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fix some bugs in docs

ChenXin 5 years ago
12 changed files with 127 additions and 63 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. +1
  6. +36
  7. +16
  8. +9
  9. +7
  10. +21
  11. +3
  12. +30

+ 1
- 1
docs/source/fastNLP.core.callback.rst View File

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ fastNLP.core.callback

.. automodule:: fastNLP.core.callback
:members: Callback, GradientClipCallback, EarlyStopCallback, FitlogCallback, EvaluateCallback, LRScheduler, ControlC, LRFinder, TensorboardCallback, WarmupCallback, SaveModelCallback, EchoCallback, CallbackException, EarlyStopError
:members: Callback, GradientClipCallback, EarlyStopCallback, FitlogCallback, EvaluateCallback, LRScheduler, ControlC, LRFinder, TensorboardCallback, WarmupCallback, SaveModelCallback, CallbackException, EarlyStopError

+ 1
- 1
docs/source/ View File

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@

.. automodule::
:members: Loader, YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, ChnSentiCorpLoader, ConllLoader, Conll2003Loader, Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader, CTBLoader, MsraNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader, CSVLoader, JsonLoader, CWSLoader, MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, CoReferenceLoader
:members: Loader, YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, ChnSentiCorpLoader, THUCNewsLoader, WeiboSenti100kLoader, ConllLoader, Conll2003Loader, Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader, CTBLoader, MsraNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader, CSVLoader, JsonLoader, CWSLoader, MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, CNXNLILoader, BQCorpusLoader, LCQMCLoader, CoReferenceLoader

+ 1
- 1
docs/source/ View File

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@

.. automodule::
:members: Pipe, CWSPipe, YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, Conll2003NERPipe, OntoNotesNERPipe, MsraNERPipe, WeiboNERPipe, PeopleDailyPipe, Conll2003Pipe, MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe, CoReferencePipe
:members: Pipe, CWSPipe, YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, THUCNewsPipe, WeiboSenti100kPipe, Conll2003NERPipe, OntoNotesNERPipe, MsraNERPipe, WeiboNERPipe, PeopleDailyPipe, Conll2003Pipe, MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, CNXNLIBertPipe, BQCorpusBertPipe, LCQMCBertPipe, MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe, LCQMCPipe, CNXNLIPipe, BQCorpusPipe, RenamePipe, GranularizePipe, MachingTruncatePipe, CoReferencePipe

+ 1
- 1
docs/source/ View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

.. automodule::
:members: DataBundle, EmbedLoader, Loader, YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, ChnSentiCorpLoader, ConllLoader, Conll2003Loader, Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader, CTBLoader, MsraNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, CSVLoader, JsonLoader, CWSLoader, MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, Pipe, YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, Conll2003Pipe, Conll2003NERPipe, OntoNotesNERPipe, MsraNERPipe, PeopleDailyPipe, WeiboNERPipe, CWSPipe, MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe, ModelLoader, ModelSaver
:members: DataBundle, EmbedLoader, Loader, YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, ChnSentiCorpLoader, THUCNewsLoader, WeiboSenti100kLoader, ConllLoader, Conll2003Loader, Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader, CTBLoader, MsraNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, CSVLoader, JsonLoader, CWSLoader, MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, CNXNLILoader, BQCorpusLoader, LCQMCLoader, Pipe, YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, THUCNewsPipe, WeiboSenti100kPipe, Conll2003Pipe, Conll2003NERPipe, OntoNotesNERPipe, MsraNERPipe, PeopleDailyPipe, WeiboNERPipe, CWSPipe, MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe, ModelLoader, ModelSaver


+ 1
- 1
docs/source/fastNLP.rst View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ fastNLP

.. automodule:: fastNLP
:members: Instance, FieldArray, DataSetIter, BatchIter, TorchLoaderIter, Vocabulary, DataSet, Const, Trainer, Tester, Callback, GradientClipCallback, EarlyStopCallback, FitlogCallback, EvaluateCallback, LRScheduler, ControlC, LRFinder, TensorboardCallback, WarmupCallback, SaveModelCallback, EchoCallback, CallbackException, EarlyStopError, Padder, AutoPadder, EngChar2DPadder, AccuracyMetric, SpanFPreRecMetric, ExtractiveQAMetric, Optimizer, SGD, Adam, AdamW, Sampler, SequentialSampler, BucketSampler, RandomSampler, LossFunc, CrossEntropyLoss, L1Loss, BCELoss, NLLLoss, LossInForward, cache_results, logger
:members: Instance, FieldArray, DataSetIter, BatchIter, TorchLoaderIter, Vocabulary, DataSet, Const, Trainer, Tester, Callback, GradientClipCallback, EarlyStopCallback, FitlogCallback, EvaluateCallback, LRScheduler, ControlC, LRFinder, TensorboardCallback, WarmupCallback, SaveModelCallback, CallbackException, EarlyStopError, Padder, AutoPadder, EngChar2DPadder, AccuracyMetric, SpanFPreRecMetric, ExtractiveQAMetric, Optimizer, SGD, Adam, AdamW, Sampler, SequentialSampler, BucketSampler, RandomSampler, LossFunc, CrossEntropyLoss, L1Loss, BCELoss, NLLLoss, LossInForward, cache_results, logger


+ 36
- 7
fastNLP/io/ View File

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ __all__ = [

@@ -70,32 +70,61 @@ __all__ = [





from .embed_loader import EmbedLoader
from .data_bundle import DataBundle
from .model_io import ModelLoader, ModelSaver
import sys

from .data_bundle import DataBundle
from .embed_loader import EmbedLoader
from .loader import *
from .model_io import ModelLoader, ModelSaver
from .pipe import *

import sys
from ..doc_utils import doc_process


+ 16
- 9
fastNLP/io/loader/ View File

@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ __all__ = [

@@ -63,26 +65,31 @@ __all__ = [

from .classification import YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, ChnSentiCorpLoader
from .classification import YelpLoader, YelpFullLoader, YelpPolarityLoader, IMDBLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, \
ChnSentiCorpLoader, THUCNewsLoader, WeiboSenti100kLoader
from .conll import ConllLoader, Conll2003Loader, Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader, CTBLoader
from .conll import MsraNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader
from .coreference import CoReferenceLoader
from .csv import CSVLoader
from .cws import CWSLoader
from .json import JsonLoader
from .loader import Loader
from .matching import MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader
from .conll import MsraNERLoader, PeopleDailyNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader
from .coreference import CoReferenceLoader
from .matching import MNLILoader, QuoraLoader, SNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, CNXNLILoader, BQCorpusLoader, \

+ 9
- 3
fastNLP/io/loader/ View File

@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ class THUCNewsLoader(Loader):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_words", "target"
"马晓旭意外受伤让国奥警惕 无奈大雨格外青睐殷家军记者傅亚雨沈阳报道 ... ", "体育"
"...", "..."

@@ -446,13 +447,18 @@ class WeiboSenti100kLoader(Loader):
数据集简介:微博sentiment classification,二分类
label text
0 六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]
1 听过一场!笑死了昂,一听茄子脱口秀,从此节操是路人![嘻嘻] //@中国梦网官微:@Pencil彭赛 @茄子脱口秀 [圣诞帽][圣诞树][平安果]
.. .. code-block:: text
label text
0 六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]
1 听过一场!笑死了昂,一听茄子脱口秀,从此节操是路人![嘻嘻] //@中国梦网官微:@Pencil彭赛 @茄子脱口秀 [圣诞帽][圣诞树][平安果]

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_chars", "target"
"六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]", "0"
"...", "..."

+ 7
- 4
fastNLP/io/loader/ View File

@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ import os
import warnings
from typing import Union, Dict

from .csv import CSVLoader
from .json import JsonLoader
from .loader import Loader
from .. import DataBundle
from ..utils import check_loader_paths
from ...core.const import Const
from ...core.dataset import DataSet
from ...core.instance import Instance
from .csv import CSVLoader
from ..utils import check_loader_paths

class MNLILoader(Loader):
@@ -348,8 +348,9 @@ class CNXNLILoader(Loader):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_chars1", "raw_chars2", "target"
"从概念上看,奶油收入有两个基本方面产品和地理.", "产品和地理是什么使奶油抹霜工作.", "1"
""...", "...", "..."
"...", "...", "..."


@@ -412,6 +413,7 @@ class BQCorpusLoader(Loader):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_chars1", "raw_chars2", "target"
"不是邀请的如何贷款?", "我不是你们邀请的客人可以贷款吗?", "1"
"如何满足微粒银行的审核", "建设银行有微粒贷的资格吗", "0"
"...", "...", "..."
@@ -458,9 +460,10 @@ class LCQMCLoader(Loader):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_chars1", "raw_chars2", "target"
"喜欢打篮球的男生喜欢什么样的女生?", "爱打篮球的男生喜欢什么样的女生?", "1"
"晚上睡觉带着耳机听音乐有什么害处吗?", "妇可以戴耳机听音乐吗?", "0"
""...", "...", "..."
"...", "...", "..."


+ 21
- 10
fastNLP/io/pipe/ View File

@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Pipe用于处理通过 Loader 读取的数据,所有的 Pipe 都包含 ``proce
__all__ = [
@@ -20,35 +20,46 @@ __all__ = [


from .classification import YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, THUCNewsPipe, WeiboSenti100kPipe
from .classification import YelpFullPipe, YelpPolarityPipe, SSTPipe, SST2Pipe, IMDBPipe, ChnSentiCorpPipe, THUCNewsPipe, \
from .conll import Conll2003NERPipe, OntoNotesNERPipe, MsraNERPipe, WeiboNERPipe, PeopleDailyPipe
from .matching import MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, \
MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe
from .pipe import Pipe
from .conll import Conll2003Pipe
from .cws import CWSPipe
from .coreference import CoReferencePipe
from .cws import CWSPipe
from .matching import MatchingBertPipe, RTEBertPipe, SNLIBertPipe, QuoraBertPipe, QNLIBertPipe, MNLIBertPipe, \
MatchingPipe, RTEPipe, SNLIPipe, QuoraPipe, QNLIPipe, MNLIPipe, CNXNLIBertPipe, CNXNLIPipe, BQCorpusBertPipe, \
LCQMCPipe, BQCorpusPipe, LCQMCBertPipe, RenamePipe, GranularizePipe, MachingTruncatePipe
from .pipe import Pipe

+ 3
- 1
fastNLP/io/pipe/ View File

@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ from .utils import get_tokenizer, _indexize, _add_words_field, _drop_empty_insta
from ..data_bundle import DataBundle
from ..loader.classification import ChnSentiCorpLoader, THUCNewsLoader, WeiboSenti100kLoader
from ..loader.classification import IMDBLoader, YelpFullLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, YelpPolarityLoader
from ...core._logger import logger
from ...core.const import Const
from ...core.dataset import DataSet
from ...core.instance import Instance
from ...core.vocabulary import Vocabulary
from ...core._logger import logger

nonalpnum = re.compile('[^0-9a-zA-Z?!\']+')

@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ class THUCNewsPipe(_CLSPipe):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_words", "target"
"马晓旭意外受伤让国奥警惕 无奈大雨格外青睐殷家军记者傅亚雨沈阳报道 ... ", "体育"
"...", "..."

@@ -826,6 +827,7 @@ class WeiboSenti100kPipe(_CLSPipe):

.. csv-table::
:header: "raw_chars", "target"
"六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]", "0"
"...", "..."

+ 30
- 24
fastNLP/io/pipe/ View File

@@ -16,20 +16,24 @@ __all__ = [

import warnings

from .pipe import Pipe
from .utils import get_tokenizer
from ..loader.matching import SNLILoader, MNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, QuoraLoader, BQCorpusLoader, CNXNLILoader, LCQMCLoader
from ..data_bundle import DataBundle
from ..loader.matching import SNLILoader, MNLILoader, QNLILoader, RTELoader, QuoraLoader, BQCorpusLoader, CNXNLILoader, \
from ...core._logger import logger
from ...core.const import Const
from ...core.vocabulary import Vocabulary
from ...core._logger import logger
from ..data_bundle import DataBundle

class MatchingBertPipe(Pipe):
@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ class MatchingBertPipe(Pipe):
f"data set but not in train data set!."
has_target_datasets = [dataset for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items() if
target_vocab.index_dataset(*has_target_datasets, field_name=Const.TARGET)
@@ -294,7 +298,7 @@ class MatchingPipe(Pipe):
f"data set but not in train data set!."
has_target_datasets = [dataset for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items() if
target_vocab.index_dataset(*has_target_datasets, field_name=Const.TARGET)
@@ -345,8 +349,9 @@ class MNLIPipe(MatchingPipe):
data_bundle = MNLILoader().load(paths)
return self.process(data_bundle)

class LCQMCPipe(MatchingPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths = None):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = LCQMCLoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = RenamePipe().process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle)
@@ -358,14 +363,14 @@ class CNXNLIPipe(MatchingPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = CNXNLILoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = GranularizePipe(task='XNLI').process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = RenamePipe().process(data_bundle) #使中文数据的field
data_bundle = RenamePipe().process(data_bundle) # 使中文数据的field
data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = RenamePipe().process(data_bundle)
return data_bundle

class BQCorpusPipe(MatchingPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths = None):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = BQCorpusLoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = RenamePipe().process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle)
@@ -374,12 +379,12 @@ class BQCorpusPipe(MatchingPipe):

class RenamePipe(Pipe):
def __init__(self, task = 'cn-nli'):
def __init__(self, task='cn-nli'):
self.task = task
def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): # rename field name for Chinese Matching dataset
if(self.task == 'cn-nli'):
if (self.task == 'cn-nli'):
for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
if (dataset.has_field(Const.RAW_CHARS(0))):
dataset.rename_field(Const.RAW_CHARS(0), Const.RAW_WORDS(0)) # RAW_CHARS->RAW_WORDS
@@ -392,12 +397,12 @@ class RenamePipe(Pipe):
raise RuntimeError(
"field name of dataset is not qualified. It should have ether RAW_CHARS or WORDS")
elif(self.task == 'cn-nli-bert'):
elif (self.task == 'cn-nli-bert'):
for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
if (dataset.has_field(Const.RAW_CHARS(0))):
dataset.rename_field(Const.RAW_CHARS(0), Const.RAW_WORDS(0)) # RAW_CHARS->RAW_WORDS
dataset.rename_field(Const.RAW_CHARS(1), Const.RAW_WORDS(1))
elif (dataset.has_field(Const.RAW_WORDS(0))):
dataset.rename_field(Const.RAW_WORDS(0), Const.RAW_CHARS(0))
dataset.rename_field(Const.RAW_WORDS(1), Const.RAW_CHARS(1))
dataset.rename_field(Const.INPUT, Const.CHAR_INPUT)
@@ -409,15 +414,15 @@ class RenamePipe(Pipe):
raise RuntimeError(
"Only support task='cn-nli' or 'cn-nli-bert'"
return data_bundle

class GranularizePipe(Pipe):
def __init__(self, task = None):
def __init__(self, task=None):
self.task = task
def _granularize(self, data_bundle, tag_map):
@@ -434,21 +439,22 @@ class GranularizePipe(Pipe):
dataset.drop(lambda ins: ins[Const.TARGET] == -100)
data_bundle.set_dataset(dataset, name)
return data_bundle
def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle):
task_tag_dict = {
'XNLI':{'neutral': 0, 'entailment': 1, 'contradictory': 2, 'contradiction': 2}
'XNLI': {'neutral': 0, 'entailment': 1, 'contradictory': 2, 'contradiction': 2}
if self.task in task_tag_dict:
data_bundle = self._granularize(data_bundle=data_bundle, tag_map= task_tag_dict[self.task])
data_bundle = self._granularize(data_bundle=data_bundle, tag_map=task_tag_dict[self.task])
raise RuntimeError(f"Only support {task_tag_dict.keys()} task_tag_map.")
return data_bundle

class MachingTruncatePipe(Pipe): #truncate sentence for bert, modify seq_len
class MachingTruncatePipe(Pipe): # truncate sentence for bert, modify seq_len
def __init__(self):
def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle):
for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
@@ -456,7 +462,7 @@ class MachingTruncatePipe(Pipe): #truncate sentence for bert, modify seq_len

class LCQMCBertPipe(MatchingBertPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths = None):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = LCQMCLoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = RenamePipe(task='cn-nli-bert').process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle)
@@ -465,7 +471,7 @@ class LCQMCBertPipe(MatchingBertPipe):

class BQCorpusBertPipe(MatchingBertPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths = None):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = BQCorpusLoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = RenamePipe(task='cn-nli-bert').process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle)
@@ -474,7 +480,7 @@ class BQCorpusBertPipe(MatchingBertPipe):

class CNXNLIBertPipe(MatchingBertPipe):
def process_from_file(self, paths = None):
def process_from_file(self, paths=None):
data_bundle = CNXNLILoader().load(paths)
data_bundle = GranularizePipe(task='XNLI').process(data_bundle)
data_bundle = RenamePipe(task='cn-nli-bert').process(data_bundle)
