- # modified from https://github.com/VainF/DeepLabV3Plus-Pytorch
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import torch.nn as nn
- class IntermediateLayerGetter(nn.ModuleDict):
- """
- Module wrapper that returns intermediate layers from a model
- It has a strong assumption that the modules have been registered
- into the model in the same order as they are used.
- This means that one should **not** reuse the same nn.Module
- twice in the forward if you want this to work.
- Additionally, it is only able to query submodules that are directly
- assigned to the model. So if `model` is passed, `model.feature1` can
- be returned, but not `model.feature1.layer2`.
- Arguments:
- model (nn.Module): model on which we will extract the features
- return_layers (Dict[name, new_name]): a dict containing the names
- of the modules for which the activations will be returned as
- the key of the dict, and the value of the dict is the name
- of the returned activation (which the user can specify).
- Examples::
- >>> m = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True)
- >>> # extract layer1 and layer3, giving as names `feat1` and feat2`
- >>> new_m = torchvision.models._utils.IntermediateLayerGetter(m,
- >>> {'layer1': 'feat1', 'layer3': 'feat2'})
- >>> out = new_m(torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224))
- >>> print([(k, v.shape) for k, v in out.items()])
- >>> [('feat1', torch.Size([1, 64, 56, 56])),
- >>> ('feat2', torch.Size([1, 256, 14, 14]))]
- """
- def __init__(self, model, return_layers):
- if not set(return_layers).issubset([name for name, _ in model.named_children()]):
- raise ValueError("return_layers are not present in model")
- orig_return_layers = return_layers
- return_layers = {k: v for k, v in return_layers.items()}
- layers = OrderedDict()
- for name, module in model.named_children():
- layers[name] = module
- if name in return_layers:
- del return_layers[name]
- if not return_layers:
- break
- super(IntermediateLayerGetter, self).__init__(layers)
- self.return_layers = orig_return_layers
- def forward(self, x):
- out = OrderedDict()
- for name, module in self.named_children():
- x = module(x)
- if name in self.return_layers:
- out_name = self.return_layers[name]
- out[out_name] = x
- return out