- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- # Licensed under the MIT license.
- import logging
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from pytorch.mutator import Mutator
- from pytorch.mutables import LayerChoice, InputChoice
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class DartsMutator(Mutator):
- """
- Connects the model in a DARTS (differentiable) way.
- An extra connection is automatically inserted for each LayerChoice, when this connection is selected, there is no
- op on this LayerChoice (namely a ``ZeroOp``), in which case, every element in the exported choice list is ``false``
- (not chosen).
- All input choice will be fully connected in the search phase. On exporting, the input choice will choose inputs based
- on keys in ``choose_from``. If the keys were to be keys of LayerChoices, the top logit of the corresponding LayerChoice
- will join the competition of input choice to compete against other logits. Otherwise, the logit will be assumed 0.
- It's possible to cut branches by setting parameter ``choices`` in a particular position to ``-inf``. After softmax, the
- value would be 0. Framework will ignore 0 values and not connect. Note that the gradient on the ``-inf`` location will
- be 0. Since manipulations with ``-inf`` will be ``nan``, you need to handle the gradient update phase carefully.
- Attributes
- ----------
- choices: ParameterDict
- dict that maps keys of LayerChoices to weighted-connection float tensors.
- """
- def __init__(self, model):
- super().__init__(model)
- self.choices = nn.ParameterDict()
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice):
- self.choices[mutable.key] = nn.Parameter(1.0E-3 * torch.randn(mutable.length + 1))
- def device(self):
- for v in self.choices.values():
- return v.device
- def sample_search(self):
- result = dict()
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice):
- result[mutable.key] = F.softmax(self.choices[mutable.key], dim=-1)[:-1]
- elif isinstance(mutable, InputChoice):
- result[mutable.key] = torch.ones(mutable.n_candidates, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device())
- return result
- def sample_final(self):
- result = dict()
- edges_max = dict()
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice):
- max_val, index = torch.max(F.softmax(self.choices[mutable.key], dim=-1)[:-1], 0)
- edges_max[mutable.key] = max_val
- result[mutable.key] = F.one_hot(index, num_classes=len(mutable)).view(-1).bool()
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- if isinstance(mutable, InputChoice):
- if mutable.n_chosen is not None:
- weights = []
- for src_key in mutable.choose_from:
- if src_key not in edges_max:
- _logger.warning("InputChoice.NO_KEY in '%s' is weighted 0 when selecting inputs.", mutable.key)
- weights.append(edges_max.get(src_key, 0.))
- weights = torch.tensor(weights) # pylint: disable=not-callable
- _, topk_edge_indices = torch.topk(weights, mutable.n_chosen)
- selected_multihot = []
- for i, src_key in enumerate(mutable.choose_from):
- if i not in topk_edge_indices and src_key in result:
- # If an edge is never selected, there is no need to calculate any op on this edge.
- # This is to eliminate redundant calculation.
- result[src_key] = torch.zeros_like(result[src_key])
- selected_multihot.append(i in topk_edge_indices)
- result[mutable.key] = torch.tensor(selected_multihot, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device()) # pylint: disable=not-callable
- else:
- result[mutable.key] = torch.ones(mutable.n_candidates, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device()) # pylint: disable=not-callable
- return result
- def _generate_search_space(self):
- """
- Generate search space from mutables.
- Here is the search space format:
- ::
- { key_name: {"_type": "layer_choice",
- "_value": ["conv1", "conv2"]} }
- { key_name: {"_type": "input_choice",
- "_value": {"candidates": ["in1", "in2"],
- "n_chosen": 1}} }
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- the generated search space
- """
- res = OrderedDict()
- res["op_list"] = OrderedDict()
- res["search_space"] = OrderedDict()
- # res["normal_cell"] = OrderedDict(),
- # res["reduction_cell"] = OrderedDict()
- keys = []
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- # for now we only generate flattened search space
- if (len(res["search_space"])) >= 36:
- break
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice):
- key = mutable.key
- if key not in keys:
- val = mutable.names
- if not res["op_list"]:
- res["op_list"] = {"_type": "layer_choice", "_value": val + ["none"]}
- # node_type = "normal_cell" if "normal" in key else "reduction_cell"
- res["search_space"][key] = "op_list"
- keys.append(key)
- elif isinstance(mutable, InputChoice):
- key = mutable.key
- if key not in keys:
- # node_type = "normal_cell" if "normal" in key else "reduction_cell"
- res["search_space"][key] = {"_type": "input_choice",
- "_value": {"candidates": mutable.choose_from,
- "n_chosen": mutable.n_chosen}}
- keys.append(key)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unsupported mutable type: '%s'." % type(mutable))
- return res