- import numpy as np
- import json
- from os.path import join
- import torch
- import logging
- import tempfile
- import subprocess as sp
- from datetime import timedelta
- from time import time
- from pyrouge import Rouge155
- from pyrouge.utils import log
- from fastNLP.core.losses import LossBase
- from fastNLP.core.metrics import MetricBase
- _ROUGE_PATH = '/path/to/RELEASE-1.5.5'
- class MyBCELoss(LossBase):
- def __init__(self, pred=None, target=None, mask=None):
- super(MyBCELoss, self).__init__()
- self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, mask=mask)
- self.loss_func = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction='none')
- def get_loss(self, pred, target, mask):
- loss = self.loss_func(pred, target.float())
- loss = (loss * mask.float()).sum()
- return loss
- class LossMetric(MetricBase):
- def __init__(self, pred=None, target=None, mask=None):
- super(LossMetric, self).__init__()
- self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, mask=mask)
- self.loss_func = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction='none')
- self.avg_loss = 0.0
- self.nsamples = 0
- def evaluate(self, pred, target, mask):
- batch_size = pred.size(0)
- loss = self.loss_func(pred, target.float())
- loss = (loss * mask.float()).sum()
- self.avg_loss += loss
- self.nsamples += batch_size
- def get_metric(self, reset=True):
- self.avg_loss = self.avg_loss / self.nsamples
- eval_result = {'loss': self.avg_loss}
- if reset:
- self.avg_loss = 0
- self.nsamples = 0
- return eval_result
- class RougeMetric(MetricBase):
- def __init__(self, data_path, dec_path, ref_path, n_total, n_ext=3, ngram_block=3, pred=None, target=None, mask=None):
- super(RougeMetric, self).__init__()
- self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, mask=mask)
- self.data_path = data_path
- self.dec_path = dec_path
- self.ref_path = ref_path
- self.n_total = n_total
- self.n_ext = n_ext
- self.ngram_block = ngram_block
- self.cur_idx = 0
- self.ext = []
- self.start = time()
- @staticmethod
- def eval_rouge(dec_dir, ref_dir):
- assert _ROUGE_PATH is not None
- log.get_global_console_logger().setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- dec_pattern = '(\d+).dec'
- ref_pattern = '#ID#.ref'
- cmd = '-c 95 -r 1000 -n 2 -m'
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
- Rouge155.convert_summaries_to_rouge_format(
- dec_dir, join(tmp_dir, 'dec'))
- Rouge155.convert_summaries_to_rouge_format(
- ref_dir, join(tmp_dir, 'ref'))
- Rouge155.write_config_static(
- join(tmp_dir, 'dec'), dec_pattern,
- join(tmp_dir, 'ref'), ref_pattern,
- join(tmp_dir, 'settings.xml'), system_id=1
- )
- cmd = (join(_ROUGE_PATH, 'ROUGE-1.5.5.pl')
- + ' -e {} '.format(join(_ROUGE_PATH, 'data'))
- + cmd
- + ' -a {}'.format(join(tmp_dir, 'settings.xml')))
- output = sp.check_output(cmd.split(' '), universal_newlines=True)
- R_1 = float(output.split('\n')[3].split(' ')[3])
- R_2 = float(output.split('\n')[7].split(' ')[3])
- R_L = float(output.split('\n')[11].split(' ')[3])
- print(output)
- return R_1, R_2, R_L
- def evaluate(self, pred, target, mask):
- pred = pred + mask.float()
- pred = pred.cpu().data.numpy()
- ext_ids = np.argsort(-pred, 1)
- for sent_id in ext_ids:
- self.ext.append(sent_id)
- self.cur_idx += 1
- print('{}/{} ({:.2f}%) decoded in {} seconds\r'.format(
- self.cur_idx, self.n_total, self.cur_idx/self.n_total*100, timedelta(seconds=int(time()-self.start))
- ), end='')
- def get_metric(self, use_ngram_block=True, reset=True):
- def check_n_gram(sentence, n, dic):
- tokens = sentence.split(' ')
- s_len = len(tokens)
- for i in range(s_len):
- if i + n > s_len:
- break
- if ' '.join(tokens[i: i + n]) in dic:
- return False
- return True # no n_gram overlap
- # load original data
- data = []
- with open(self.data_path) as f:
- for line in f:
- cur_data = json.loads(line)
- if 'text' in cur_data:
- new_data = {}
- new_data['article'] = cur_data['text']
- new_data['abstract'] = cur_data['summary']
- data.append(new_data)
- else:
- data.append(cur_data)
- # write decode sentences and references
- if use_ngram_block == True:
- print('\nStart {}-gram blocking !!!'.format(self.ngram_block))
- for i, ext_ids in enumerate(self.ext):
- dec, ref = [], []
- if use_ngram_block == False:
- n_sent = min(len(data[i]['article']), self.n_ext)
- for j in range(n_sent):
- idx = ext_ids[j]
- dec.append(data[i]['article'][idx])
- else:
- n_sent = len(ext_ids)
- dic = {}
- for j in range(n_sent):
- sent = data[i]['article'][ext_ids[j]]
- if check_n_gram(sent, self.ngram_block, dic) == True:
- dec.append(sent)
- # update dic
- tokens = sent.split(' ')
- s_len = len(tokens)
- for k in range(s_len):
- if k + self.ngram_block > s_len:
- break
- dic[' '.join(tokens[k: k + self.ngram_block])] = 1
- if len(dec) >= self.n_ext:
- break
- for sent in data[i]['abstract']:
- ref.append(sent)
- with open(join(self.dec_path, '{}.dec'.format(i)), 'w') as f:
- for sent in dec:
- print(sent, file=f)
- with open(join(self.ref_path, '{}.ref'.format(i)), 'w') as f:
- for sent in ref:
- print(sent, file=f)
- print('\nStart evaluating ROUGE score !!!')
- R_1, R_2, R_L = RougeMetric.eval_rouge(self.dec_path, self.ref_path)
- eval_result = {'ROUGE-1': R_1, 'ROUGE-2': R_2, 'ROUGE-L':R_L}
- if reset == True:
- self.cur_idx = 0
- self.ext = []
- self.start = time()
- return eval_result