- """
- 轻量封装的 Pytorch LSTM 模块.
- 可在 forward 时传入序列的长度, 自动对padding做合适的处理.
- """
- __all__ = [
- "LSTM"
- ]
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import torch.nn.utils.rnn as rnn
- from fastNLP.modules.utils import initial_parameter
- from torch import autograd
- from .weight_drop import WeightDrop
- class LSTM(nn.Module):
- """
- LSTM 模块, 轻量封装的Pytorch LSTM. 在提供seq_len的情况下,将自动使用pack_padded_sequence; 同时默认将forget gate的bias初始化
- 为1; 且可以应对DataParallel中LSTM的使用问题。
- :param input_size: 输入 `x` 的特征维度
- :param hidden_size: 隐状态 `h` 的特征维度.
- :param num_layers: rnn的层数. Default: 1
- :param dropout: 层间dropout概率. Default: 0
- :param bidirectional: 若为 ``True``, 使用双向的RNN. Default: ``False``
- :param batch_first: 若为 ``True``, 输入和输出 ``Tensor`` 形状为
- :(batch, seq, feature). Default: ``False``
- :param bias: 如果为 ``False``, 模型将不会使用bias. Default: ``True``
- """
- def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size=100, num_layers=1, dropout=0.0, batch_first=True,
- bidirectional=False, bias=True, wdrop=0.5):
- super(LSTM, self).__init__()
- self.batch_first = batch_first
- self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, bias=bias, batch_first=batch_first,
- dropout=dropout, bidirectional=bidirectional)
- self.lstm = WeightDrop(self.lstm, ['weight_hh_l0'], dropout=wdrop)
- self.init_param()
- def init_param(self):
- for name, param in self.named_parameters():
- if 'bias' in name:
- # based on https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/750#issuecomment-280671871
- param.data.fill_(0)
- n = param.size(0)
- start, end = n // 4, n // 2
- param.data[start:end].fill_(1)
- else:
- nn.init.xavier_uniform_(param)
- def forward(self, x, seq_len=None, h0=None, c0=None):
- """
- :param x: [batch, seq_len, input_size] 输入序列
- :param seq_len: [batch, ] 序列长度, 若为 ``None``, 所有输入看做一样长. Default: ``None``
- :param h0: [batch, hidden_size] 初始隐状态, 若为 ``None`` , 设为全0向量. Default: ``None``
- :param c0: [batch, hidden_size] 初始Cell状态, 若为 ``None`` , 设为全0向量. Default: ``None``
- :return (output, ht) 或 output: 若 ``get_hidden=True`` [batch, seq_len, hidden_size*num_direction] 输出序列
- 和 [batch, hidden_size*num_direction] 最后时刻隐状态.
- """
- batch_size, max_len, _ = x.size()
- if h0 is not None and c0 is not None:
- hx = (h0, c0)
- else:
- hx = None
- if seq_len is not None and not isinstance(x, rnn.PackedSequence):
- sort_lens, sort_idx = torch.sort(seq_len, dim=0, descending=True)
- if self.batch_first:
- x = x[sort_idx]
- else:
- x = x[:, sort_idx]
- x = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(x, sort_lens, batch_first=self.batch_first)
- output, hx = self.lstm(x, hx) # -> [N,L,C]
- output, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=self.batch_first, total_length=max_len)
- _, unsort_idx = torch.sort(sort_idx, dim=0, descending=False)
- if self.batch_first:
- output = output[unsort_idx]
- else:
- output = output[:, unsort_idx]
- else:
- output, hx = self.lstm(x, hx)
- return output, hx