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上传文件至 ''

wjtest1215 2 years ago
1 changed files with 233 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +233

+ 233
- 0
wjtes2022092616t232775444-log.txt View File

@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@

start loading script

finish loading script

2022/09/26 16:24:20 Start to download

2022/09/26 16:24:20 Total parts count 1

2022/09/26 16:24:21 part(1) finished

2022/09/26 16:24:21 Download object finished, downloadPath:/cache/code/

panic: runtime error: index out of range [4] with length 4

goroutine 1 [running]:


/home/houysh/openi/lewis/sync_for_grampus/downloader_for_obs.go:41 +0x4e0

unzip finished;start to exec code;

do nothing

[Modelarts Service Log]user: uid=1101(work) gid=1101(work) groups=1101(work),1000(HwHiAiUser)

[Modelarts Service Log]pwd: /home/work

[Modelarts Service Log]boot_file: /cache/code/npu_test/npu/

[Modelarts Service Log]log_url: /tmp/log/train.log

[Modelarts Service Log]command: /cache/code/npu_test/npu/

[Modelarts Service Log]local_code_dir:

[Modelarts Service Log]Training start at 2022-09-26-16:24:21

[Modelarts Service Log][modelarts_create_log] modelarts-pipe found

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will create log file /tmp/log/train.log

[Modelarts Service Log][modelarts_logger] modelarts-pipe found

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will create log file /tmp/log/train.log

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will write log file /tmp/log/train.log

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: param for max log length: 1073741824

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: param for whether exit on overflow: 0

INFO:root:Using MoXing-v2.0.0.rc2.4b57a67b-4b57a67b

INFO:root:Using OBS-Python-SDK-

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,746 - INFO - Ascend Driver: Version=

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,747 - INFO - you are advised to use ASCEND_DEVICE_ID env instead of DEVICE_ID, as the DEVICE_ID env will be discarded in later versions

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,747 - INFO - particularly, ${ASCEND_DEVICE_ID} == ${DEVICE_ID}, it's the logical device id

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,747 - INFO - Davinci training command

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,747 - INFO - ['/usr/bin/python', '/cache/code/npu_test/npu/']

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,747 - INFO - Wait for Rank table file ready

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,748 - INFO - Rank table file (K8S generated) is ready for read

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,748 - INFO -


"status": "completed",

"group_count": "1",

"group_list": [


"group_name": "job-wjtes2022092616t2327",

"device_count": "1",

"instance_count": "1",

"instance_list": [


"pod_name": "joba57ac677-job-wjtes2022092616t2327-0",

"server_id": "",

"devices": [


"device_id": "3",

"device_ip": ""








[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,748 - INFO - Rank table file (C7x)

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,748 - INFO -


"status": "completed",

"version": "1.0",

"server_count": "1",

"server_list": [


"server_id": "",

"device": [


"device_id": "3",

"device_ip": "",

"rank_id": "0"






[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,749 - INFO - Rank table file (C7x) is generated

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,749 - INFO - Current server

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,749 - INFO -


"server_id": "",

"device": [


"device_id": "3",

"device_ip": "",

"rank_id": "0"




[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:22,750 - INFO - bootstrap proc-rank-0-device-0


Namespace(device_target='Ascend', epoch_size=5)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/cache/code/npu_test/npu/", line 50, in <module>


File "/cache/code/npu_test/npu/", line 32, in create_dataset

mnist_ds = ds.MnistDataset(data_path)

File "/usr/local/ma/python3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/dataset/engine/", line 343, in new_method


File "/usr/local/ma/python3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/dataset/core/", line 551, in check_dir

raise ValueError("The folder {} does not exist or is not a directory or permission denied!".format(dataset_dir))

ValueError: The folder /cache/dataset/train does not exist or is not a directory or permission denied!

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:31,765 - ERROR - proc-rank-0-device-0 (pid: 159) has exited with non-zero code: 1

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:31,765 - INFO - Begin destroy training processes

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:31,765 - INFO - proc-rank-0-device-0 (pid: 159) has exited

[Modelarts Service Log]2022-09-26 16:24:31,765 - INFO - End destroy training processes

[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: total length: 3763

[Modelarts Service Log]Training end with return code: 1

[Modelarts Service Log]Training end at 2022-09-26-16:24:31

[Modelarts Service Log]Training completed.

2022/09/26 16:24:51 start uploading model

2022/09/26 16:24:51 file:train.log

2022/09/26 16:24:52 finish uploading model
