- /*eslint-disable*/
- const path = require('path');
- const sass = require('sass');
- const Promise = require('bluebird');
- const fs = require('fs-extra');
- const { match } = require('path-to-regexp');
- const proxy = require('express-http-proxy');
- const defaultSettings = require('./src/settings.js');
- function resolve(dir) {
- return path.join(__dirname, dir);
- }
- const name = defaultSettings.title; // 网址标题
- const port = 8013; // 端口配置
- // All configuration item explanations can be find in https://cli.vuejs.org/config/
- module.exports = {
- publicPath: '/',
- outputDir: 'dist',
- assetsDir: 'static',
- lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
- productionSourceMap: false,
- devServer: {
- port,
- open: false,
- overlay: {
- warnings: false,
- errors: true,
- },
- before (app){
- function requireUncached(module) {
- try {
- // 删除缓存,动态加载
- delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)];
- return require(module);
- } catch (e) {
- // console.log(`can't load module in ${module}`);
- return false
- }
- }
- // 根据 mock 请求发送响应
- function sendValue(req, res, value) {
- if (typeof value === 'function') {
- value = value(req, res);
- }
- if (value.$$header) {
- Object.keys(value.$$header).forEach(key => {
- res.setHeader(key, value.$$header[key]);
- });
- }
- const delay = value.$$delay || 0;
- delete value.$$header;
- delete value.$$delay;
- Promise.delay(delay, value).then(result => {
- res.send(result);
- });
- }
- // 分解mockPath
- const splitUrl = resouce => {
- const splitUrl = resouce.split('::');
- let verb = 'get', url = '';
- if (splitUrl.length > 2) {
- throw new Error('url 格式不对');
- }
- if (splitUrl.length === 2) {
- verb = splitUrl[0].toLowerCase();
- url = splitUrl[1];
- } else if (splitUrl.length === 1) {
- verb = 'get';
- url = splitUrl[0];
- }
- return [verb, url];
- }
- // 处理 restful mock 接口
- const mockMap = require(path.join(__dirname, 'mock/mock-map'));
- // 根据用户是否添加 mock 文件来决定走本地 mock 或者转发到 dev 接口
- app.use('/mock', proxy(process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, {
- filter: function(req, res){
- // 是否匹配到本地 rest 风格 api mockUrl
- const matchRESTApi = Object.keys(mockMap).findIndex(d => {
- const [,uri] = splitUrl(d);
- const matcher = match(uri, { decode: decodeURIComponent })
- return matcher(req.path)
- }) > -1
- // 如果匹配到 restApi 走本地 mock
- if (matchRESTApi) return false
- // 其他路径
- const mockPath = path.join(__dirname, 'mock', req.path);
- const value = requireUncached(mockPath);
- return value === false
- }
- }));
- // 对于每个 mock 请求,require mock 文件夹下的对应路径文件,并返回响应
- Object.keys(mockMap).forEach(mockPath => {
- const [verb, uri] = splitUrl(mockPath);
- app[verb](path.posix.join('/mock', uri), function(req, res) {
- const value = requireUncached(path.join(__dirname, 'mock', mockMap[mockPath]))
- sendValue(req, res, value)
- })
- })
- app.all('/mock/*', function(req, res) {
- const mockPath = path.join(__dirname, req.path)
- const value = requireUncached(mockPath)
- if (value) {
- sendValue(req, res, value)
- } else {
- res.sendStatus(404)
- }
- })
- },
- },
- css: {
- loaderOptions: {
- sass: {
- implementation: sass,
- },
- },
- },
- configureWebpack: {
- // provide the app's title in webpack's name field, so that
- // it can be accessed in index.html to inject the correct title.
- name,
- resolve: {
- alias: {
- '@': resolve('src'),
- '@crud': resolve('src/components/Crud'),
- },
- },
- },
- chainWebpack(config) {
- config.plugins.delete('preload');
- config.plugins.delete('prefetch');
- // set preserveWhitespace
- config.module
- .rule('vue')
- .use('vue-loader')
- .loader('vue-loader')
- .tap(options => {
- options.compilerOptions.preserveWhitespace = true;
- return options;
- })
- .end();
- config
- // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/#development
- .when(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
- config => config.devtool('eval-source-map'),
- );
- config
- .when(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development',
- config => {
- config
- .plugin('ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin')
- .after('html')
- .use('script-ext-html-webpack-plugin', [{
- // `runtime` must same as runtimeChunk name. default is `runtime`
- inline: /runtime\..*\.js$/,
- }])
- .end();
- config
- .optimization.splitChunks({
- chunks: 'all',
- cacheGroups: {
- libs: {
- name: 'chunk-libs',
- test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
- priority: 10,
- chunks: 'initial', // only package third parties that are initially dependent
- },
- elementUI: {
- name: 'chunk-elementUI', // split elementUI into a single package
- priority: 20, // the weight needs to be larger than libs and app or it will be packaged into libs or app
- test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]_?element-ui(.*)/, // in order to adapt to cnpm
- },
- commons: {
- name: 'chunk-commons',
- test: resolve('src/components'), // can customize your rules
- minChunks: 3, // minimum common number
- priority: 5,
- reuseExistingChunk: true,
- },
- },
- });
- config.optimization.runtimeChunk('single');
- },
- );
- },
- };