- import numpy as np
- from action.action import Action
- class Tester(Action):
- """docstring for Tester"""
- def __init__(self, test_args):
- """
- :param test_args: named tuple
- """
- super(Tester, self).__init__()
- self.test_args = test_args
- # self.args_dict = {name: value for name, value in self.test_args.__dict__.iteritems()}
- self.mean_loss = None
- self.output = None
- def test(self, network, data):
- # transform into network input and label
- X, Y = network.prepare_input(data)
- # split into batches by self.batch_size
- iterations, test_batch_generator = self.batchify(X, Y)
- batch_output = list()
- loss_history = list()
- # turn on the testing mode of the network
- network.mode(test=True)
- for step in range(iterations):
- batch_x, batch_y = test_batch_generator.__next__()
- # forward pass from tests input to predicted output
- prediction = network.data_forward(batch_x)
- batch_output.append(prediction)
- # get the loss
- loss = network.loss(batch_y, prediction)
- loss_history.append(loss)
- self.log(self.make_log(step, loss))
- self.mean_loss = np.mean(np.array(loss_history))
- self.output = self.make_output(batch_output)
- @property
- def loss(self):
- return self.mean_loss
- @property
- def result(self):
- return self.output
- def make_output(self, batch_output):
- # construct full prediction with batch outputs
- return np.concatenate((batch_output[0], batch_output[1]), axis=0)