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yh_cc 5 years ago
5 changed files with 13 additions and 181 deletions
  1. +6
  2. +1
  3. +0
  4. +6
  5. +0

+ 6
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fastNLP/api/ View File

@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class POS(API):
prediction[idx] = list(prediction[idx]) + ([0] * (max_length - len(prediction[idx]))) prediction[idx] = list(prediction[idx]) + ([0] * (max_length - len(prediction[idx])))
truth[idx] = list(truth[idx]) + ([0] * (max_length - len(truth[idx]))) truth[idx] = list(truth[idx]) + ([0] * (max_length - len(truth[idx])))
evaluator = SpanFPreRecMetric(tag_vocab=tag_vocab, pred="predict", target="truth", evaluator = SpanFPreRecMetric(tag_vocab=tag_vocab, pred="predict", target="truth",
evaluator({"predict": torch.Tensor(prediction), "word_seq_origin_len": torch.Tensor(seq_len)}, evaluator({"predict": torch.Tensor(prediction), "word_seq_origin_len": torch.Tensor(seq_len)},
{"truth": torch.Tensor(truth)}) {"truth": torch.Tensor(truth)})
test_result = evaluator.get_metric() test_result = evaluator.get_metric()
@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@ class CWS(API):
pp(te_dataset) pp(te_dataset)
from ..core.tester import Tester from ..core.tester import Tester
from ..core.metrics import BMESF1PreRecMetric
from ..core.metrics import SpanFPreRecMetric
tester = Tester(data=te_dataset, model=cws_model, metrics=BMESF1PreRecMetric(target='target'), batch_size=64,
tester = Tester(data=te_dataset, model=cws_model, metrics=SpanFPreRecMetric(tag_proc.get_vocab()), batch_size=64,
verbose=0) verbose=0)
eval_res = tester.test() eval_res = tester.test()
f1 = eval_res['BMESF1PreRecMetric']['f']
pre = eval_res['BMESF1PreRecMetric']['pre']
rec = eval_res['BMESF1PreRecMetric']['rec']
f1 = eval_res['SpanFPreRecMetric']['f']
pre = eval_res['SpanFPreRecMetric']['pre']
rec = eval_res['SpanFPreRecMetric']['rec']
# print("f1:{:.2f}, pre:{:.2f}, rec:{:.2f}".format(f1, pre, rec)) # print("f1:{:.2f}, pre:{:.2f}, rec:{:.2f}".format(f1, pre, rec))
return {"F1": f1, "precision": pre, "recall": rec} return {"F1": f1, "precision": pre, "recall": rec}

+ 1
- 1
fastNLP/core/ View File

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from .dataset import DataSet
from .field import FieldArray, Padder, AutoPadder, EngChar2DPadder from .field import FieldArray, Padder, AutoPadder, EngChar2DPadder
from .instance import Instance from .instance import Instance
from .losses import LossFunc, CrossEntropyLoss, L1Loss, BCELoss, NLLLoss, LossInForward from .losses import LossFunc, CrossEntropyLoss, L1Loss, BCELoss, NLLLoss, LossInForward
from .metrics import AccuracyMetric, BMESF1PreRecMetric, SpanFPreRecMetric, SQuADMetric
from .metrics import AccuracyMetric, SpanFPreRecMetric, SQuADMetric
from .optimizer import Optimizer, SGD, Adam from .optimizer import Optimizer, SGD, Adam
from .sampler import SequentialSampler, BucketSampler, RandomSampler, Sampler from .sampler import SequentialSampler, BucketSampler, RandomSampler, Sampler
from .tester import Tester from .tester import Tester

+ 0
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fastNLP/core/ View File

@@ -618,149 +618,6 @@ class SpanFPreRecMetric(MetricBase):
return f, pre, rec return f, pre, rec

class BMESF1PreRecMetric(MetricBase):
别名::class:`fastNLP.BMESF1PreRecMetric` :class:`fastNLP.core.metrics.BMESF1PreRecMetric`

按照BMES标注方式计算f1, precision, recall。由于可能存在非法tag,比如"BS",所以需要用以下的表格做转换,cur_B意思是当前tag是B,
next_B意思是后一个tag是B。则cur_B=S,即将当前被predict是B的tag标为S;next_M=B, 即将后一个被predict是M的tag标为B
| | next_B | next_M | next_E | next_S | end |
| start | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | -- |
| cur_B | cur_B=S | 合法 | 合法 | cur_B=S | cur_B=S |
| cur_M | cur_M=E | 合法 | 合法 | cur_M=E | cur_M=E |
| cur_E | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 |
| cur_S | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 |

pred的形状应该为(batch_size, max_len) 或 (batch_size, max_len, 4)。
target形状为 (batch_size, max_len)
seq_lens形状为 (batch_size, )

需要申明BMES这四种tag中,各种tag对应的idx。所有不为b_idx, m_idx, e_idx, s_idx的数字都认为是s_idx。

:param b_idx: int, Begin标签所对应的tag idx.
:param m_idx: int, Middle标签所对应的tag idx.
:param e_idx: int, End标签所对应的tag idx.
:param s_idx: int, Single标签所对应的tag idx
:param pred: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出prediction数据。 为None,则使用'pred'取数据
:param target: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出target数据。 为None,则使用'target'取数据
:param seq_len: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出seqence length数据。为None,则使用'seq_len'取数据。
def __init__(self, b_idx=0, m_idx=1, e_idx=2, s_idx=3, pred=None, target=None, seq_len=None):

self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, seq_len=seq_len)

self.yt_wordnum = 0
self.yp_wordnum = 0
self.corr_num = 0

self.b_idx = b_idx
self.m_idx = m_idx
self.e_idx = e_idx
self.s_idx = s_idx
# 还原init处介绍的矩阵
self._valida_matrix = {
-1: [(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1)], # magic start idx
self.b_idx:[(0, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, self.s_idx), (0, self.s_idx)],
self.m_idx:[(0, self.e_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, self.e_idx), (0, self.e_idx)],
self.e_idx:[(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1)],
self.s_idx:[(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1)],

def _validate_tags(self, tags):

:param torch.Tensor tags: [seq_len]
:return: 返回修改为合法tag的list
assert len(tags)!=0
assert isinstance(tags, torch.Tensor) and len(tags.size())==1
padded_tags = [-1, *tags.tolist(), -1]
for idx in range(len(padded_tags)-1):
cur_tag = padded_tags[idx]
if cur_tag not in self._valida_matrix:
cur_tag = self.s_idx
if padded_tags[idx+1] not in self._valida_matrix:
padded_tags[idx+1] = self.s_idx
next_tag = padded_tags[idx+1]
shift_tag = self._valida_matrix[cur_tag][next_tag]
if shift_tag[0]!=-1:
padded_tags[idx+shift_tag[0]] = shift_tag[1]

return padded_tags[1:-1]

def evaluate(self, pred, target, seq_len):

:param pred: [batch, seq_len] 或者 [batch, seq_len, 4]
:param target: [batch, seq_len]
:param seq_len: [batch]
if not isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"`pred` in {_get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor,"
f"got {type(pred)}.")
if not isinstance(target, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"`target` in {_get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor,"
f"got {type(target)}.")

if not isinstance(seq_len, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"`seq_lens` in {_get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor,"
f"got {type(seq_len)}.")

if pred.size() == target.size() and len(target.size()) == 2:
elif len(pred.size()) == len(target.size()) + 1 and len(target.size()) == 2:
pred = pred.argmax(dim=-1)
raise RuntimeError(f"In {_get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}, when pred have "
f"size:{pred.size()}, target should have size: {pred.size()} or "
f"{pred.size()[:-1]}, got {target.size()}.")

for idx in range(len(pred)):
target_tags = target[idx][:seq_len[idx]].tolist()
pred_tags = pred[idx][:seq_len[idx]]
pred_tags = self._validate_tags(pred_tags)
start_idx = 0
for t_idx, (t_tag, p_tag) in enumerate(zip(target_tags, pred_tags)):
if t_tag in (self.s_idx, self.e_idx):
self.yt_wordnum += 1
corr_flag = True
for i in range(start_idx, t_idx+1):
if target_tags[i]!=pred_tags[i]:
corr_flag = False
if corr_flag:
self.corr_num += 1
start_idx = t_idx + 1
if p_tag in (self.s_idx, self.e_idx):
self.yp_wordnum += 1

def get_metric(self, reset=True):
P = self.corr_num / (self.yp_wordnum + 1e-12)
R = self.corr_num / (self.yt_wordnum + 1e-12)
F = 2 * P * R / (P + R + 1e-12)
evaluate_result = {'f': round(F, 6), 'pre':round(P, 6), 'rec': round(R, 6)}
if reset:
self.yp_wordnum = 0
self.yt_wordnum = 0
self.corr_num = 0
return evaluate_result

def _prepare_metrics(metrics): def _prepare_metrics(metrics):
""" """

+ 6
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fastNLP/modules/decoder/ View File

@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ from torch import nn
from ..utils import initial_parameter from ..utils import initial_parameter

def allowed_transitions(id2label, encoding_type='bio', include_start_end=True):
def allowed_transitions(id2target, encoding_type='bio', include_start_end=True):
""" """
给定一个id到label的映射表,返回所有可以跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)列表。 给定一个id到label的映射表,返回所有可以跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)列表。

:param dict id2label: key是label的indices,value是str类型的tag或tag-label。value可以是只有tag的, 比如"B", "M"; 也可以是
"B-NN", "M-NN", tag和label之间一定要用"-"隔开。一般可以通过Vocabulary.get_id2word()得到id2label。
:param dict id2target: key是label的indices,value是str类型的tag或tag-label。value可以是只有tag的, 比如"B", "M"; 也可以是
"B-NN", "M-NN", tag和label之间一定要用"-"隔开。一般可以通过Vocabulary.idx2word得到id2label。
:param str encoding_type: 支持"bio", "bmes", "bmeso"。 :param str encoding_type: 支持"bio", "bmes", "bmeso"。
:param bool include_start_end: 是否包含开始与结尾的转换。比如在bio中,b/o可以在开头,但是i不能在开头; :param bool include_start_end: 是否包含开始与结尾的转换。比如在bio中,b/o可以在开头,但是i不能在开头;
为True,返回的结果中会包含(start_idx, b_idx), (start_idx, o_idx), 但是不包含(start_idx, i_idx); 为True,返回的结果中会包含(start_idx, b_idx), (start_idx, o_idx), 但是不包含(start_idx, i_idx);
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ def allowed_transitions(id2label, encoding_type='bio', include_start_end=True):
为False, 返回的结果中不含与开始结尾相关的内容 为False, 返回的结果中不含与开始结尾相关的内容
:return: List[Tuple(int, int)]], 内部的Tuple是可以进行跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)。 :return: List[Tuple(int, int)]], 内部的Tuple是可以进行跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)。
""" """
num_tags = len(id2label)
num_tags = len(id2target)
start_idx = num_tags start_idx = num_tags
end_idx = num_tags + 1 end_idx = num_tags + 1
encoding_type = encoding_type.lower() encoding_type = encoding_type.lower()
allowed_trans = [] allowed_trans = []
id_label_lst = list(id2label.items())
id_label_lst = list(id2target.items())
if include_start_end: if include_start_end:
id_label_lst += [(start_idx, 'start'), (end_idx, 'end')] id_label_lst += [(start_idx, 'start'), (end_idx, 'end')]
def split_tag_label(from_label): def split_tag_label(from_label):
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class ConditionalRandomField(nn.Module):
if allowed_transitions is None: if allowed_transitions is None:
constrain = torch.zeros(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2) constrain = torch.zeros(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2)
else: else:
constrain = torch.new_full((num_tags+2, num_tags+2), fill_value=-10000.0, dtype=torch.float)
constrain = torch.full((num_tags+2, num_tags+2), fill_value=-10000.0, dtype=torch.float)
for from_tag_id, to_tag_id in allowed_transitions: for from_tag_id, to_tag_id in allowed_transitions:
constrain[from_tag_id, to_tag_id] = 0 constrain[from_tag_id, to_tag_id] = 0
self._constrain = nn.Parameter(constrain, requires_grad=False) self._constrain = nn.Parameter(constrain, requires_grad=False)

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test/core/ View File

@@ -351,31 +351,6 @@ class SpanF1PreRecMetric(unittest.TestCase):
# fastnlp_bmes_metric.get_metric()) # fastnlp_bmes_metric.get_metric())

class TestBMESF1PreRecMetric(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case1(self):
seq_lens = torch.LongTensor([4, 2])
pred = torch.randn(2, 4, 4)
target = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 2, 3],
[3, 3, 0, 0]])
pred_dict = {'pred': pred}
target_dict = {'target': target, 'seq_len': seq_lens}
metric = BMESF1PreRecMetric()
metric(pred_dict, target_dict)
def test_case2(self):
# 测试相同两个seqence,应该给出{f1: 1, precision:1, recall:1}
seq_lens = torch.LongTensor([4, 2])
target = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 2, 3],
[3, 3, 0, 0]])
pred_dict = {'pred': target}
target_dict = {'target': target, 'seq_len': seq_lens}
metric = BMESF1PreRecMetric()
metric(pred_dict, target_dict)
self.assertDictEqual(metric.get_metric(), {'f': 1.0, 'pre': 1.0, 'rec': 1.0})

class TestUsefulFunctions(unittest.TestCase): class TestUsefulFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
# 测试metrics.py中一些看上去挺有用的函数 # 测试metrics.py中一些看上去挺有用的函数
