- # Code Modified from https://github.com/carpedm20/ENAS-pytorch
- import math
- import time
- from datetime import datetime
- from datetime import timedelta
- import numpy as np
- import torch
- try:
- from tqdm.auto import tqdm
- except:
- from fastNLP.core.utils import _pseudo_tqdm as tqdm
- from fastNLP.core.batch import Batch
- from fastNLP.core.callback import CallbackException
- from fastNLP.core.dataset import DataSet
- from fastNLP.core.utils import _move_dict_value_to_device
- import fastNLP
- from . import enas_utils as utils
- from fastNLP.core.utils import _build_args
- from torch.optim import Adam
- def _get_no_grad_ctx_mgr():
- """Returns a the `torch.no_grad` context manager for PyTorch version >=
- 0.4, or a no-op context manager otherwise.
- """
- return torch.no_grad()
- class ENASTrainer(fastNLP.Trainer):
- """A class to wrap training code."""
- def __init__(self, train_data, model, controller, **kwargs):
- """Constructor for training algorithm.
- :param DataSet train_data: the training data
- :param torch.nn.modules.module model: a PyTorch model
- :param torch.nn.modules.module controller: a PyTorch model
- """
- self.final_epochs = kwargs['final_epochs']
- kwargs.pop('final_epochs')
- super(ENASTrainer, self).__init__(train_data, model, **kwargs)
- self.controller_step = 0
- self.shared_step = 0
- self.max_length = 35
- self.shared = model
- self.controller = controller
- self.shared_optim = Adam(
- self.shared.parameters(),
- lr=20.0,
- weight_decay=1e-7)
- self.controller_optim = Adam(
- self.controller.parameters(),
- lr=3.5e-4)
- def train(self, load_best_model=True):
- """
- :param bool load_best_model: 该参数只有在初始化提供了dev_data的情况下有效,如果True, trainer将在返回之前重新加载dev表现
- 最好的模型参数。
- :return results: 返回一个字典类型的数据,
- 内含以下内容::
- seconds: float, 表示训练时长
- 以下三个内容只有在提供了dev_data的情况下会有。
- best_eval: Dict of Dict, 表示evaluation的结果
- best_epoch: int,在第几个epoch取得的最佳值
- best_step: int, 在第几个step(batch)更新取得的最佳值
- """
- results = {}
- if self.n_epochs <= 0:
- print(f"training epoch is {self.n_epochs}, nothing was done.")
- results['seconds'] = 0.
- return results
- try:
- if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.use_cuda:
- self.model = self.model.cuda()
- self._model_device = self.model.parameters().__next__().device
- self._mode(self.model, is_test=False)
- self.start_time = str(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'))
- start_time = time.time()
- print("training epochs started " + self.start_time, flush=True)
- try:
- self.callback_manager.on_train_begin()
- self._train()
- self.callback_manager.on_train_end(self.model)
- except (CallbackException, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
- self.callback_manager.on_exception(e, self.model)
- if self.dev_data is not None:
- print("\nIn Epoch:{}/Step:{}, got best dev performance:".format(self.best_dev_epoch, self.best_dev_step) +
- self.tester._format_eval_results(self.best_dev_perf),)
- results['best_eval'] = self.best_dev_perf
- results['best_epoch'] = self.best_dev_epoch
- results['best_step'] = self.best_dev_step
- if load_best_model:
- model_name = "best_" + "_".join([self.model.__class__.__name__, self.metric_key, self.start_time])
- load_succeed = self._load_model(self.model, model_name)
- if load_succeed:
- print("Reloaded the best model.")
- else:
- print("Fail to reload best model.")
- finally:
- pass
- results['seconds'] = round(time.time() - start_time, 2)
- return results
- def _train(self):
- if not self.use_tqdm:
- from fastNLP.core.utils import _pseudo_tqdm as inner_tqdm
- else:
- inner_tqdm = tqdm
- self.step = 0
- start = time.time()
- total_steps = (len(self.train_data) // self.batch_size + int(
- len(self.train_data) % self.batch_size != 0)) * self.n_epochs
- with inner_tqdm(total=total_steps, postfix='loss:{0:<6.5f}', leave=False, dynamic_ncols=True) as pbar:
- avg_loss = 0
- data_iterator = Batch(self.train_data, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=self.sampler, as_numpy=False,
- prefetch=self.prefetch)
- for epoch in range(1, self.n_epochs+1):
- pbar.set_description_str(desc="Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch, self.n_epochs))
- last_stage = (epoch > self.n_epochs + 1 - self.final_epochs)
- if epoch == self.n_epochs + 1 - self.final_epochs:
- print('Entering the final stage. (Only train the selected structure)')
- # early stopping
- self.callback_manager.on_epoch_begin(epoch, self.n_epochs)
- # 1. Training the shared parameters omega of the child models
- self.train_shared(pbar)
- # 2. Training the controller parameters theta
- if not last_stage:
- self.train_controller()
- if ((self.validate_every > 0 and self.step % self.validate_every == 0) or
- (self.validate_every < 0 and self.step % len(data_iterator) == 0)) \
- and self.dev_data is not None:
- if not last_stage:
- self.derive()
- eval_res = self._do_validation(epoch=epoch, step=self.step)
- eval_str = "Evaluation at Epoch {}/{}. Step:{}/{}. ".format(epoch, self.n_epochs, self.step,
- total_steps) + \
- self.tester._format_eval_results(eval_res)
- pbar.write(eval_str)
- # lr decay; early stopping
- self.callback_manager.on_epoch_end(epoch, self.n_epochs, self.optimizer)
- # =============== epochs end =================== #
- pbar.close()
- # ============ tqdm end ============== #
- def get_loss(self, inputs, targets, hidden, dags):
- """Computes the loss for the same batch for M models.
- This amounts to an estimate of the loss, which is turned into an
- estimate for the gradients of the shared model.
- """
- if not isinstance(dags, list):
- dags = [dags]
- loss = 0
- for dag in dags:
- self.shared.setDAG(dag)
- inputs = _build_args(self.shared.forward, **inputs)
- inputs['hidden'] = hidden
- result = self.shared(**inputs)
- output, hidden, extra_out = result['pred'], result['hidden'], result['extra_out']
- self.callback_manager.on_loss_begin(targets, result)
- sample_loss = self._compute_loss(result, targets)
- loss += sample_loss
- assert len(dags) == 1, 'there are multiple `hidden` for multple `dags`'
- return loss, hidden, extra_out
- def train_shared(self, pbar=None, max_step=None, dag=None):
- """Train the language model for 400 steps of minibatches of 64
- examples.
- Args:
- max_step: Used to run extra training steps as a warm-up.
- dag: If not None, is used instead of calling sample().
- BPTT is truncated at 35 timesteps.
- For each weight update, gradients are estimated by sampling M models
- from the fixed controller policy, and averaging their gradients
- computed on a batch of training data.
- """
- model = self.shared
- model.train()
- self.controller.eval()
- hidden = self.shared.init_hidden(self.batch_size)
- abs_max_grad = 0
- abs_max_hidden_norm = 0
- step = 0
- raw_total_loss = 0
- total_loss = 0
- train_idx = 0
- avg_loss = 0
- data_iterator = Batch(self.train_data, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=self.sampler, as_numpy=False,
- prefetch=self.prefetch)
- for batch_x, batch_y in data_iterator:
- _move_dict_value_to_device(batch_x, batch_y, device=self._model_device)
- indices = data_iterator.get_batch_indices()
- # negative sampling; replace unknown; re-weight batch_y
- self.callback_manager.on_batch_begin(batch_x, batch_y, indices)
- # prediction = self._data_forward(self.model, batch_x)
- dags = self.controller.sample(1)
- inputs, targets = batch_x, batch_y
- # self.callback_manager.on_loss_begin(batch_y, prediction)
- loss, hidden, extra_out = self.get_loss(inputs,
- targets,
- hidden,
- dags)
- hidden.detach_()
- avg_loss += loss.item()
- # Is loss NaN or inf? requires_grad = False
- self.callback_manager.on_backward_begin(loss, self.model)
- self._grad_backward(loss)
- self.callback_manager.on_backward_end(self.model)
- self._update()
- self.callback_manager.on_step_end(self.optimizer)
- if (self.step+1) % self.print_every == 0:
- if self.use_tqdm:
- print_output = "loss:{0:<6.5f}".format(avg_loss / self.print_every)
- pbar.update(self.print_every)
- else:
- end = time.time()
- diff = timedelta(seconds=round(end - start))
- print_output = "[epoch: {:>3} step: {:>4}] train loss: {:>4.6} time: {}".format(
- epoch, self.step, avg_loss, diff)
- pbar.set_postfix_str(print_output)
- avg_loss = 0
- self.step += 1
- step += 1
- self.shared_step += 1
- self.callback_manager.on_batch_end()
- # ================= mini-batch end ==================== #
- def get_reward(self, dag, entropies, hidden, valid_idx=0):
- """Computes the perplexity of a single sampled model on a minibatch of
- validation data.
- """
- if not isinstance(entropies, np.ndarray):
- entropies = entropies.data.cpu().numpy()
- data_iterator = Batch(self.dev_data, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=self.sampler, as_numpy=False,
- prefetch=self.prefetch)
- for inputs, targets in data_iterator:
- valid_loss, hidden, _ = self.get_loss(inputs, targets, hidden, dag)
- valid_loss = utils.to_item(valid_loss.data)
- valid_ppl = math.exp(valid_loss)
- R = 80 / valid_ppl
- rewards = R + 1e-4 * entropies
- return rewards, hidden
- def train_controller(self):
- """Fixes the shared parameters and updates the controller parameters.
- The controller is updated with a score function gradient estimator
- (i.e., REINFORCE), with the reward being c/valid_ppl, where valid_ppl
- is computed on a minibatch of validation data.
- A moving average baseline is used.
- The controller is trained for 2000 steps per epoch (i.e.,
- first (Train Shared) phase -> second (Train Controller) phase).
- """
- model = self.controller
- model.train()
- # Why can't we call shared.eval() here? Leads to loss
- # being uniformly zero for the controller.
- # self.shared.eval()
- avg_reward_base = None
- baseline = None
- adv_history = []
- entropy_history = []
- reward_history = []
- hidden = self.shared.init_hidden(self.batch_size)
- total_loss = 0
- valid_idx = 0
- for step in range(20):
- # sample models
- dags, log_probs, entropies = self.controller.sample(
- with_details=True)
- # calculate reward
- np_entropies = entropies.data.cpu().numpy()
- # No gradients should be backpropagated to the
- # shared model during controller training, obviously.
- with _get_no_grad_ctx_mgr():
- rewards, hidden = self.get_reward(dags,
- np_entropies,
- hidden,
- valid_idx)
- reward_history.extend(rewards)
- entropy_history.extend(np_entropies)
- # moving average baseline
- if baseline is None:
- baseline = rewards
- else:
- decay = 0.95
- baseline = decay * baseline + (1 - decay) * rewards
- adv = rewards - baseline
- adv_history.extend(adv)
- # policy loss
- loss = -log_probs*utils.get_variable(adv,
- self.use_cuda,
- requires_grad=False)
- loss = loss.sum() # or loss.mean()
- # update
- self.controller_optim.zero_grad()
- loss.backward()
- self.controller_optim.step()
- total_loss += utils.to_item(loss.data)
- if ((step % 50) == 0) and (step > 0):
- reward_history, adv_history, entropy_history = [], [], []
- total_loss = 0
- self.controller_step += 1
- # prev_valid_idx = valid_idx
- # valid_idx = ((valid_idx + self.max_length) %
- # (self.valid_data.size(0) - 1))
- # # Whenever we wrap around to the beginning of the
- # # validation data, we reset the hidden states.
- # if prev_valid_idx > valid_idx:
- # hidden = self.shared.init_hidden(self.batch_size)
- def derive(self, sample_num=10, valid_idx=0):
- """We are always deriving based on the very first batch
- of validation data? This seems wrong...
- """
- hidden = self.shared.init_hidden(self.batch_size)
- dags, _, entropies = self.controller.sample(sample_num,
- with_details=True)
- max_R = 0
- best_dag = None
- for dag in dags:
- R, _ = self.get_reward(dag, entropies, hidden, valid_idx)
- if R.max() > max_R:
- max_R = R.max()
- best_dag = dag
- self.model.setDAG(best_dag)