- import ast
- import csv
- from typing import Iterable
- from fastNLP import DataSet, Instance, Vocabulary
- from fastNLP.core.vocabulary import VocabularyOption
- from fastNLP.io import JsonLoader
- from fastNLP.io.base_loader import DataBundle,DataSetLoader
- from fastNLP.io.embed_loader import EmbeddingOption
- from fastNLP.io.file_reader import _read_json
- from typing import Union, Dict
- from reproduction.utils import check_dataloader_paths, get_tokenizer
- def clean_str(sentence, tokenizer, char_lower=False):
- """
- heavily borrowed from github
- https://github.com/LukeZhuang/Hierarchical-Attention-Network/blob/master/yelp-preprocess.ipynb
- :param sentence: is a str
- :return:
- """
- if char_lower:
- sentence = sentence.lower()
- import re
- nonalpnum = re.compile('[^0-9a-zA-Z?!\']+')
- words = tokenizer(sentence)
- words_collection = []
- for word in words:
- if word in ['-lrb-', '-rrb-', '<sssss>', '-r', '-l', 'b-']:
- continue
- tt = nonalpnum.split(word)
- t = ''.join(tt)
- if t != '':
- words_collection.append(t)
- return words_collection
- class yelpLoader(DataSetLoader):
- """
- 读取Yelp_full/Yelp_polarity数据集, DataSet包含fields:
- words: list(str), 需要分类的文本
- target: str, 文本的标签
- chars:list(str),未index的字符列表
- 数据集:yelp_full/yelp_polarity
- :param fine_grained: 是否使用SST-5标准,若 ``False`` , 使用SST-2。Default: ``False``
- """
- def __init__(self, fine_grained=False,lower=False):
- super(yelpLoader, self).__init__()
- tag_v = {'1.0': 'very negative', '2.0': 'negative', '3.0': 'neutral',
- '4.0': 'positive', '5.0': 'very positive'}
- if not fine_grained:
- tag_v['1.0'] = tag_v['2.0']
- tag_v['5.0'] = tag_v['4.0']
- self.fine_grained = fine_grained
- self.tag_v = tag_v
- self.lower = lower
- self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer()
- '''
- 读取Yelp数据集, DataSet包含fields:
- review_id: str, 22 character unique review id
- user_id: str, 22 character unique user id
- business_id: str, 22 character business id
- useful: int, number of useful votes received
- funny: int, number of funny votes received
- cool: int, number of cool votes received
- date: str, date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
- words: list(str), 需要分类的文本
- target: str, 文本的标签
- 数据来源: https://www.yelp.com/dataset/download
- def _load_json(self, path):
- ds = DataSet()
- for idx, d in _read_json(path, fields=self.fields_list, dropna=self.dropna):
- d = ast.literal_eval(d)
- d["words"] = d.pop("text").split()
- d["target"] = self.tag_v[str(d.pop("stars"))]
- ds.append(Instance(**d))
- return ds
- def _load_yelp2015_broken(self,path):
- ds = DataSet()
- with open (path,encoding='ISO 8859-1') as f:
- row=f.readline()
- all_count=0
- exp_count=0
- while row:
- row=row.split("\t\t")
- all_count+=1
- if len(row)>=3:
- words=row[-1].split()
- try:
- target=self.tag_v[str(row[-2])+".0"]
- ds.append(Instance(words=words, target=target))
- except KeyError:
- exp_count+=1
- else:
- exp_count+=1
- row = f.readline()
- print("error sample count:",exp_count)
- print("all count:",all_count)
- return ds
- '''
- def _load(self, path):
- ds = DataSet()
- csv_reader=csv.reader(open(path,encoding='utf-8'))
- all_count=0
- real_count=0
- for row in csv_reader:
- all_count+=1
- if len(row)==2:
- target=self.tag_v[row[0]+".0"]
- words = clean_str(row[1], self.tokenizer, self.lower)
- if len(words)!=0:
- ds.append(Instance(words=words,target=target))
- real_count += 1
- print("all count:", all_count)
- print("real count:", real_count)
- return ds
- def process(self, paths: Union[str, Dict[str, str]],
- train_ds: Iterable[str] = None,
- src_vocab_op: VocabularyOption = None,
- tgt_vocab_op: VocabularyOption = None,
- embed_opt: EmbeddingOption = None,
- char_level_op=False,
- split_dev_op=True
- ):
- paths = check_dataloader_paths(paths)
- datasets = {}
- info = DataBundle(datasets=self.load(paths))
- src_vocab = Vocabulary() if src_vocab_op is None else Vocabulary(**src_vocab_op)
- tgt_vocab = Vocabulary(unknown=None, padding=None) \
- if tgt_vocab_op is None else Vocabulary(**tgt_vocab_op)
- _train_ds = [info.datasets[name]
- for name in train_ds] if train_ds else info.datasets.values()
- def wordtochar(words):
- chars = []
- for word in words:
- word = word.lower()
- for char in word:
- chars.append(char)
- chars.append('')
- chars.pop()
- return chars
- input_name, target_name = 'words', 'target'
- info.vocabs={}
- #就分隔为char形式
- if char_level_op:
- for dataset in info.datasets.values():
- dataset.apply_field(wordtochar, field_name="words",new_field_name='chars')
- # if embed_opt is not None:
- # embed = EmbedLoader.load_with_vocab(**embed_opt, vocab=vocab)
- # info.embeddings['words'] = embed
- else:
- src_vocab.from_dataset(*_train_ds, field_name=input_name)
- src_vocab.index_dataset(*info.datasets.values(),field_name=input_name, new_field_name=input_name)
- info.vocabs[input_name]=src_vocab
- tgt_vocab.from_dataset(*_train_ds, field_name=target_name)
- tgt_vocab.index_dataset(
- *info.datasets.values(),
- field_name=target_name, new_field_name=target_name)
- info.vocabs[target_name]=tgt_vocab
- if split_dev_op:
- info.datasets['train'], info.datasets['dev'] = info.datasets['train'].split(0.1, shuffle=False)
- for name, dataset in info.datasets.items():
- dataset.set_input("words")
- dataset.set_target("target")
- return info
- if __name__=="__main__":
- testloader=yelpLoader()
- # datapath = {"train": "/remote-home/ygwang/yelp_full/train.csv",
- # "test": "/remote-home/ygwang/yelp_full/test.csv"}
- #datapath={"train": "/remote-home/ygwang/yelp_full/test.csv"}
- datapath = {"train": "/remote-home/ygwang/yelp_polarity/train.csv",
- "test": "/remote-home/ygwang/yelp_polarity/test.csv"}
- datainfo=testloader.process(datapath,char_level_op=True)
- len_count=0
- for instance in datainfo.datasets["train"]:
- len_count+=len(instance["chars"])
- ave_len=len_count/len(datainfo.datasets["train"])
- print(ave_len)