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start building word seg (generally seq2seq) model

FengZiYjun 6 years ago
7 changed files with 275 additions and 25 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +5
  3. +6
  4. +93
  5. +135
  6. +5
  7. +30

+ 1
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action/ View File

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Action(object):
:return iteration:int, the number of step in each epoch
generator:generator, to generate batch inputs
n_samples = X.size()[0]
n_samples = X.shape[0]
num_iter = n_samples // batch_size
if Y is None:
generator = self._batch_generate(batch_size, num_iter, X)

+ 5
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action/ View File

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from .tester import Tester

class Trainer(Action):
Trainer for common training logic of all models
Trainer is a common training pipeline shared among all models.
TrainConfig = namedtuple("config", ["epochs", "validate", "save_when_better",
"log_per_step", "log_validation", "batch_size"])
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ class Trainer(Action):
self.log_validation = train_args.log_validation
self.batch_size = train_args.batch_size

def train(self, network, train_data, dev_data):
def train(self, network, train_data, dev_data=None):
:param network: the model controller
:param train_data: raw data for training
:param dev_data: raw data for validation
This method will call all the base methods of network (implemented in model.base_model).
train_x, train_y = network.prepare_input(train_data)

@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ class Trainer(Action):

#################### evaluate over dev set ###################
if self.validate:
if dev_data is None:
raise RuntimeError("No validation data provided.")
# give all controls to tester
evaluator.test(network, dev_data)

+ 6
- 0
loader/ View File

@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ class BaseLoader(object):
text =
return text

def load_lines(self):
with open(self.data_path, "r", encoding="utf=8") as f:
text = f.readlines()
return text

class ToyLoader0(BaseLoader):
@@ -29,3 +34,4 @@ class ToyLoader0(BaseLoader):
import re
corpus = re.sub(r"<unk>", "unk", corpus)
return corpus.split()

+ 93
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model/ View File

@@ -2,29 +2,64 @@ import numpy as np

class BaseModel(object):
"""PyTorch base model for all models"""
"""The base class of all models.
This class and its subclasses are actually "wrappers" of the PyTorch models.
They act as an interface between Trainer and the deep learning networks.
This interface provides the following methods to be called by Trainer.
- prepare_input
- mode
- define_optimizer
- data_forward
- grad_backward
- get_loss

def __init__(self):

def prepare_input(self, data):
:param data: str, raw input vector(?)
Perform data transformation from raw input to vector/matrix inputs.
:param data: raw inputs
:return (X, Y): tuple, input features and labels
raise NotImplementedError

def mode(self, test=False):
Tell the network to be trained or not, required by PyTorch.
:param test: bool
raise NotImplementedError

def define_optimizer(self):
Define PyTorch optimizer specified by the model.
raise NotImplementedError

def data_forward(self, *x):
Forward pass of the data.
:param x: input feature matrix and label vector
:return: output by the model
# required by PyTorch nn
raise NotImplementedError

def grad_backward(self):
Perform gradient descent to update the model parameters.
raise NotImplementedError

def get_loss(self, pred, truth):
Compute loss given model prediction and ground truth. Loss function specified by the model.
:param pred: prediction label vector
:param truth: ground truth label vector
:return: a scalar
raise NotImplementedError

@@ -54,29 +89,70 @@ class ToyModel(BaseModel):
self._loss = np.mean(np.square(pred - truth))
return self._loss

def define_optimizer(self):

class Vocabulary(object):
A collection of lookup tables.
"""A look-up table that allows you to access `Lexeme` objects. The `Vocab`
instance also provides access to the `StringStore`, and owns underlying
data that is shared between `Doc` objects.

def __init__(self):
self.word_set = None
self.word2idx = None
self.emb_matrix = None

def lookup(self, word):
if word in self.word_set:
return self.emb_matrix[self.word2idx[word]]
return LookupError("The key " + word + " does not exist.")
"""Create the vocabulary.
RETURNS (Vocab): The newly constructed object.
self.data_frame = None

class Document(object):
"""A sequence of Token objects. Access sentences and named entities, export
annotations to numpy arrays, losslessly serialize to compressed binary
strings. The `Doc` object holds an array of `Token` objects. The
Python-level `Token` and `Span` objects are views of this array, i.e.
they don't own the data themselves. -- spacy
contains a sequence of tokens
each token is a character with linguistic attributes

def __init__(self, vocab, words=None, spaces=None):
"""Create a Doc object.
vocab (Vocab): A vocabulary object, which must match any models you
want to use (e.g. tokenizer, parser, entity recognizer).
words (list or None): A list of unicode strings, to add to the document
as words. If `None`, defaults to empty list.
spaces (list or None): A list of boolean values, of the same length as
words. True means that the word is followed by a space, False means
it is not. If `None`, defaults to `[True]*len(words)`
user_data (dict or None): Optional extra data to attach to the Doc.
RETURNS (Doc): The newly constructed object.
self.vocab = vocab
self.spaces = spaces
self.words = words
if spaces is None:
self.spaces = [True] * len(self.words)
elif len(spaces) != len(self.words):
raise ValueError("dismatch spaces and words")

def get_chunker(self, vocab):
return None

def push_back(self, vocab):

class Token(object):
"""An individual token – i.e. a word, punctuation symbol, whitespace,

def __init__(self):
# wrap pandas.dataframe
self.dataframe = None
def __init__(self, vocab, doc, offset):
"""Construct a `Token` object.
vocab (Vocabulary): A storage container for lexical types.
doc (Document): The parent document.
offset (int): The index of the token within the document.
self.vocab = vocab
self.doc = doc
self.token = doc[offset]
self.i = offset

+ 135
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model/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.autograd import Variable

from model.base_model import BaseModel

USE_GPU = True

def to_var(x):
if torch.cuda.is_available() and USE_GPU:
x = x.cuda()
return Variable(x)

class WordSegModel(BaseModel):
Model controller for WordSeg

def __init__(self):
super(WordSegModel, self).__init__()
self.id2word = None
self.word2id = None
self.id2tag = None
self.tag2id = None

self.lstm_batch_size = 8
self.lstm_seq_len = 32 # Trainer batch_size == lstm_batch_size * lstm_seq_len
self.hidden_dim = 100
self.lstm_num_layers = 2
self.vocab_size = 100
self.word_emb_dim = 100

self.model = WordSeg(self.hidden_dim, self.lstm_num_layers, self.vocab_size, self.word_emb_dim)
self.hidden = (to_var(torch.zeros(2, self.lstm_batch_size, self.word_emb_dim)),
to_var(torch.zeros(2, self.lstm_batch_size, self.word_emb_dim)))

self.optimizer = None
self._loss = None

def prepare_input(self, data):
perform word indices lookup to convert strings into indices
:param data: list of string, each string contains word + space + [B, M, E, S]
word_list = []
tag_list = []
for line in data:
if len(line) > 2:
tokens = line.split("#")
self.id2word = list(set(word_list))
self.word2id = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(self.id2word)}
self.id2tag = list(set(tag_list))
self.tag2id = {tag: idx for idx, tag in enumerate(self.id2tag)}
words = np.array([self.word2id[w] for w in word_list]).reshape(-1, 1)
tags = np.array([self.tag2id[t] for t in tag_list]).reshape(-1, 1)
return words, tags

def mode(self, test=False):
if test:

def data_forward(self, x):
:param x: sequence of length [batch_size], word indices
x = x.reshape(self.lstm_batch_size, self.lstm_seq_len)
output, self.hidden = self.model(x, self.hidden)
return output

def define_optimizer(self):
self.optimizer = optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.85)

def get_loss(self, pred, truth):

self._loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(pred, truth)
return self._loss

def grad_backward(self):
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.model.parameters(), 5, norm_type=2)

class WordSeg(nn.Module):
PyTorch Network for word segmentation

def __init__(self, hidden_dim, lstm_num_layers, vocab_size, word_emb_dim=100):
super(WordSeg, self).__init__()

self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.word_emb_dim = word_emb_dim
self.lstm_num_layers = lstm_num_layers
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim

self.word_emb = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.word_emb_dim)

self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=self.word_emb_dim,

self.linear = nn.Linear(self.word_emb_dim, self.vocab_size)

def forward(self, x, hidden):
:param x: tensor of shape [batch_size, seq_len], vocabulary index
:param hidden:
:return x: probability of vocabulary entries
hidden: (memory cell, hidden state) from LSTM
# [batch_size, seq_len]
x = self.word_emb(x)
# [batch_size, seq_len, word_emb_size]
x, hidden = self.lstm(x, hidden)
# [batch_size, seq_len, word_emb_size]
x = x.contiguous().view(x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], -1)
# [batch_size*seq_len, word_emb_size]
x = self.linear(x)
# [batch_size*seq_len, vocab_size]
return x, hidden

+ 5
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reproduction/CNN-sentence_classification/ View File

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import os

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
@@ -54,10 +55,10 @@ for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for i, (sents,labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
sents = Variable(sents)
labels = Variable(labels)
if cuda:
sents = sents.cuda()
labels = labels.cuda()
labels = Variable(labels)
if cuda:
sents = sents.cuda()
labels = labels.cuda()
outputs = cnn(sents)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

+ 30
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tests/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from action.tester import Tester
from action.trainer import Trainer
from loader.base_loader import BaseLoader
from model.word_seg_model import WordSegModel

def test_charlm():
train_config = Trainer.TrainConfig(epochs=5, validate=False, save_when_better=False,
log_per_step=10, log_validation=False, batch_size=254)
trainer = Trainer(train_config)

model = WordSegModel()

train_data = BaseLoader("load_train", "./data_for_tests/cws_train").load_lines()

trainer.train(model, train_data)


test_config = Tester.TestConfig(save_output=False, validate_in_training=False,
save_dev_input=False, save_loss=False, batch_size=254)
tester = Tester(test_config)

test_data = BaseLoader("load_test", "./data_for_tests/cws_test").load_lines()

tester.test(model, test_data)

if __name__ == "__main__":
