- import unittest
- import os
- from fastNLP.io import DataBundle
- from fastNLP.io.pipe.classification import SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, \
- AGsNewsPipe, DBPediaPipe
- from fastNLP.io.pipe.classification import ChnSentiCorpPipe, THUCNewsPipe, WeiboSenti100kPipe
- @unittest.skipIf('TRAVIS' in os.environ, "Skip in travis")
- class TestClassificationPipe(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_process_from_file(self):
- for pipe in [YelpPolarityPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, YelpFullPipe, SSTPipe]:
- with self.subTest(pipe=pipe):
- print(pipe)
- data_bundle = pipe(tokenizer='raw').process_from_file()
- print(data_bundle)
- class TestRunPipe(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_load(self):
- for pipe in [IMDBPipe]:
- data_bundle = pipe(tokenizer='raw').process_from_file('tests/data_for_tests/io/imdb')
- print(data_bundle)
- @unittest.skipIf('TRAVIS' in os.environ, "Skip in travis")
- class TestCNClassificationPipe(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_process_from_file(self):
- for pipe in [ChnSentiCorpPipe]:
- with self.subTest(pipe=pipe):
- data_bundle = pipe(bigrams=True, trigrams=True).process_from_file()
- print(data_bundle)
- @unittest.skipIf('TRAVIS' in os.environ, "Skip in travis")
- class TestRunClassificationPipe(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_process_from_file(self):
- data_set_dict = {
- 'yelp.p': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/yelp_review_polarity', YelpPolarityPipe,
- {'train': 6, 'dev': 6, 'test': 6}, {'words': 1176, 'target': 2},
- False),
- 'yelp.f': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/yelp_review_full', YelpFullPipe,
- {'train': 6, 'dev': 6, 'test': 6}, {'words': 1166, 'target': 5},
- False),
- 'sst-2': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/SST-2', SST2Pipe,
- {'train': 5, 'dev': 5, 'test': 5}, {'words': 139, 'target': 2},
- True),
- 'sst': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/SST', SSTPipe,
- {'train': 354, 'dev': 6, 'test': 6}, {'words': 232, 'target': 5},
- False),
- 'imdb': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/imdb', IMDBPipe,
- {'train': 6, 'dev': 6, 'test': 6}, {'words': 1670, 'target': 2},
- False),
- 'ag': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/ag', AGsNewsPipe,
- {'train': 4, 'test': 5}, {'words': 257, 'target': 4},
- False),
- 'dbpedia': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/dbpedia', DBPediaPipe,
- {'train': 14, 'test': 5}, {'words': 496, 'target': 14},
- False),
- 'ChnSentiCorp': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/ChnSentiCorp', ChnSentiCorpPipe,
- {'train': 6, 'dev': 6, 'test': 6},
- {'chars': 529, 'bigrams': 1296, 'trigrams': 1483, 'target': 2},
- False),
- 'Chn-THUCNews': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/THUCNews', THUCNewsPipe,
- {'train': 9, 'dev': 9, 'test': 9}, {'chars': 1864, 'target': 9},
- False),
- 'Chn-WeiboSenti100k': ('tests/data_for_tests/io/WeiboSenti100k', WeiboSenti100kPipe,
- {'train': 6, 'dev': 6, 'test': 7}, {'chars': 452, 'target': 2},
- False),
- }
- for k, v in data_set_dict.items():
- path, pipe, data_set, vocab, warns = v
- with self.subTest(path=path):
- if 'Chn' not in k:
- if warns:
- with self.assertWarns(Warning):
- data_bundle = pipe(tokenizer='raw').process_from_file(path)
- else:
- data_bundle = pipe(tokenizer='raw').process_from_file(path)
- else:
- data_bundle = pipe(bigrams=True, trigrams=True).process_from_file(path)
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(data_bundle, DataBundle))
- self.assertEqual(len(data_set), data_bundle.num_dataset)
- for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets():
- self.assertTrue(name in data_set.keys())
- self.assertEqual(data_set[name], len(dataset))
- self.assertEqual(len(vocab), data_bundle.num_vocab)
- for name, vocabs in data_bundle.iter_vocabs():
- self.assertTrue(name in vocab.keys())
- self.assertEqual(vocab[name], len(vocabs))