XRT 是一个同时支持多个计算引擎的运行时加速库,目前已经集成了 TensorFlow XLA 和 NVIDIA
TensorRT 两个后端引擎。其中 XLA 全面支持训练和预测,TensorRT 支持预测以及部分算子支持训练。对于同一个计算图,XRT 允许多个计算引擎联合使用,以获得更好的加速效果,其中 TensorRT 具有 Int8 量化功能。
由于 TensorRT 中官方支持的 op 并没有那么全面,其余自定义 op 有可能受接口限制,因此 OneFlow 后续会采用 plug-in 形式添加,支持更多算子。
cmake .. -DWITH_TENSORRT=ON -DTENSORRT_ROOT=/home/${user}/TensorRT- && make -j 24
或者可以在 cmake 前使用环境变量指定
export TENSORRT_ROOT=/home/${user}/TensorRT-
编译成功后即可安装支持 TensoRT 的 OneFlow。
测试模型为 ResNet 50(以下称 rn50),使用在线量化,分别进行单机单卡和单机多卡推理,batch_size 取 64 和可运行的最大 batch_size。
若正常运行,log 打印如下:
Running resnet50: num_gpu_per_node = 1, num_nodes = 1.
dtype = float32
gpu_num_per_node = 1
num_nodes = 1
node_ips = ['']
ctrl_port = 50051
model = resnet50
use_fp16 = None
use_xla = None
channel_last = None
pad_output = None
num_epochs = 1
model_load_dir = resnet_v15_of_best_model_val_top1_77318
batch_size_per_device = 64
val_batch_size_per_device = 256
nccl_fusion_threshold_mb = 0
nccl_fusion_max_ops = 0
fuse_bn_relu = False
fuse_bn_add_relu = False
gpu_image_decoder = False
image_path = test_img/tiger.jpg
num_classes = 1000
num_examples = 1281167
num_val_examples = 50000
rgb_mean = [123.68, 116.779, 103.939]
rgb_std = [58.393, 57.12, 57.375]
image_shape = [3, 224, 224]
label_smoothing = 0.1
model_save_dir = ./output/snapshots/model_save-20201123172206
log_dir = ./output
loss_print_every_n_iter = 1
image_size = 224
resize_shorter = 256
train_data_dir = None
train_data_part_num = 256
val_data_dir = /dataset/ImageNet/ofrecord/validation
val_data_part_num = 256
optimizer = sgd
learning_rate = 0.256
wd = 3.0517578125e-05
momentum = 0.875
lr_decay = cosine
lr_decay_rate = 0.94
lr_decay_epochs = 2
warmup_epochs = 5
decay_rate = 0.9
epsilon = 1.0
gradient_clipping = 0.0
Time stamp: 2020-11-23-17:22:06
Restoring model from resnet_v15_of_best_model_val_top1_77318.
Loading data from /dataset/ImageNet/ofrecord/validation
W1123 17:23:41.120939 31217 trt_executable.cpp:146] Rebuild engine since the maximum batch size 1 is less than the input batch size 256
W1123 17:24:25.756124 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:31.005220 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:36.085610 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:41.073289 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:45.920917 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:50.633805 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:55.354147 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
W1123 17:24:59.904863 33076 trt_logger.cpp:35] TensorRT Logging: Explicit batch network detected and batch size specified, use execute without batch size instead.
validation: epoch 0, iter 195, top_1: 0.772155, top_k: 0.934856, samples/s: 181.038 1606123666.3968866