- """
- /**
- * Copyright 2020 Tianshu AI Platform. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * =============================================================
- */
- Reference:
- - [Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks]
- (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05027) (CVPR 2016)
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import division
- from __future__ import print_function
- import oneflow as flow
- BLOCK_COUNTS = [3, 4, 6, 3]
- BLOCK_FILTERS = [256, 512, 1024, 2048]
- BLOCK_FILTERS_INNER = [64, 128, 256, 512]
- class ResnetBuilder(object):
- def __init__(self, weight_regularizer, trainable=True, training=True):
- self.weight_initializer = flow.variance_scaling_initializer(
- 2, 'fan_in', 'random_normal', data_format="NCHW")
- self.weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer
- self.trainable = trainable
- self.training = training
- def _conv2d(
- self,
- name,
- input,
- filters,
- kernel_size,
- strides=1,
- padding="SAME",
- data_format="NCHW",
- dilations=1,
- ):
- weight = flow.get_variable(
- name + "-weight",
- shape=(filters, input.shape[1], kernel_size, kernel_size),
- dtype=input.dtype,
- initializer=self.weight_initializer,
- regularizer=self.weight_regularizer,
- model_name="weight",
- trainable=self.trainable,
- )
- return flow.nn.conv2d(
- input,
- weight,
- strides,
- padding,
- data_format,
- dilations,
- name=name)
- def _batch_norm(self, inputs, name=None, last=False):
- initializer = flow.zeros_initializer() if last else flow.ones_initializer()
- return flow.layers.batch_normalization(
- inputs=inputs,
- axis=1,
- momentum=0.9, # 97,
- epsilon=1e-5,
- center=True,
- scale=True,
- trainable=self.trainable,
- training=self.training,
- gamma_initializer=initializer,
- moving_variance_initializer=initializer,
- gamma_regularizer=self.weight_regularizer,
- beta_regularizer=self.weight_regularizer,
- name=name,
- )
- def conv2d_affine(
- self,
- input,
- name,
- filters,
- kernel_size,
- strides,
- activation=None,
- last=False):
- # input data_format must be NCHW, cannot check now
- padding = "SAME" if strides > 1 or kernel_size > 1 else "VALID"
- output = self._conv2d(
- name,
- input,
- filters,
- kernel_size,
- strides,
- padding)
- output = self._batch_norm(output, name + "_bn", last=last)
- if activation == "Relu":
- output = flow.nn.relu(output)
- return output
- def bottleneck_transformation(
- self,
- input,
- block_name,
- filters,
- filters_inner,
- strides):
- a = self.conv2d_affine(
- input,
- block_name +
- "_branch2a",
- filters_inner,
- 1,
- 1,
- activation="Relu")
- b = self.conv2d_affine(
- a,
- block_name +
- "_branch2b",
- filters_inner,
- 3,
- strides,
- activation="Relu")
- c = self.conv2d_affine(
- b,
- block_name +
- "_branch2c",
- filters,
- 1,
- 1,
- last=True)
- return c
- def residual_block(
- self,
- input,
- block_name,
- filters,
- filters_inner,
- strides_init):
- if strides_init != 1 or block_name == "res2_0":
- shortcut = self.conv2d_affine(
- input, block_name + "_branch1", filters, 1, strides_init
- )
- else:
- shortcut = input
- bottleneck = self.bottleneck_transformation(
- input, block_name, filters, filters_inner, strides_init,
- )
- return flow.nn.relu(bottleneck + shortcut)
- def residual_stage(
- self,
- input,
- stage_name,
- counts,
- filters,
- filters_inner,
- stride_init=2):
- output = input
- for i in range(counts):
- block_name = "%s_%d" % (stage_name, i)
- output = self.residual_block(
- output,
- block_name,
- filters,
- filters_inner,
- stride_init if i == 0 else 1)
- return output
- def resnet_conv_x_body(self, input):
- output = input
- for i, (counts, filters, filters_inner) in enumerate(
- ):
- stage_name = "res%d" % (i + 2)
- output = self.residual_stage(
- output,
- stage_name,
- counts,
- filters,
- filters_inner,
- 1 if i == 0 else 2)
- return output
- def resnet_stem(self, input):
- conv1 = self._conv2d("conv1", input, 64, 7, 2)
- conv1_bn = flow.nn.relu(self._batch_norm(conv1, "conv1_bn"))
- pool1 = flow.nn.max_pool2d(
- conv1_bn,
- ksize=3,
- strides=2,
- padding="SAME",
- data_format="NCHW",
- name="pool1",
- )
- return pool1
- def resnet50(
- images,
- trainable=True,
- need_transpose=False,
- training=True,
- wd=1.0 / 32768):
- weight_regularizer = flow.regularizers.l2(
- wd) if wd > 0.0 and wd < 1.0 else None
- builder = ResnetBuilder(weight_regularizer, trainable, training)
- # note: images.shape = (N C H W) in cc's new dataloader, transpose is not
- # needed anymore
- if need_transpose:
- images = flow.transpose(images, name="transpose", perm=[0, 3, 1, 2])
- with flow.deprecated.variable_scope("Resnet"):
- stem = builder.resnet_stem(images)
- body = builder.resnet_conv_x_body(stem)
- pool5 = flow.nn.avg_pool2d(
- body,
- ksize=7,
- strides=1,
- padding="VALID",
- data_format="NCHW",
- name="pool5",
- )
- fc1001 = flow.layers.dense(
- flow.reshape(pool5, (pool5.shape[0], -1)),
- units=1000,
- use_bias=True,
- kernel_initializer=flow.variance_scaling_initializer(2, 'fan_in', 'random_normal'),
- bias_initializer=flow.zeros_initializer(),
- kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer,
- bias_regularizer=weight_regularizer,
- trainable=trainable,
- name="fc1001",
- )
- return fc1001