- import _pickle
- import os
- import torch
- from fastNLP.core.inference import SeqLabelInfer
- from fastNLP.core.trainer import SeqLabelTrainer
- from fastNLP.loader.model_loader import ModelLoader
- from fastNLP.models.sequence_modeling import AdvSeqLabel
- class Decode(SeqLabelTrainer):
- def __init__(self, args):
- super(Decode, self).__init__(args)
- def decoder(self, network, sents, model_path):
- self.model = network
- self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path))
- out_put = []
- self.mode(network, test=True)
- for batch_x in sents:
- prediction = self.data_forward(self.model, batch_x)
- seq_tag = self.model.prediction(prediction, batch_x[1])
- out_put.append(list(seq_tag)[0])
- return out_put
- def process_sent(sents, word2id):
- sents_num = []
- for s in sents:
- sent_num = []
- for c in s:
- if c in word2id:
- sent_num.append(word2id[c])
- else:
- sent_num.append(word2id["<unk>"])
- sents_num.append(([sent_num], [len(sent_num)])) # batch_size is 1
- return sents_num
- def process_tag(sents, tags, id2class):
- Tags = []
- for ttt in tags:
- Tags.append([id2class[t] for t in ttt])
- Segs = []
- PosNers = []
- for sent, tag in zip(sents, tags):
- word__ = []
- lll__ = []
- for c, t in zip(sent, tag):
- t = id2class[t]
- l = t.split("-")
- split_ = l[0]
- pn = l[1]
- if split_ == "S":
- word__.append(c)
- lll__.append(pn)
- word_1 = ""
- elif split_ == "E":
- word_1 += c
- word__.append(word_1)
- lll__.append(pn)
- word_1 = ""
- elif split_ == "B":
- word_1 = ""
- word_1 += c
- else:
- word_1 += c
- Segs.append(word__)
- PosNers.append(lll__)
- return Segs, PosNers
- pickle_path = "data_for_tests/"
- model_path = "data_for_tests/model_best_dev.pkl"
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- with open(os.path.join(pickle_path, "id2word.pkl"), "rb") as f:
- id2word = _pickle.load(f)
- with open(os.path.join(pickle_path, "word2id.pkl"), "rb") as f:
- word2id = _pickle.load(f)
- with open(os.path.join(pickle_path, "id2class.pkl"), "rb") as f:
- id2class = _pickle.load(f)
- sent = ["中共中央总书记、国家主席江泽民",
- "逆向处理输入序列并返回逆序后的序列"] # here is input
- args = {"epochs": 1,
- "batch_size": 1,
- "pickle_path": "data_for_tests/",
- "validate": True,
- "save_best_dev": True,
- "model_saved_path": "data_for_tests/",
- "use_cuda": False,
- "vocab_size": len(word2id),
- "num_classes": len(id2class),
- "word_emb_dim": 50,
- "rnn_hidden_units": 100,
- }
- """
- network = AdvSeqLabel(args, None)
- decoder_ = Decode(args)
- tags_num = decoder_.decoder(network, process_sent(sent, word2id), model_path=model_path)
- output_seg, output_pn = process_tag(sent, tags_num, id2class) # here is output
- print(output_seg)
- print(output_pn)
- """
- # Define the same model
- model = AdvSeqLabel(args, None)
- # Dump trained parameters into the model
- ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, "./data_for_tests/model_best_dev.pkl")
- print("model loaded!")
- # Inference interface
- infer = SeqLabelInfer(pickle_path)
- sent = [[ch for ch in s] for s in sent]
- results = infer.predict(model, sent)
- for res in results:
- print(res)
- print("Inference finished!")