- import os
- from fastNLP.core.dataset import SeqLabelDataSet, TextClassifyDataSet
- from fastNLP.core.predictor import SeqLabelInfer, ClassificationInfer
- from fastNLP.core.preprocess import load_pickle
- from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigLoader, ConfigSection
- from fastNLP.loader.model_loader import ModelLoader
- """
- mapping from model name to [URL, file_name.class_name, model_pickle_name]
- Notice that the class of the model should be in "models" directory.
- Example:
- "seq_label_model": {
- "url": "www.fudan.edu.cn",
- "class": "sequence_modeling.SeqLabeling", # file_name.class_name in models/
- "pickle": "seq_label_model.pkl",
- "type": "seq_label",
- "config_file_name": "config", # the name of the config file which stores model initialization parameters
- "config_section_name": "text_class_model" # the name of the section in the config file which stores model init params
- },
- "text_class_model": {
- "url": "www.fudan.edu.cn",
- "class": "cnn_text_classification.CNNText",
- "pickle": "text_class_model.pkl",
- "type": "text_class"
- }
- """
- "cws_basic_model": {
- "url": "",
- "class": "sequence_modeling.AdvSeqLabel",
- "pickle": "cws_basic_model_v_0.pkl",
- "type": "seq_label",
- "config_file_name": "cws.cfg",
- "config_section_name": "text_class_model"
- },
- "pos_tag_model": {
- "url": "",
- "class": "sequence_modeling.AdvSeqLabel",
- "pickle": "pos_tag_model_v_0.pkl",
- "type": "seq_label",
- "config_file_name": "pos_tag.cfg",
- "config_section_name": "pos_tag_model"
- },
- "text_classify_model": {
- "url": "",
- "class": "cnn_text_classification.CNNText",
- "pickle": "text_class_model_v0.pkl",
- "type": "text_class",
- "config_file_name": "text_classify.cfg",
- "config_section_name": "model"
- }
- }
- class FastNLP(object):
- """
- High-level interface for direct model inference.
- Example Usage
- ::
- fastnlp = FastNLP()
- fastnlp.load("zh_pos_tag_model")
- text = "这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。"
- result = fastnlp.run(text)
- print(result) # ["这", "是", "最好", "的", "基于", "深度学习", "的", "中文", "分词", "系统", "。"]
- """
- def __init__(self, model_dir="./"):
- """
- :param model_dir: this directory should contain the following files:
- 1. a trained model
- 2. a config file, which is a fastNLP's configuration.
- 3. two Vocab files, which are pickle objects of Vocab instances, representing feature and label vocabs.
- """
- self.model_dir = model_dir
- self.model = None
- self.infer_type = None # "seq_label"/"text_class"
- self.word_vocab = None
- self.label_vocab = None
- def load(self, model_name, config_file="config", section_name="model"):
- """
- Load a pre-trained FastNLP model together with additional data.
- :param model_name: str, the name of a FastNLP model.
- :param config_file: str, the name of the config file which stores the initialization information of the model.
- (default: "config")
- :param section_name: str, the name of the corresponding section in the config file. (default: model)
- """
- assert type(model_name) is str
- if model_name not in FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION:
- raise ValueError("No FastNLP model named {}.".format(model_name))
- if not self.model_exist(model_dir=self.model_dir):
- self._download(model_name, FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION[model_name]["url"])
- model_class = self._get_model_class(FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION[model_name]["class"])
- print("Restore model class {}".format(str(model_class)))
- model_args = ConfigSection()
- ConfigLoader.load_config(os.path.join(self.model_dir, config_file), {section_name: model_args})
- print("Restore model hyper-parameters {}".format(str(model_args.data)))
- # fetch dictionary size and number of labels from pickle files
- self.word_vocab = load_pickle(self.model_dir, "word2id.pkl")
- model_args["vocab_size"] = len(self.word_vocab)
- self.label_vocab = load_pickle(self.model_dir, "label2id.pkl")
- model_args["num_classes"] = len(self.label_vocab)
- # Construct the model
- model = model_class(model_args)
- print("Model constructed.")
- # To do: framework independent
- ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, os.path.join(self.model_dir, FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION[model_name]["pickle"]))
- print("Model weights loaded.")
- self.model = model
- self.infer_type = FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION[model_name]["type"]
- print("Inference ready.")
- def run(self, raw_input):
- """
- Perform inference over given input using the loaded model.
- :param raw_input: list of string. Each list is an input query.
- :return results:
- """
- infer = self._create_inference(self.model_dir)
- # tokenize: list of string ---> 2-D list of string
- infer_input = self.tokenize(raw_input, language="zh")
- # create DataSet: 2-D list of strings ----> DataSet
- infer_data = self._create_data_set(infer_input)
- # DataSet ---> 2-D list of tags
- results = infer.predict(self.model, infer_data)
- # 2-D list of tags ---> list of final answers
- outputs = self._make_output(results, infer_input)
- return outputs
- @staticmethod
- def _get_model_class(file_class_name):
- """
- Feature the class specified by <file_class_name>
- :param file_class_name: str, contains the name of the Python module followed by the name of the class.
- Example: "sequence_modeling.SeqLabeling"
- :return module: the model class
- """
- import_prefix = "fastNLP.models."
- parts = (import_prefix + file_class_name).split(".")
- from_module = ".".join(parts[:-1])
- module = __import__(from_module)
- for sub in parts[1:]:
- module = getattr(module, sub)
- return module
- def _create_inference(self, model_dir):
- """Specify which task to perform.
- :param model_dir:
- :return:
- """
- if self.infer_type == "seq_label":
- return SeqLabelInfer(model_dir)
- elif self.infer_type == "text_class":
- return ClassificationInfer(model_dir)
- else:
- raise ValueError("fail to create inference instance")
- def _create_data_set(self, infer_input):
- """Create a DataSet object given the raw inputs.
- :param infer_input: 2-D lists of strings
- :return data_set: a DataSet object
- """
- if self.infer_type == "seq_label":
- data_set = SeqLabelDataSet()
- data_set.load_raw(infer_input, {"word_vocab": self.word_vocab})
- return data_set
- elif self.infer_type == "text_class":
- data_set = TextClassifyDataSet()
- data_set.load_raw(infer_input, {"word_vocab": self.word_vocab})
- return data_set
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("fail to make outputs with infer type {}".format(self.infer_type))
- def _load(self, model_dir, model_name):
- return 0
- def _download(self, model_name, url):
- """
- Download the model weights from <url> and save in <self.model_dir>.
- :param model_name:
- :param url:
- """
- print("Downloading {} from {}".format(model_name, url))
- # TODO: download model via url
- def model_exist(self, model_dir):
- """
- Check whether the desired model is already in the directory.
- :param model_dir:
- """
- return True
- def tokenize(self, text, language):
- """Extract tokens from strings.
- For English, extract words separated by space.
- For Chinese, extract characters.
- TODO: more complex tokenization methods
- :param text: list of string
- :param language: str, one of ('zh', 'en'), Chinese or English.
- :return data: list of list of string, each string is a token.
- """
- assert language in ("zh", "en")
- data = []
- for sent in text:
- if language == "en":
- tokens = sent.strip().split()
- elif language == "zh":
- tokens = [char for char in sent]
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknown language {}".format(language))
- data.append(tokens)
- return data
- def _make_output(self, results, infer_input):
- """Transform the infer output into user-friendly output.
- :param results: 1 or 2-D list of strings.
- If self.infer_type == "seq_label", it is of shape [num_examples, tag_seq_length]
- If self.infer_type == "text_class", it is of shape [num_examples]
- :param infer_input: 2-D list of string, the input query before inference.
- :return outputs: list. Each entry is a prediction.
- """
- if self.infer_type == "seq_label":
- outputs = make_seq_label_output(results, infer_input)
- elif self.infer_type == "text_class":
- outputs = make_class_output(results, infer_input)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("fail to make outputs with infer type {}".format(self.infer_type))
- return outputs
- def make_seq_label_output(result, infer_input):
- """Transform model output into user-friendly contents.
- :param result: 2-D list of strings. (model output)
- :param infer_input: 2-D list of string (model input)
- :return ret: list of list of tuples
- [
- [(word_11, label_11), (word_12, label_12), ...],
- [(word_21, label_21), (word_22, label_22), ...],
- ...
- ]
- """
- ret = []
- for example_x, example_y in zip(infer_input, result):
- ret.append([(x, y) for x, y in zip(example_x, example_y)])
- return ret
- def make_class_output(result, infer_input):
- """Transform model output into user-friendly contents.
- :param result: 2-D list of strings. (model output)
- :param infer_input: 1-D list of string (model input)
- :return ret: the same as result, [label_1, label_2, ...]
- """
- return result
- def interpret_word_seg_results(char_seq, label_seq):
- """Transform model output into user-friendly contents.
- Example: In CWS, convert <BMES> labeling into segmented text.
- :param char_seq: list of string,
- :param label_seq: list of string, the same length as char_seq
- Each entry is one of ('B', 'M', 'E', 'S').
- :return output: list of words
- """
- words = []
- word = ""
- for char, label in zip(char_seq, label_seq):
- if label[0] == "B":
- if word != "":
- words.append(word)
- word = char
- elif label[0] == "M":
- word += char
- elif label[0] == "E":
- word += char
- words.append(word)
- word = ""
- elif label[0] == "S":
- if word != "":
- words.append(word)
- word = ""
- words.append(char)
- else:
- raise ValueError("invalid label {}".format(label[0]))
- return words
- def interpret_cws_pos_results(char_seq, label_seq):
- """Transform model output into user-friendly contents.
- :param char_seq: list of string
- :param label_seq: list of string, the same length as char_seq.
- :return outputs: list of tuple (words, pos_tag):
- """
- def pos_tag_check(seq):
- """check whether all entries are the same """
- return len(set(seq)) <= 1
- word = []
- word_pos = []
- outputs = []
- for char, label in zip(char_seq, label_seq):
- tmp = label.split("-")
- cws_label, pos_tag = tmp[0], tmp[1]
- if cws_label == "B" or cws_label == "M":
- word.append(char)
- word_pos.append(pos_tag)
- elif cws_label == "E":
- word.append(char)
- word_pos.append(pos_tag)
- if not pos_tag_check(word_pos):
- raise RuntimeError("character-wise pos tags inconsistent. ")
- outputs.append(("".join(word), word_pos[0]))
- word.clear()
- word_pos.clear()
- elif cws_label == "S":
- outputs.append((char, pos_tag))
- return outputs