- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- # Licensed under the MIT license.
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- from pytorch.mutator import Mutator
- from pytorch.mutables import LayerChoice, InputChoice, MutableScope
- class StackedLSTMCell(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, layers, size, bias):
- super().__init__()
- self.lstm_num_layers = layers
- self.lstm_modules = nn.ModuleList([nn.LSTMCell(size, size, bias=bias)
- for _ in range(self.lstm_num_layers)])
- def forward(self, inputs, hidden):
- prev_c, prev_h = hidden
- next_c, next_h = [], []
- for i, m in enumerate(self.lstm_modules):
- curr_c, curr_h = m(inputs, (prev_c[i], prev_h[i]))
- next_c.append(curr_c)
- next_h.append(curr_h)
- # current implementation only supports batch size equals 1,
- # but the algorithm does not necessarily have this limitation
- inputs = curr_h[-1].view(1, -1)
- return next_c, next_h
- class EnasMutator(Mutator):
- """
- A mutator that mutates the graph with RL.
- Parameters
- ----------
- model : nn.Module
- PyTorch model.
- lstm_size : int
- Controller LSTM hidden units.
- lstm_num_layers : int
- Number of layers for stacked LSTM.
- tanh_constant : float
- Logits will be equal to ``tanh_constant * tanh(logits)``. Don't use ``tanh`` if this value is ``None``.
- cell_exit_extra_step : bool
- If true, RL controller will perform an extra step at the exit of each MutableScope, dump the hidden state
- and mark it as the hidden state of this MutableScope. This is to align with the original implementation of paper.
- skip_target : float
- Target probability that skipconnect will appear.
- temperature : float
- Temperature constant that divides the logits.
- branch_bias : float
- Manual bias applied to make some operations more likely to be chosen.
- Currently this is implemented with a hardcoded match rule that aligns with original repo.
- If a mutable has a ``reduce`` in its key, all its op choices
- that contains `conv` in their typename will receive a bias of ``+self.branch_bias`` initially; while others
- receive a bias of ``-self.branch_bias``.
- entropy_reduction : str
- Can be one of ``sum`` and ``mean``. How the entropy of multi-input-choice is reduced.
- """
- def __init__(self, model, lstm_size=64, lstm_num_layers=1, tanh_constant=1.5, cell_exit_extra_step=False,
- skip_target=0.4, temperature=None, branch_bias=0.25, entropy_reduction="sum"):
- super().__init__(model)
- self.lstm_size = lstm_size
- self.lstm_num_layers = lstm_num_layers
- self.tanh_constant = tanh_constant
- self.temperature = temperature
- self.cell_exit_extra_step = cell_exit_extra_step
- self.skip_target = skip_target
- self.branch_bias = branch_bias
- self.lstm = StackedLSTMCell(self.lstm_num_layers, self.lstm_size, False)
- self.attn_anchor = nn.Linear(self.lstm_size, self.lstm_size, bias=False)
- self.attn_query = nn.Linear(self.lstm_size, self.lstm_size, bias=False)
- self.v_attn = nn.Linear(self.lstm_size, 1, bias=False)
- self.g_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.lstm_size) * 0.1)
- self.skip_targets = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([1.0 - self.skip_target, self.skip_target]), requires_grad=False) # pylint: disable=not-callable
- assert entropy_reduction in ["sum", "mean"], "Entropy reduction must be one of sum and mean."
- self.entropy_reduction = torch.sum if entropy_reduction == "sum" else torch.mean
- self.cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none")
- self.bias_dict = nn.ParameterDict()
- self.max_layer_choice = 0
- for mutable in self.mutables:
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice):
- if self.max_layer_choice == 0:
- self.max_layer_choice = len(mutable)
- assert self.max_layer_choice == len(mutable), \
- "ENAS mutator requires all layer choice have the same number of candidates."
- # We are judging by keys and module types to add biases to layer choices. Needs refactor.
- if "reduce" in mutable.key:
- def is_conv(choice):
- return "conv" in str(type(choice)).lower()
- bias = torch.tensor([self.branch_bias if is_conv(choice) else -self.branch_bias # pylint: disable=not-callable
- for choice in mutable])
- self.bias_dict[mutable.key] = nn.Parameter(bias, requires_grad=False)
- self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.max_layer_choice + 1, self.lstm_size)
- self.soft = nn.Linear(self.lstm_size, self.max_layer_choice, bias=False)
- def sample_search(self):
- self._initialize()
- self._sample(self.mutables)
- return self._choices
- def sample_final(self):
- return self.sample_search()
- def _sample(self, tree):
- mutable = tree.mutable
- if isinstance(mutable, LayerChoice) and mutable.key not in self._choices:
- self._choices[mutable.key] = self._sample_layer_choice(mutable)
- elif isinstance(mutable, InputChoice) and mutable.key not in self._choices:
- self._choices[mutable.key] = self._sample_input_choice(mutable)
- for child in tree.children:
- self._sample(child)
- if isinstance(mutable, MutableScope) and mutable.key not in self._anchors_hid:
- if self.cell_exit_extra_step:
- self._lstm_next_step()
- self._mark_anchor(mutable.key)
- def _initialize(self):
- self._choices = dict()
- self._anchors_hid = dict()
- self._inputs = self.g_emb.data
- self._c = [torch.zeros((1, self.lstm_size),
- dtype=self._inputs.dtype,
- device=self._inputs.device) for _ in range(self.lstm_num_layers)]
- self._h = [torch.zeros((1, self.lstm_size),
- dtype=self._inputs.dtype,
- device=self._inputs.device) for _ in range(self.lstm_num_layers)]
- self.sample_log_prob = 0
- self.sample_entropy = 0
- self.sample_skip_penalty = 0
- def _lstm_next_step(self):
- self._c, self._h = self.lstm(self._inputs, (self._c, self._h))
- def _mark_anchor(self, key):
- self._anchors_hid[key] = self._h[-1]
- def _sample_layer_choice(self, mutable):
- self._lstm_next_step()
- logit = self.soft(self._h[-1])
- if self.temperature is not None:
- logit /= self.temperature
- if self.tanh_constant is not None:
- logit = self.tanh_constant * torch.tanh(logit)
- if mutable.key in self.bias_dict:
- logit += self.bias_dict[mutable.key]
- branch_id = torch.multinomial(F.softmax(logit, dim=-1), 1).view(-1)
- log_prob = self.cross_entropy_loss(logit, branch_id)
- self.sample_log_prob += self.entropy_reduction(log_prob)
- entropy = (log_prob * torch.exp(-log_prob)).detach() # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
- self.sample_entropy += self.entropy_reduction(entropy)
- self._inputs = self.embedding(branch_id)
- return F.one_hot(branch_id, num_classes=self.max_layer_choice).bool().view(-1)
- def _sample_input_choice(self, mutable):
- query, anchors = [], []
- for label in mutable.choose_from:
- if label not in self._anchors_hid:
- self._lstm_next_step()
- self._mark_anchor(label) # empty loop, fill not found
- query.append(self.attn_anchor(self._anchors_hid[label]))
- anchors.append(self._anchors_hid[label])
- query = torch.cat(query, 0)
- query = torch.tanh(query + self.attn_query(self._h[-1]))
- query = self.v_attn(query)
- if self.temperature is not None:
- query /= self.temperature
- if self.tanh_constant is not None:
- query = self.tanh_constant * torch.tanh(query)
- if mutable.n_chosen is None:
- logit = torch.cat([-query, query], 1) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
- skip = torch.multinomial(F.softmax(logit, dim=-1), 1).view(-1)
- skip_prob = torch.sigmoid(logit)
- kl = torch.sum(skip_prob * torch.log(skip_prob / self.skip_targets))
- self.sample_skip_penalty += kl
- log_prob = self.cross_entropy_loss(logit, skip)
- self._inputs = (torch.matmul(skip.float(), torch.cat(anchors, 0)) / (1. + torch.sum(skip))).unsqueeze(0)
- else:
- assert mutable.n_chosen == 1, "Input choice must select exactly one or any in ENAS."
- logit = query.view(1, -1)
- index = torch.multinomial(F.softmax(logit, dim=-1), 1).view(-1)
- skip = F.one_hot(index, num_classes=mutable.n_candidates).view(-1)
- log_prob = self.cross_entropy_loss(logit, index)
- self._inputs = anchors[index.item()]
- self.sample_log_prob += self.entropy_reduction(log_prob)
- entropy = (log_prob * torch.exp(-log_prob)).detach() # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
- self.sample_entropy += self.entropy_reduction(entropy)
- return skip.bool()