- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- import numpy as np
- from fastNLP.models.base_model import BaseModel
- from fastNLP.embeddings import TokenEmbedding
- from fastNLP.core.const import Const
- class DynamicKMaxPooling(nn.Module):
- """
- :param k_top: Fixed number of pooling output features for the topmost convolutional layer.
- :param l: Number of convolutional layers.
- """
- def __init__(self, k_top, l):
- super(DynamicKMaxPooling, self).__init__()
- self.k_top = k_top
- self.L = l
- def forward(self, x, l):
- """
- :param x: Input sequence.
- :param l: Current convolutional layers.
- """
- s = x.size()[3]
- k_ll = ((self.L - l) / self.L) * s
- k_l = int(round(max(self.k_top, np.ceil(k_ll))))
- out = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, (x.size()[2], k_l))
- return out
- class CNTNModel(BaseModel):
- """
- 使用CNN进行问答匹配的模型
- 'Qiu, Xipeng, and Xuanjing Huang.
- Convolutional neural tensor network architecture for community-based question answering.
- Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2015.'
- :param init_embedding: Embedding.
- :param ns: Sentence embedding size.
- :param k_top: Fixed number of pooling output features for the topmost convolutional layer.
- :param num_labels: Number of labels.
- :param depth: Number of convolutional layers.
- :param r: Number of weight tensor slices.
- :param drop_rate: Dropout rate.
- """
- def __init__(self, init_embedding: TokenEmbedding, ns=200, k_top=10, num_labels=2, depth=2, r=5,
- dropout_rate=0.3):
- super(CNTNModel, self).__init__()
- self.embedding = init_embedding
- self.depth = depth
- self.kmaxpooling = DynamicKMaxPooling(k_top, depth)
- self.conv_q = nn.ModuleList()
- self.conv_a = nn.ModuleList()
- width = self.embedding.embed_size
- for i in range(depth):
- self.conv_q.append(nn.Sequential(
- nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate),
- nn.Conv2d(
- in_channels=1,
- out_channels=width // 2,
- kernel_size=(width, 3),
- padding=(0, 2))
- ))
- self.conv_a.append(nn.Sequential(
- nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate),
- nn.Conv2d(
- in_channels=1,
- out_channels=width // 2,
- kernel_size=(width, 3),
- padding=(0, 2))
- ))
- width = width // 2
- self.fc_q = nn.Sequential(nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate), nn.Linear(width * k_top, ns))
- self.fc_a = nn.Sequential(nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate), nn.Linear(width * k_top, ns))
- self.weight_M = nn.Bilinear(ns, ns, r)
- self.weight_V = nn.Linear(2 * ns, r)
- self.weight_u = nn.Sequential(nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate), nn.Linear(r, num_labels))
- def forward(self, words1, words2, seq_len1, seq_len2):
- """
- :param words1: [batch, seq_len, emb_size] Question.
- :param words2: [batch, seq_len, emb_size] Answer.
- :param seq_len1: [batch]
- :param seq_len2: [batch]
- :return:
- """
- in_q = self.embedding(words1)
- in_a = self.embedding(words2)
- in_q = in_q.permute(0, 2, 1).unsqueeze(1)
- in_a = in_a.permute(0, 2, 1).unsqueeze(1)
- for i in range(self.depth):
- in_q = F.relu(self.conv_q[i](in_q))
- in_q = in_q.squeeze().unsqueeze(1)
- in_q = self.kmaxpooling(in_q, i + 1)
- in_a = F.relu(self.conv_a[i](in_a))
- in_a = in_a.squeeze().unsqueeze(1)
- in_a = self.kmaxpooling(in_a, i + 1)
- in_q = self.fc_q(in_q.view(in_q.size(0), -1))
- in_a = self.fc_q(in_a.view(in_a.size(0), -1))
- score = torch.tanh(self.weight_u(self.weight_M(in_q, in_a) + self.weight_V(torch.cat((in_q, in_a), -1))))
- return {Const.OUTPUT: score}
- def predict(self, words1, words2, seq_len1, seq_len2):
- return self.forward(words1, words2, seq_len1, seq_len2)