- from functools import partial
- import pytest
- from fastNLP.core.utils.utils import auto_param_call, _check_valid_parameters_number, _get_fun_msg
- from fastNLP.core.metrics import Metric
- class TestAutoParamCall:
- def test_basic(self):
- def fn(x):
- return x
- x = {'x': 3, 'y': 4}
- r = auto_param_call(fn, x)
- assert r==3
- xs = []
- for i in range(10):
- xs.append({f'x{i}': i})
- def fn(x0, x1, x2, x3):
- return x0 + x1 + x2 + x3
- r = auto_param_call(fn, *xs)
- assert r == 0 + 1+ 2+ 3
- def fn(chongfu1, chongfu2, buChongFu):
- pass
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(fn, {'chongfu1': 3, "chongfu2":4, 'buChongFu':2},
- {'chongfu1': 1, 'chongfu2':2, 'buChongFu':2})
- assert 'The following key present in several inputs' in exc_info.value.args[0]
- assert 'chongfu1' in exc_info.value.args[0] and 'chongfu2' in exc_info.value.args[0]
- # 没用到不报错
- def fn(chongfu1, buChongFu):
- pass
- auto_param_call(fn, {'chongfu1': 1, "chongfu2":4, 'buChongFu':2},
- {'chongfu1': 1, 'chongfu2':2, 'buChongFu':2})
- # 可以定制signature_fn
- def fn1(**kwargs):
- kwargs.pop('x')
- kwargs.pop('y')
- assert len(kwargs)==0
- def fn(x, y):
- pass
- x = {'x': 3, 'y': 4}
- r = auto_param_call(fn1, x, signature_fn=fn)
- # 没提供的时候报错
- def fn(meiti1, meiti2, tigong):
- pass
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(fn, {'tigong':1})
- assert 'meiti1' in exc_info.value.args[0] and 'meiti2' in exc_info.value.args[0]
- # 默认值替换
- def fn(x, y=100):
- return x + y
- r = auto_param_call(fn, {'x': 10, 'y': 20})
- assert r==30
- assert auto_param_call(fn, {'x': 10, 'z': 20})==110
- # 测试mapping的使用
- def fn(x, y=100):
- return x + y
- r = auto_param_call(fn, {'x1': 10, 'y1': 20}, mapping={'x1': 'x', 'y1': 'y', 'meiyong': 'meiyong'})
- assert r==30
- # 测试不需要任何参数
- def fn():
- return 1
- assert 1 == auto_param_call(fn, {'x':1})
- # 测试调用类的方法没问题
- assert 2==auto_param_call(self.call_this, {'x':1 ,'y':1})
- assert 2==auto_param_call(self.call_this, {'x':1,'y':1, 'z':1},mapping={'z': 'self'})
- def test_msg(self):
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(self.call_this, {'x':1})
- assert 'TestAutoParamCall.call_this' in exc_info.value.args[0]
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(call_this_for_auto_param_call, {'x':1})
- assert __file__ in exc_info.value.args[0]
- assert 'call_this_for_auto_param_call' in exc_info.value.args[0]
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(self.call_this_two, {'x':1})
- assert __file__ in exc_info.value.args[0]
- with pytest.raises(BaseException) as exc_info:
- auto_param_call(call_this_for_auto_param_call, {'x':1}, signature_fn=self.call_this)
- assert 'TestAutoParamCall.call_this' in exc_info.value.args[0] # 应该是signature的信息
- def call_this(self, x, y):
- return x + y
- def call_this_two(self, x, y, z=pytest, **kwargs):
- return x + y
- def test_metric_auto_param_call(self):
- metric = AutoParamCallMetric()
- with pytest.raises(BaseException):
- auto_param_call(metric.update, {'y':1}, signature_fn=metric.update.__wrapped__)
- class AutoParamCallMetric(Metric):
- def update(self, x):
- pass
- def call_this_for_auto_param_call(x, y):
- return x + y
- class TestCheckNumberOfParameters:
- def test_validate_every(self):
- def validate_every(trainer):
- pass
- _check_valid_parameters_number(validate_every, expected_params=['trainer'])
- # 无默认值,多了报错
- def validate_every(trainer, other):
- pass
- with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
- _check_valid_parameters_number(validate_every, expected_params=['trainer'])
- print(exc_info.value.args[0])
- # 有默认值ok
- def validate_every(trainer, other=1):
- pass
- _check_valid_parameters_number(validate_every, expected_params=['trainer'])
- # 参数多了
- def validate_every(trainer):
- pass
- with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
- _check_valid_parameters_number(validate_every, expected_params=['trainer', 'other'])
- print(exc_info.value.args[0])
- # 使用partial
- def validate_every(trainer, other):
- pass
- _check_valid_parameters_number(partial(validate_every, other=1), expected_params=['trainer'])
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- _check_valid_parameters_number(partial(validate_every, other=1), expected_params=['trainer', 'other'])
- with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
- _check_valid_parameters_number(partial(validate_every, other=1), expected_params=['trainer', 'other', 'more'])
- print(exc_info.value.args[0])
- # 如果存在 *args 或 *kwargs 不报错多的
- def validate_every(trainer, *args):
- pass
- _check_valid_parameters_number(validate_every, expected_params=['trainer', 'other', 'more'])
- def validate_every(trainer, **kwargs):
- pass
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- _check_valid_parameters_number(partial(validate_every, trainer=1), expected_params=['trainer', 'other', 'more'])
- # class 的方法删掉self
- class InnerClass:
- def demo(self, x):
- pass
- def no_param(self):
- pass
- def param_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
- pass
- inner = InnerClass()
- with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
- _check_valid_parameters_number(inner.demo, expected_params=['trainer', 'other', 'more'])
- _check_valid_parameters_number(inner.demo, expected_params=['trainer'])
- def test_get_fun_msg():
- # 测试运行
- def demo(x):
- pass
- print(_get_fun_msg(_get_fun_msg))