- import torch
- import json
- import os
- from fastNLP import Vocabulary
- from fastNLP.io.dataset_loader import ConllLoader, SSTLoader, SNLILoader
- from fastNLP.core import Const as C
- import numpy as np
- MAX_LEN = 128
- def update_v(vocab, data, field):
- data.apply(lambda x: vocab.add_word_lst(x[field]), new_field_name=None)
- def to_index(vocab, data, field, name):
- def func(x):
- try:
- return [vocab.to_index(w) for w in x[field]]
- except ValueError:
- return [vocab.padding_idx for _ in x[field]]
- data.apply(func, new_field_name=name)
- def load_seqtag(path, files, indexs):
- word_h, tag_h = 'words', 'tags'
- loader = ConllLoader(headers=[word_h, tag_h], indexes=indexs)
- ds_list = []
- for fn in files:
- ds_list.append(loader.load(os.path.join(path, fn)))
- word_v = Vocabulary(min_freq=2)
- tag_v = Vocabulary(unknown=None)
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[0], word_h)
- update_v(tag_v, ds_list[0], tag_h)
- def process_data(ds):
- to_index(word_v, ds, word_h, C.INPUT)
- to_index(tag_v, ds, tag_h, C.TARGET)
- ds.apply(lambda x: x[C.INPUT][:MAX_LEN], new_field_name=C.INPUT)
- ds.apply(lambda x: x[C.TARGET][:MAX_LEN], new_field_name=C.TARGET)
- ds.apply(lambda x: len(x[word_h]), new_field_name=C.INPUT_LEN)
- ds.set_input(C.INPUT, C.INPUT_LEN)
- ds.set_target(C.TARGET, C.INPUT_LEN)
- for i in range(len(ds_list)):
- process_data(ds_list[i])
- return ds_list, word_v, tag_v
- def load_sst(path, files):
- loaders = [SSTLoader(subtree=sub, fine_grained=True)
- for sub in [True, False, False]]
- ds_list = [loader.load(os.path.join(path, fn))
- for fn, loader in zip(files, loaders)]
- word_v = Vocabulary(min_freq=0)
- tag_v = Vocabulary(unknown=None, padding=None)
- for ds in ds_list:
- ds.apply(lambda x: [w.lower()
- for w in x['words']], new_field_name='words')
- #ds_list[0].drop(lambda x: len(x['words']) < 3)
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[0], 'words')
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[1], 'words')
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[2], 'words')
- ds_list[0].apply(lambda x: tag_v.add_word(
- x['target']), new_field_name=None)
- def process_data(ds):
- to_index(word_v, ds, 'words', C.INPUT)
- ds.apply(lambda x: tag_v.to_index(x['target']), new_field_name=C.TARGET)
- ds.apply(lambda x: x[C.INPUT][:MAX_LEN], new_field_name=C.INPUT)
- ds.apply(lambda x: len(x['words']), new_field_name=C.INPUT_LEN)
- ds.set_input(C.INPUT, C.INPUT_LEN)
- ds.set_target(C.TARGET)
- for i in range(len(ds_list)):
- process_data(ds_list[i])
- return ds_list, word_v, tag_v
- def load_snli(path, files):
- loader = SNLILoader()
- ds_list = [loader.load(os.path.join(path, f)) for f in files]
- word_v = Vocabulary(min_freq=2)
- tag_v = Vocabulary(unknown=None, padding=None)
- for ds in ds_list:
- ds.apply(lambda x: [w.lower()
- for w in x['words1']], new_field_name='words1')
- ds.apply(lambda x: [w.lower()
- for w in x['words2']], new_field_name='words2')
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[0], 'words1')
- update_v(word_v, ds_list[0], 'words2')
- ds_list[0].apply(lambda x: tag_v.add_word(
- x['target']), new_field_name=None)
- def process_data(ds):
- to_index(word_v, ds, 'words1', C.INPUTS(0))
- to_index(word_v, ds, 'words2', C.INPUTS(1))
- ds.apply(lambda x: tag_v.to_index(x['target']), new_field_name=C.TARGET)
- ds.apply(lambda x: x[C.INPUTS(0)][:MAX_LEN], new_field_name=C.INPUTS(0))
- ds.apply(lambda x: x[C.INPUTS(1)][:MAX_LEN], new_field_name=C.INPUTS(1))
- ds.apply(lambda x: len(x[C.INPUTS(0)]), new_field_name=C.INPUT_LENS(0))
- ds.apply(lambda x: len(x[C.INPUTS(1)]), new_field_name=C.INPUT_LENS(1))
- ds.set_input(C.INPUTS(0), C.INPUTS(1), C.INPUT_LENS(0), C.INPUT_LENS(1))
- ds.set_target(C.TARGET)
- for i in range(len(ds_list)):
- process_data(ds_list[i])
- return ds_list, word_v, tag_v
- class EmbedLoader:
- @staticmethod
- def parse_glove_line(line):
- line = line.split()
- if len(line) <= 2:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "something goes wrong in parsing glove embedding")
- return line[0], line[1:]
- @staticmethod
- def str_list_2_vec(line):
- return torch.Tensor(list(map(float, line)))
- @staticmethod
- def fast_load_embedding(emb_dim, emb_file, vocab):
- """Fast load the pre-trained embedding and combine with the given dictionary.
- This loading method uses line-by-line operation.
- :param int emb_dim: the dimension of the embedding. Should be the same as pre-trained embedding.
- :param str emb_file: the pre-trained embedding file path.
- :param Vocabulary vocab: a mapping from word to index, can be provided by user or built from pre-trained embedding
- :return embedding_matrix: numpy.ndarray
- """
- if vocab is None:
- raise RuntimeError("You must provide a vocabulary.")
- embedding_matrix = np.zeros(
- shape=(len(vocab), emb_dim), dtype=np.float32)
- hit_flags = np.zeros(shape=(len(vocab),), dtype=int)
- with open(emb_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- startline = f.readline()
- if len(startline.split()) > 2:
- f.seek(0)
- for line in f:
- word, vector = EmbedLoader.parse_glove_line(line)
- try:
- if word in vocab:
- vector = EmbedLoader.str_list_2_vec(vector)
- if emb_dim != vector.size(0):
- continue
- embedding_matrix[vocab[word]] = vector
- hit_flags[vocab[word]] = 1
- except Exception:
- continue
- if np.sum(hit_flags) < len(vocab):
- # some words from vocab are missing in pre-trained embedding
- # we normally sample each dimension
- vocab_embed = embedding_matrix[np.where(hit_flags)]
- #sampled_vectors = np.random.normal(vocab_embed.mean(axis=0), vocab_embed.std(axis=0),
- # size=(len(vocab) - np.sum(hit_flags), emb_dim))
- sampled_vectors = np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01,
- size=(len(vocab) - np.sum(hit_flags), emb_dim))
- embedding_matrix[np.where(1 - hit_flags)] = sampled_vectors
- return embedding_matrix