, 0);

+ 30
- 6
ge/graph/build/memory/block_mem_assigner.h View File

@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class MemoryBlock {
@@ -85,10 +86,14 @@ class MemoryBlock {

void Init(size_t real_size, OpMemoryType type, const ge::NodePtr &node, uint32_t out_index, size_t no_align_size) {
void Init(size_t real_size, OpMemoryType type, const ge::NodePtr &node, uint32_t out_index, size_t no_align_size,
int64_t stream_id) {
node_type_index_list_.emplace_back(node, type, out_index, false);
if (stream_id != stream_id_) {
same_stream_ = false;
size_t Size() const { return block_size_; }

@@ -106,6 +111,12 @@ class MemoryBlock {
if ((node_type_index.node != nullptr) && (node_type_index.node->GetOpDesc() != nullptr)) {
auto stream_id = node_type_index.node->GetOpDesc()->GetStreamId();
if (stream_id != stream_id_) {
same_stream_ = false;

void AddSymbol(const std::string &symbol) {
@@ -122,7 +133,7 @@ class MemoryBlock {

std::string String();

bool IsSameLabel(std::string &first_batch_label);
bool IsSameBatchLabel();

void AddContinuousLifeReuseBlock(MemoryBlock *block, DependStreamLife &total_node_depend_stream_life);

@@ -142,6 +153,7 @@ class MemoryBlock {
int64_t stream_id_;
bool deleted_block_;
bool reuse_mem_;
bool same_stream_;
uint32_t input_index_;
bool continuous_block_;
bool first_continuous_block_;
@@ -149,6 +161,7 @@ class MemoryBlock {
bool is_zero_copy_;
std::map<int64_t, size_t> depend_stream_life_;
int64_t memory_type_;
std::string batch_label_;
size_t block_size_;
std::vector<size_t> real_size_list_;
@@ -209,7 +222,7 @@ class BlockMemAssigner : public MemAssigner {

void GetOutAndWorkSpaceMem(std::vector<int64_t> &all_memory_size);

void GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(const ge::NodePtr &node, std::vector<int64_t> &workspace_memory);
void GetNodeWorkSpaceSize(const ge::NodePtr &node, std::vector<int64_t> &workspace_memory, int64_t &total_size);

/// @ingroup GE
@@ -353,7 +366,7 @@ class BlockMemAssigner : public MemAssigner {
/// @return void
/// @author
void ReleaseMemory(MemoryBlock *to_release, vector<MemoryBlock *> &reusable_memory);
void ReleaseMemory(MemoryBlock *to_release, vector<MemoryBlock *> &reusable_memory, bool same_stream = true);

/// @ingroup GE
@@ -379,11 +392,11 @@ class BlockMemAssigner : public MemAssigner {

/// @ingroup GE
/// @brief Merge memory blocks between different batchs
/// @brief Resize memory blocks for each batchs
/// @return merge or not
/// @author
bool MergeDynamicBatchBlocks();
void ResizeDynamicBatchBlocks();

void AssignContinuousBlocks();

@@ -436,6 +449,17 @@ class BlockMemAssigner : public MemAssigner {

int64_t atomic_addr_clean_id_ = 0;

size_t theory_min_memory_size_ = 0;

size_t theory_memory_size_ = 0;

std::string max_batch_label_;

/// @ [stream1][nodeid]
/// @[nodeid] [stream2][nodeid]
/// @ [stream2][nodeid]
DependStreamLife total_node_depend_stream_life_;
} // namespace ge

+ 2
- 2
ge/graph/build/memory/ View File

@@ -1646,9 +1646,9 @@ ge::Status GraphMemoryAssigner::SetAtomicCleanAttr(const NodePtr &node, const ve
string atomic_mem_size_str = ss.str();

GELOGI("[IMAS]SetAtomicCleanAttr : Set graph[%s] atomic_node[%s] output offset [%s] size[%s] streamid[%ld]",
GELOGI("[IMAS]SetAtomicCleanAttr : Set %s atomic_node name[%s] output[0] offset to [%s] streamid[%ld] size[%s]",
node->GetOwnerComputeGraph()->GetName().c_str(), node_op_desc->GetName().c_str(),
atomic_mem_start_str.c_str(), atomic_mem_size_str.c_str(), node->GetOpDesc()->GetStreamId());
atomic_mem_start_str.c_str(), node->GetOpDesc()->GetStreamId(), atomic_mem_size_str.c_str());
return SUCCESS;

+ 1
- 1
ge/graph/load/new_model_manager/ View File

@@ -2178,7 +2178,7 @@ Status DavinciModel::CopyInputData(const InputData &input_data, bool device_data
void *mem_addr = data.second.GetBasicAddr();
void *data_buf_addr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
uint64_t data_buf_length = data_buf.length;
GELOGI("[IMAS]CopyPlainData memcpy graph_%u type[F] input[%u] dst[%p] src[%p] mem_size[%lu] datasize[%lu]",
GELOGI("CopyPlainData memcpy graph_%u type[F] input[%u] dst[%p] src[%p] mem_size[%lu] datasize[%lu]",
runtime_param_.graph_id, data.first, mem_addr, data_buf_addr, data_size, data_buf_length);
GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(mem_addr, data_size, data_buf_addr, data_buf_length, kind));

+ 2
- 2
ge/graph/load/new_model_manager/ View File

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ vector<int64_t> ModelUtils::GetInputSize(ConstOpDescPtr op_desc) {
GELOGI("Get size from TensorDesc failed, op : %s, input index : %zu", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i);

GELOGI("[IMAS]GetInputSize op: %s, index: %zu, size:%ld", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i, tensor_size);
GELOGI("GetInputSize op: %s, index: %zu, size:%ld", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i, tensor_size);

@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ vector<int64_t> ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(ConstOpDescPtr op_desc) {
GELOGI("Get size from TensorDesc failed, op : %s, output index : %zu", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i);

GELOGI("[IMAS]GetOutputSize op: %s, index: %zu, size:%ld", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i, tensor_size);
GELOGI("GetOutputSize op: %s, index: %zu, size:%ld", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i, tensor_size);
