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!1723 Zero copy nodes are not allocated memory in the known subgraph

From: @wqtshg
Reviewed-by: @zhangxiaokun9,@xchu42,@ji_chen
Signed-off-by: @ji_chen
mindspore-ci-bot Gitee 3 years ago
5 changed files with 51 additions and 9 deletions
  1. +20
  2. +8
  3. +2
  4. +10
  5. +11

+ 20
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ge/graph/load/model_manager/ View File

@@ -488,6 +488,8 @@ void DavinciModel::InitRuntimeParams() {
session_scope_mem_info.memory_size = static_cast<size_t>(ret ? value : 0);
runtime_param_.memory_infos[kSessionScopeMemory | RT_MEMORY_HBM] = std::move(session_scope_mem_info);

ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_ZERO_COPY_MEMORY_SIZE, value);
runtime_param_.zero_copy_size = ret ? value : 0;
GELOGI("InitRuntimeParams(), %s.", runtime_param_.ToString().c_str());

@@ -4505,4 +4507,22 @@ void DavinciModel::UpdateOpIOAddrs(uint32_t task_id, uint32_t stream_id, const s
op_desc_info->output_addrs = output_addrs;
GELOGD("[Update][OpIOAddrs] Op [%s] update input output addr success.", op_desc_info->op_name.c_str());

/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Get total useful size, in known subgraph, no need to allocate zero copy memory during initialization.
/// @param [in] total_useful_size: total mem size - zero copy size.
/// @return Status
Status DavinciModel::GetTotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy(int64_t &total_useful_size) {
if (runtime_param_.mem_size < static_cast<uint64_t>(runtime_param_.zero_copy_size)) {
REPORT_CALL_ERROR("E19999", "total mem size[%lu] is less than zero copy size[%ld] ", runtime_param_.mem_size,
GELOGE(FAILED, "[Check][TotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy] failed, total mem size[%lu] is less than zero copy size[%ld]",
runtime_param_.mem_size, runtime_param_.zero_copy_size);
return FAILED;
total_useful_size = runtime_param_.mem_size - runtime_param_.zero_copy_size;
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace ge

+ 8
- 0
ge/graph/load/model_manager/davinci_model.h View File

@@ -248,6 +248,14 @@ class DavinciModel {
// get total mem size
size_t TotalMemSize() const { return runtime_param_.mem_size; }

/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Get total useful size, in known subgraph, no need to allocate zero copy memory during initialization.
/// @param [in] total_useful_size: total mem size - zero copy size.
/// @return Status
Status GetTotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy(int64_t &total_useful_size);

// model name
string Name() const { return name_; }

+ 2
- 1
ge/graph/load/model_manager/task_info/task_info.h View File

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct RuntimeParam {
<< ", label_num:" << label_num << ", logic_mem_base:" << logic_mem_base
<< ", logic_weight_base:" << logic_weight_base << ", logic_var_base:" << logic_var_base
<< ", memory_size:" << mem_size << ", weight_size:" << weight_size << ", var_size:" << var_size
<< ", ex_memory_info:";
<< ", zero_copy_size:" << zero_copy_size << ", ex_memory_info:";
for (auto it : memory_infos) {
ss << "[memory_type:" << it.first << ", memory_size:" << it.second.memory_size << "]";
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ struct RuntimeParam {
uint64_t var_size = 0;
uint64_t logic_var_base = 0;
uint8_t *var_base = nullptr;
int64_t zero_copy_size = 0;
std::map<uint64_t, MemInfo> memory_infos;
uint32_t batch_num = 0;
uint32_t stream_num = 0;

+ 10
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ge/hybrid/node_executor/compiledsubgraph/ View File

@@ -101,18 +101,20 @@ Status KnownNodeTask::Init(TaskContext &context) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(context.AllocateOutputs(), "[Allocate][Outputs] failed for %s.", context.GetNodeName());
// allocate mem base
void *buffer = nullptr;
if (davinci_model_->TotalMemSize() != 0) {
int64_t total_useful_size = 0;
"[Get][TotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy] failed.");
if (total_useful_size != 0) {
RECORD_EXECUTION_EVENT(context.GetExecutionContext(), context.GetNodeName(),
"[KnownNodeTask_AllocateWorkspace] Start");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(context.AllocateWorkspace(davinci_model_->TotalMemSize(), &buffer,
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(context.AllocateWorkspace(total_useful_size, &buffer, davinci_model_->GetRuntimeParam().mem_base),
"[Allocate][Workspace] failed for %s.", context.GetNodeName());
RECORD_EXECUTION_EVENT(context.GetExecutionContext(), context.GetNodeName(),
"[KnownNodeTask_AllocateWorkspace] End, size %zu", davinci_model_->TotalMemSize());
"[KnownNodeTask_AllocateWorkspace] End, size %ld", total_useful_size);
// update mem base
davinci_model_->UpdateMemBase(static_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer));
GELOGI("KnownNodeTask::Init mem base is %p, size %lu.",
davinci_model_->GetRuntimeParam().mem_base, davinci_model_->GetRuntimeParam().mem_size);
GELOGI("KnownNodeTask::Init mem base is %p, size %ld.",
davinci_model_->GetRuntimeParam().mem_base, total_useful_size);
@@ -154,8 +156,8 @@ Status KnownNodeTask::InitDavinciModel(const HybridModel &model, TensorBuffer *w
weight_size = weight_buffer->GetSize();
GELOGD("Start to init davinci model, weight size = %zu", weight_size);
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(DoInitDavinciModel(weight, weight_size), "[Init][Model] Failed to init davinci model.");
GELOGD("[Init][Model] success");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(DoInitDavinciModel(weight, weight_size), "[Init][DavinciModel] Failed to init davinci model.");
GELOGD("[Init][DavinciModel] success");
return SUCCESS;

+ 11
- 0
tests/ut/ge/graph/load/ View File

@@ -1048,4 +1048,15 @@ TEST_F(UtestDavinciModel, update_io_addr_success) {
vector<void *> io_addr = {nullptr, nullptr};
model.UpdateOpIOAddrs(task_id, stream_id, io_addr);
TEST_F(UtestDavinciModel, get_total_memsize_exclude_zero_copy) {
DavinciModel model(0, nullptr);
model.runtime_param_.mem_size = 1024;
model.runtime_param_.zero_copy_size = 2048;
int64_t total_useful_size = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(model.GetTotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy(total_useful_size), FAILED);
EXPECT_EQ(total_useful_size, 0);
model.runtime_param_.zero_copy_size = 512;
EXPECT_EQ(model.GetTotalMemSizeExcludeZeroCopy(total_useful_size), SUCCESS);
EXPECT_EQ(total_useful_size, 512);
} // namespace ge
