- """
- Copyright 2020 Tianshu AI Platform. All Rights Reserved.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- =============================================================
- """
- from .base import Callback
- from typing import Callable, Union, Sequence
- import weakref
- import random
- from kamal.utils import move_to_device, set_mode, split_batch, colormap
- from kamal.core.attach import AttachTo
- import torch
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib
- matplotlib.use('agg')
- import math
- import numbers
- class VisualizeOutputs(Callback):
- def __init__(self,
- model,
- dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset,
- idx_list_or_num_vis: Union[int, Sequence]=5,
- normalizer: Callable=None,
- prepare_fn: Callable=None,
- decode_fn: Callable=None, # decode targets and preds
- tag: str='viz'):
- super(VisualizeOutputs, self).__init__()
- self._dataset = dataset
- self._model = weakref.ref(model)
- if isinstance(idx_list_or_num_vis, int):
- self.idx_list = self._get_vis_idx_list(self._dataset, idx_list_or_num_vis)
- elif isinstance(idx_list_or_num_vis, Sequence):
- self.idx_list = idx_list_or_num_vis
- self._normalizer = normalizer
- self._decode_fn = decode_fn
- if prepare_fn is None:
- prepare_fn = VisualizeOutputs.get_prepare_fn()
- self._prepare_fn = prepare_fn
- self._tag = tag
- def _get_vis_idx_list(self, dataset, num_vis):
- return random.sample(list(range(len(dataset))), num_vis)
- @torch.no_grad()
- def __call__(self, trainer):
- if trainer.tb_writer is None:
- trainer.logger.warning("summary writer was not found in trainer")
- return
- device = trainer.device
- model = self._model()
- with torch.no_grad(), set_mode(model, training=False):
- for img_id, idx in enumerate(self.idx_list):
- batch = move_to_device(self._dataset[idx], device)
- batch = [ d.unsqueeze(0) for d in batch ]
- inputs, targets, preds = self._prepare_fn(model, batch)
- if self._normalizer is not None:
- inputs = self._normalizer(inputs)
- inputs = inputs.detach().cpu().numpy()
- preds = preds.detach().cpu().numpy()
- targets = targets.detach().cpu().numpy()
- if self._decode_fn: # to RGB 0~1 NCHW
- preds = self._decode_fn(preds)
- targets = self._decode_fn(targets)
- inputs = inputs[0]
- preds = preds[0]
- targets = targets[0]
- trainer.tb_writer.add_images("%s-%d"%(self._tag, img_id), np.stack( [inputs, targets, preds], axis=0), global_step=trainer.state.iter)
- @staticmethod
- def get_prepare_fn(attach_to=None, pred_fn=lambda x: x):
- attach_to = AttachTo(attach_to)
- def wrapper(model, batch):
- inputs, targets = split_batch(batch)
- outputs = model(inputs)
- outputs, targets = attach_to(outputs, targets)
- return inputs, targets, pred_fn(outputs)
- return wrapper
- @staticmethod
- def get_seg_decode_fn(cmap=colormap(), index_transform=lambda x: x+1): # 255->0, 0->1,
- def wrapper(preds):
- if len(preds.shape)>3:
- preds = preds.squeeze(1)
- out = cmap[ index_transform(preds.astype('uint8')) ]
- out = out.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) / 255
- return out
- return wrapper
- @staticmethod
- def get_depth_decode_fn(max_depth, log_scale=True, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')):
- def wrapper(preds):
- if log_scale:
- _max_depth = np.log( max_depth )
- preds = np.log( preds )
- else:
- _max_depth = max_depth
- if len(preds.shape)>3:
- preds = preds.squeeze(1)
- out = (cmap(preds.clip(0, _max_depth)/_max_depth)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)[:, :3]
- return out
- return wrapper
- class VisualizeSegmentation(VisualizeOutputs):
- def __init__(
- self, model, dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset, idx_list_or_num_vis: Union[int, Sequence]=5,
- cmap = colormap(),
- attach_to=None,
- normalizer: Callable=None,
- prepare_fn: Callable=None,
- decode_fn: Callable=None,
- tag: str='seg'
- ):
- if prepare_fn is None:
- prepare_fn = VisualizeOutputs.get_prepare_fn(attach_to=attach_to, pred_fn=lambda x: x.max(1)[1])
- if decode_fn is None:
- decode_fn = VisualizeOutputs.get_seg_decode_fn(cmap=cmap, index_transform=lambda x: x+1)
- super(VisualizeSegmentation, self).__init__(
- model=model, dataset=dataset, idx_list_or_num_vis=idx_list_or_num_vis,
- normalizer=normalizer, prepare_fn=prepare_fn, decode_fn=decode_fn,
- tag=tag
- )
- class VisualizeDepth(VisualizeOutputs):
- def __init__(
- self, model, dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset,
- idx_list_or_num_vis: Union[int, Sequence]=5,
- max_depth = 10,
- log_scale = True,
- attach_to = None,
- normalizer: Callable=None,
- prepare_fn: Callable=None,
- decode_fn: Callable=None,
- tag: str='depth'
- ):
- if prepare_fn is None:
- prepare_fn = VisualizeOutputs.get_prepare_fn(attach_to=attach_to, pred_fn=lambda x: x)
- if decode_fn is None:
- decode_fn = VisualizeOutputs.get_depth_decode_fn(max_depth=max_depth, log_scale=log_scale)
- super(VisualizeDepth, self).__init__(
- model=model, dataset=dataset, idx_list_or_num_vis=idx_list_or_num_vis,
- normalizer=normalizer, prepare_fn=prepare_fn, decode_fn=decode_fn,
- tag=tag
- )